Does my intuition work correct?

Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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Does my intuition work correct?

Post by xiyang » Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:51 am

Hello guys,

I wish Sam and classmates here still remember I did a reading for my friend shirley's coming wedding, and there is a reversed wheel of fourtune shows at future position.  I prefer to reserve something in mind regarding her relationship instead just speak out, however, this negative point is always stuck in my mind.

  I am very honour to be her bridemate, so last week we said we were going to downtown shopping for shoes, but I cannot go because my feet hurt me severely. Then today we have to go the dress store together to confirm the wedding dress for tomorrow, there is car accident happened to me on my way to the store! So damn! It is all other party's fault. But I cannot go with her again! It took me around 2 hours done the collision report.
   What I want to say is if my intuition working well? I just feel something or someone invisible are trying to hold me back to go with her wedding.  But anyway, tomorrow I have to dress up with her to complete the wedding. All the best to her.

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Post by samantha234 » Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:17 pm

Hi xiyang,
Do you believe in signs? That sometimes when you are on your spiritual path things come up to point you in another direction? I am a great believer in signs, i watch for them all the time!
By the signs that you have been experiencing, your spirit guide  is trying to tell you to back out! Your intuition is on target and for some reason known only to the universe you cannot be at that wedding! They are pretty strong signs! I would listen to your intuition and even though this may hurt your friend it has to be done, for your own sake! Do not ignore it, ok? :smt018  It is very important!
My intuition is telling me the same thing, that is why I am so strong about my point! I have learned the hard way to listen to my intuition. I care about you and this makes me nervous! :smt009
                                                             Don't be upset with me ,ok?

Posts: 54
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2006 2:56 am

Post by xiyang » Sun Aug 06, 2006 1:33 pm

Thank you Sam. I will not be upset with you, or anyone say something is not desirable at the point time, but it is honest.
I want to say I believe signs. It is hard to describe a definition or conception for Signs. It is spiritual thing expressing in different ways. Sometimes it shows up in my dream which forecasts things will happen in the future life, and I had that experience before, very strong and very true.


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