My religious truth

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My religious truth

Post by BHunter » Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:47 pm

Every monotheistic religion is worshiping the same god

The #1 misunderstanding of the divine in the human race is that the gods of two different monotheistic religion are different gods (i.e Christian god vs Muslim god). Many cant see past their prophet's version of the truth. Millions died in the crusades where Christians and Muslims slaughtered each other in the name of a god that they both worshiped. Religious people can only see their prophets version of the divine truth, when in reality all of the true prophets that have been sent down to us throughout the ages have all been sent by the same god to bring the truth to the people. All worship is valid as long as you worship the one true god.

People improve their souls through reincarnation. Every life you go through is a test and a lesson. I came to this conclusion by thinking about why there is suffering in the world. If god has a plan for everyone, he has a plan for one man to succeed and one man to suffer. He has a plan for the lawyer who was born into a rich family just as much as the child soldier in Africa who was forced to leave his family at 8 years old. Why is it that one soul is blessed with opportunity while another soul is born into a life of suffering and sin? It is because those two souls must go through a life of opportunity and luck in the case of the lawyer or suffering and pain in the case of the soldier. Lets say that each soul has one chance to get it right, which is the doctrine of many religions. In that case, how is it in any way fair for the child soldier in Africa to be judged along side the lawyer who was born into millions of dollars. It is much easier for the man with great opportunity and wealth to be a good person, while the African child soldier was born into a life of crime and violence, before being forced to fight and kill.

That isn't fair whatsoever. If it is true that each soul is judged equally, how is it that they can be judged equally without equal testing conditions? The only way for souls to be judged equally is for souls to go through a multitude of lives. A multitude of lives where they face different challenges and different temptations, if the soul can overcome the challenges and the suffering and become good in a lifetime, they prove their moral fiber, if they fail to overcome whatever challenges they might face, they fail, but it doesn't mean doom for their soul, it means they have to learn. If one soul is corrupted by power in one lifetime, and that soul becomes cocky and arrogant, then perhaps in the next life they will be humbled by their lives. Perhaps they will be ugly, or stupid or powerless but either way the lesson given by god is that arrogance is bad and that being humble is a necessity to spiritual ascension.

That is how we improve ourselves. You have to have the courage to treat the world better then the world treated you. You have to overcome the emotional difficulties that may present themselves to you in your lifetime. You have to let go of your pain and suffering and realize that it is all part of a lesson and all part of a plan. That is the divine truth in my eyes. None of this is certain, it is only opinion, I don't present any facts, but if you think about it from a rational standpoint, this is the only logical way. When one soul is born into a living hell and becomes evil as a result, is it not the fault of his surroundings? People are built by their childhood experiences and surroundings, the millionaires son who becomes a lawyer has a much easier time being a good man then the child soldier who was born into a life of crime and violence. If I am wrong, and souls only have one life before being judged, the system is rigged, but I don't believe that, I believe in divine justice, which can only be done through reincarnation.

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my wooden nickel

Post by TheToadMan » Tue May 14, 2013 4:19 pm

The concept of reincarnation is a poor excuse to escape life to go to the next one.  I believe there was a translation problem with God... (finding my notes.....)
Here straight from my notes of inner self research....
God can have an error in a language like the Chineese do when translated to the English language. Or is it a concept where everything is a whole. "Do you want hot dog?"  The secret is.. it is all the same so why does it matter?  "I have man to help protect the castle"

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