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Post by samantha234 » Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:03 am

Hi Class!
I have a new assignment for you! It is in two parts! I would really appreciate it if you guys could  do two seperate readings for me! Also, will give you practice!
1st one: I am going for a divorce from my first husband after being seperated for 16 yrs! What advice would you give me?
 you may use any reading or deck you choose but the advice must be through the reading ! lol  This is an assignment after all!
See next topic for second reading!

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Post by swetha » Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:20 am

now this is getting diff!!! rhutobello... help me!!

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Post by samantha234 » Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:09 pm

sewtha, dear, don't worry about it! :smt007
no pressure, ok?
whenever your ready! :)

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Post by pranay » Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:11 pm

Samantha i dont know how to take a reading..... Can u teach me how to???????

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Post by samantha234 » Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:10 pm

Sure! You'll find the three card reading and the 21 card reading topics in the learn tarot reading forum! The meaning of the cards is in your software and on the rider-waite forum! So glad to have you aboard!
swetha, sorry about the typos! :smt102

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Post by nicnic » Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:10 am

Tuesday, 8 August 2006

A reading for Samantha

This time I chose the horseshoe spread, the question was in regards to you getting a divorce from your former husband and what advice can I give you. Well I must admit that I did find the question a bit hard however I have given it my best shot!

Position 1 – The Past

Although your relationship with your husband ended more than 16 years ago, this may have left you lacking in faith and with a sense of insecurity. You may have suffered a period of emotional stress that left you with a feeling that you had been let down and that life would be a struggle for you. It may have taken you a while to pick yourself up again after the separation.

Position 2 – Immediate Present

Well you have obviously reached a period in your life where things have started to  improve for you. There are many options opening now for you and despite disappointments in the past you are now moving into a phase of hope and optimism.

Position 3 – The Near Future

As this card is directly next to the star, I feel that you have no doubts whatsoever in what you want to do with your future plans. You have no emotional doubts about the impending divorce and you know that the time is now right for you to now cut the ties from your past completely.

Position 4 – Present/ What is surrounding you

There is a very loving man around you at this present time. He could be either a Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer. He is very much a family man who is giving you a lot of love and support. This could either be Warren or maybe a father figure that is giving you the emotional support that you need at this time.

Position 5 – Circumstances relevant to the question

It is time to put past events behind you and make a full commitment towards the future. Mistakes have been made in the past and you have learned from them.

Position 6 – Attitude

You are being very honest with yourself, your mind is now clear and you know that what you are about to do is for the best. Its funny that I should have drawn the queen here because she can also represent a divorced woman, so I would to you Samantha, the time is right, It is meant to be!

Position 7 – Outcome

This card is telling me that NOW is the time to take action. In other words proceed with the divorce and get things going as quick as possible. There could be a few troubles along the way but with this card being next to the Queen of Swords it will be nothing that you can’t handle. However I will say, just be cautious when dealing with others.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:41 am

Nice readings Carol :)  Seems like we have some of the same cards too :)
Here we go:
Reading for Samantha

Used Answer deck.

Past Card #One: Began with the past, the story begins.
Five of sword
I think this card tell about the end of your marrige and the time you took out seperation.
It tells that you felt defeted, you might have felt your husband like a selfish person and in a way lost your own itegrity.
It all had developed into hostillity ageinst each other and should you have a chanse seperation looks like the only way to move it over to a more posetive path.

Past Card #Two: This is the second card of your past.
Seven of sword.
After your seperation you did't get that uplift of your live that you had expected.
This can be due to high expertation, or the fact that you are still married and this stay back in your head.
This card can also suggest that you are fleeing someone or something. Are you trying to shirk responsibilities or avoid consequences for past actions?
Know that it is always best to face the inevitable. Giving in to sneakiness or avoidance will only make matters worse

Present Card #Three: Your present card begins.
King of Pentacles
Shall you be able to have a full and happy life it's time to start to take control.
You are a responsible person, that is reliable, stable and competent, you must only put your mind into it.
Use your resourses and your mind and you will be successful.
If you think it's time for a divorce, then go ahead, don't let anything stop you, you have had long enough thinking time.

Present Card #Four: Your second present card.
Prince of wand
Try to build your self-confident, be more daring. Show that you are a passionate person that still are attractive.
You don't need to be glamorous if you are charming, use this time to be adventurious.
Do something fun and spontaneous.

Future Card # Five: Your future card begins here.
Five of pentacles.
This card tells you to be aware.
It's ok to have fun, but have always in your mind King of pentacles who tell you to be both responsible and use your abillities.
To much "fun" and "adventure" can soon go over to hardship, poverty and poor health.
Show that you are stable.
Be sure to communicate your needs to others so that they will have the opportunity to help you if they can.

Future Card #6: Your future continues.
Prince of Cup
If you follow the advice form the king and prince, then you will experience a romantic time.
You will also see your whole life more in perspective; and it will be more beautiful and pleasurable.
It’s important to keep the balance and be tactfull.

Future Card #Seven: Your future continues with this card.
Seven of wand
It might be necessary for you to actively resist opposition.
You have the strength of character required to defend your position, or even to assert yourself for what you believe.
Be careful, however, to make sure that your cause is just, and worth fighting for.

Future Card #8: Your last future card.
Queen of sword

Always be honest to yourself and your surronding. Be candid to family and friends.
True your expirience you will cope and always try to be realistic about thing.
Are you seeing things the way they really area? Can you find humour in your circumstances?

OUTCOME Card #9: Your final outcome from this reading. In questions pertaining to time sequences, past-present-future becomes morning-afternoon-evening or beginning-middle-end.

King of Cup.

If you follow your abillities and the recomandations shown in the 8 card, then I believe your future will be better then the past and present.
Always try to be gentle and diplomatic. Show that you are compassionate; use your abillity as healer both on yourself and aother.
Be tolerant and serene. It's wise to ponder on imortant thing, don't jump on any idea that you aren't convinced of.

You have got 5 court card from 9; this indicate that people around you will have a strong influence on your future.
So be open, grab those posetive signs.
So I will end my reading with a wish for all the best for you Samantha.

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Thank You!

Post by samantha234 » Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:07 pm

Thank you both for a very positive reading! I, too, feel it is time to let the past go and make a new start! Both readings have given me hope!  I love you both! :smt007
                        Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
P.s. excellent format and presentation! :smt055

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Post by nicnic » Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:24 am

it was a pleasure reading for you Samantha and I will do your other reading for you tommorow.

Rhuetobello yours was a great reading too, how funny we got some of the same cards!!

So Samantha, who is the king of cups in your life??


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Post by xiyang » Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:44 pm

Spread: Big Cross
Question: How will Samantha deal with the divorce with her first husband?


1&2: impact from outside
3: The reason for the happening
4: solution
5: the final outcome

1--- Ace of pentacle
2--- The hermit
3—The start (-)
4—seven of pentacles (-)
5 – Knight of sword

You lost interest of your first marriage, or should say you choose to give up, coz the experience or existing path you and your husband running cannot make satisfaction to achieve the goal you expecting. You lost heart, and could not feel anything from the marriage.

You were spending a lot of time to figure out how you should release both parties from the marriage. Your wisdom instructed you to go with your inner silence. You withdrew yourself from the relationship, considered independently and along what you need to do, where you should go?

After a period time of serious consideration, you make the final decision and take action now, and you have solid foundation and passion to break the ice. Congratulations to you, Sam!

The advice or solution to your question Sam, …..ahhhh, my reading is let it go. The fruit (pentacles) are dropping from the tree as the card is reversed. They are already out of your control, so why not open your hands and let them go. It happens naturally, coz it is the time now. 

There is a young man around you giving you lots of support to make the decision. He is wisdom and sharp, passionate for fighting for your freedom.

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Post by samantha234 » Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:41 pm

thank you for the reading, excellent job!


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