Chakras, Heavens, Earth and Jyotish

Know your chakras, and learn more about chakra healing.

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Chakras, Heavens, Earth and Jyotish

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:27 pm

Jyotish, the framework of astrology as originating and practised in India has often been seen as many as a isolated discipline is indeed a perspective that encompasses many of the other disciplines such as metaphysical aspects, healing (ayurveda) and many others. Each, a stand-alone aspect of visualization of the total Human Experience that we sometimes call and see as a 'life-time'. Modern metaphysicists also call a life-time as a 'time for exploring and learning' and following a learning-plan, the indications of all of which are incorporated in one's sidereal astrological map. Since this is a sub-forum dedicated to what we call 'Chakras', nodes of light and sound and energy, I shall not want to go outside the accepted protocol other than pointing out that within jyotish framework there exists also the awareness and pointers to these incredible (to modern worldly minds) nodes of Energy!

In Indian languages, the horoscope is called 'kundali' which literally reminds one of a coiled snake. Although in its depictions:northern and southern and eastern, it does not resemble like a snake, but just like a continuum.

Different folks have 'visualized' the chakras in different ways, but the obvious and simpler way seems to be the organization of lower six chakras using the king and queen (father and mother) at the center and the planets and signs forming the chain of lower five chakras in their solar orbital natural order, as well as their places and roles and representations in the luni-solar royal family.

Love and Light,


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