Spirit Guides

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Spirit Guides

Post by Stephys_cool » Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:40 am

this has been my current obsession. I've been talking to mine through the tarot deck and runes. When I ask her about herself she reflects my personality... how much do you know about spirit guides? Because this has sparked my interest.

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Post by symulhaque » Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:50 pm

thank you. stay with us.

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Post by Stephys_cool » Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:52 am

idk how...

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Post by symulhaque » Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:15 am

All you just have to do is that keep writing in this forum and we, your friends will get you. Thank you.

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Post by Stephys_cool » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:50 am

yeah I really need that... most humans don't understand me. They're too stuck in materialism. It breaks my heart yet it puts me against everyone. I try to be as accepting as possible. I just want to be understood. I don't get why this mysticism isn't normal to others. I'm so confused. It comes to me as common sense, why am I so misunderstood and why am I judged so strongly? I don't judge others... I don't shy away from them because I don't understand... that just makes me like them more.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:17 pm

It is wonderful to make a partnership/friend relationship with your spirit guides.  In this way, you can commune and just know their energy.  Personally, I don't bother with a name or id - and we might remember that when their job with you is through, they move on and another takes its place.  All are good and profitable relationships for both of you.  Some of the first people you will meet in your transition to spirit will be the guides that you so long to know more about.  Patience is good.  

I have written and tutored many courses in mediumship as well as spirituality/Spiritualism.  Spirit guides is often one of the big topics as it is such a personal relationship we develop.  With specific questions, we can help you learn more.

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Post by Stephys_cool » Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:22 am

that's pretty interesting

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Post by jounai » Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:36 pm

I feel like posting a reply to this, so I will. :) This is how I see this and this is how I got past the experience of being judged by other people.

First thing you have to realize is the only reason you experience their judgement as real and important is because you first judged yourself. For judgement energy to be felt in yourself you must first have created it in yourself. Go into yourself for the answer why you experience this so hard instead of going out into the world looking for answers. The only thing you may find, much like this reply from me to you, is pointers that tell you to look within. The answer to why you experience reality and other people like you do is ALWAYS within yourself.

I also had the experience of feeling heavily other people's energy of judgement and fear even though they rarely directed it at myself. It was when I started to look at my own thought patterns and beliefs that I really got anywhere with dealing with the problem. Yes, the problem is your own beliefs and definitions about yourself and the outer reality in general. If you define it to be full of judgement and hate that is what you will experience. The same way goes for love; if you define and belief in your heart and truly that reality is gentle and loving; it WILL be. There is nothing in the universe to stop you but yourself.

Now, I do understand that this can be very hard since I experienced that as well. This is why I can tell you with such certainty and clarity that what I say can be true for you as well. You just have to choose it and start moving in that direction energetically. What this means is very dependent on your current state of mind and energy. So ask yourself questions like "what can I do to be happy?" or "what is in the way for my love and joy?" and look within for the answers to reveal themselves. Don't try to figure this out mentally but let the reality show you what is what. You have to let go of the old way of being to create a new love based experience.

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Post by BHunter » Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:28 am

I met my spirit guide, in fact I think that he is a previous incarnation of me but I might be mistaken. I asked him questions about astral projection and how to fight evil entities. After we talked he gave me a sword, he said it belonged to me from many years ago and that if I used it against evil spiritual entities (daemons) they would defeat them. This happened as I was in the first stage of AP so I do take it as a real vision, I have tried to speak to him again on several occasions, and he answers me every once and a while. What does perplex me is that I am not sure exactly, what he is. Im not sure if he is a past incarnation, my higher self, or this spiritual guide (unless spirit guide = higher self). Well in the end the sword worked, and when I astral project I can kill any evil spirit I come across quickly instead of going back to my body and beginning my journey from scratch. As a side note I am very thankful that some likeminded people exist in this world, (thankyou internet). If you guys haven't dealt with malicious spirits yet, Im warning you, be prepared if you astral project or even if you build up your spiritual energy. Because malicious entities are like moths to a flame and when you stand out in the crowd that is humanity, they will come for you and you must be ready in heart and mind or they will influence your mind and try to take your body or your soul.

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Post by Stephys_cool » Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:11 am

Yeah I'm aware of the demons actually. I have seen them myself... well shadows. I never seen any actual demons. But they are black and cloaked and I know they're demons. I have had tons of experiences. I wont astraL PROJECt for that reason. Actually I use to slip out of my body numerous times.. often... and i would be freaking out trying to turn the light on but couldn't because i was astral projecting because i know that i can see these things in astral projections. i only left my body once on purpose and i jumped right back in. i took one look around and was like nope! ^%(* this! that whole night i had sleep paralysis like crazy but i'm like nope not going anywhere!! and i held on tight to meh body. ehehehe... i'm afraid of demons yet i want to fight them. that's pretty freaking cool though. dude. that these things are going on. i want to be apart of it so bad. but i'm going through something else. i'm just barely accepting odin as my god. he helped me today... :/ D: he has a lot of love. hey were both libra!! Oh and.. i'm heavily schizophrenic so i can't do anything crazy right now... if i were to ever be accepted with anything this great. :/ but im slowly healing it :O so i'm not as bad anymore. I just give it time like jounai said... u just gotta give it time. well i too have recognized this and the most popular rune i ever pull from the runes is "ISA" the rune of sillness and being frozen and not acting. well basically you just got to give it time. u know what u want u must allow the energy to attract it. it's all about patience. well after some time of experience... i finally accept the importance of patience and live life in contentment

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