not sure what to call it

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not sure what to call it

Post by kaz22 » Sat May 11, 2013 8:57 am

last night i had a strange dream i cant tell it all but here the wosre part of it

there was something in my house and it had something to with nazis i had to find a ring but could find it then i a strang place like werehouse i found it i had to fight with two gurman nazi from ww2 but then when i got it i was back home and just in my room there was something there and it was pissed i fort with it and i had power that i dont have and said in the name of god be gone then there was a light that came from my hands and went though it, eny thing u can think of pla share thank you

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Post by TheToadMan » Tue May 14, 2013 5:02 pm

The big bad Nazi shows up.  I have this issue when I am doing my inner research.  The big bad Nazi shows up as a wall, so I have to stop for a few.  I can say that you have hit or broken through the envelope in your life and the Nazi was there first so "it" tries to discredit your glory or pride in your achievement or achievements.  

Think of the Matrix movie and Agent Smith showing up.  Agent Smith shows up because a human bent reality beyond what the normal was or was a superhuman achievement.  So just accept Agent Smith as a indicator of being a wall (or better yet a sandbox) for normal people to be in.  You broke past the barrier and it is a scare.
Watch this for entertainment about it....

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