Angel wings

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Angel wings

Post by Seraph » Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:08 am

Does anyone in here believes that some humans can have angel wings?  

P.S.  Please don't criticize me for being ridiculous.  I know some humans have angel wings already.  It's not a fantasy.  There are purposes for having the wings and it's definitely not for flying (we don't need wings to fly).  It's ok if you don't believe in this.

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Post by homan34 » Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:26 am

I don’t think that humans can have any angel wings. I haven’t seen any human with angel wings. So, I don’t believe in all that.

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Re: Angel wings

Post by Celestial » Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:12 pm

Seraph wrote:Does anyone in here believes that some humans can have angel wings?  

P.S.  Please don't criticize me for being ridiculous.  I know some humans have angel wings already.  It's not a fantasy.  There are purposes for having the wings and it's definitely not for flying (we don't need wings to fly).  It's ok if you don't believe in this.

Warm greetings, Seraph! You will definitely not get any criticism from me on this, quite to the contrary. That is a great question! I personally do believe humans can have "angel wings" but the wings I "see" are used metaphorically rather than as real, tangible, and touchable wings.

You see, people and angels are very distinct and different yet similar in many instances. Each has their own God-given characteristics and abilities. Angels are servants of God who were created by God to serve Him. So are we in both regards. Though some angels such as Lucifer chose to disobey God and go their own way due to free will choice that angels were also given by God but we all know where he ended up! He took many other angels along with him who have now converted into demons as a consequence of their disobedience.

So it is with people just as with angels in that we too are given free will by God to choose what we want to do in this life as well as the next. Some choose to obey Him thoroughly and live by His "golden rule" thus, they become as saints. Others do not, e.g., Hitler, and many others. God made the angels just a little bit above humans yet angels are purely spiritual beings and while we too are pure spirit in our underlying general make-up we are nevertheless having an experience currently on Earth that is physical before we can return to spirit of which we are and from whence we came.

As to the angel wings, I believe in that humans can do the wonderful work that God truly wants for them to do thus, they are often referred to as being a person that appears "angelic" or that they have "earned their wings" and they can even carry out those God-given duties most expeditiously which again appears to be done with great speed thus, with angel wings.

So, this is how I believe. However, angels have never had and will never have a human embodiment and humans cannot ever become angels either. God did not design us or the angels in that way. Angels are with us each and every moment of our life as our personal guardians and come only when summoned except in cases involving imminent danger when they can certainly intercede on our behalf at will. But humans have also been known to arrive at a place to assist one or others in great need with great speed thus, my belief that they have "angel wings" and again we see a similarity between the two great beings God created.

Thank you for this thought-provoking question and have a wonderful day with angels all around you as they truly are!

"For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." -- PSALM 91:11 (KJV)

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Post by Cyrenius » Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:21 pm

I don't know, maybe they are angels in human body, or maybe it's his/her angels wings

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Post by kaz22 » Mon May 06, 2013 7:03 pm

i for one know what u mean i have felt my wings as meny other people have my sholder bades feel strange and hevey then i felt the move i though i was going mad until my friend said she could my chout move and i was still

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Post by TheToadMan » Tue May 14, 2013 5:48 pm

Are they on the menu with ranch dressing?  "I'll take an order of extra hot wings with a large soda."

The wings are symbolic.  Bird wings....on a human being... in real life... maybe in costume.  The wings are suppose to be a transport...of course.. of course... transportation.. but for who? ...

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