When to move on?

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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When to move on?

Post by hellomoon » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:29 pm

Hi all,
I'm new to this site and crystal healing in general, but felt compelled to join as I am wondering about my relationship with one of my crystals?
I'd never used crystals before, but awoke one day with a strong feeling that I needed one, although i know that sounds odd. I spent my last few pounds on a rose quartz on my way to work and wore it under my clothes as a pendant.
Within a few days a long distance friend of mine (who I adored) contacted me and told me that he'd always been in love with me. We gave the relationship a go, flying to each other's countries as often as possible, as he'd recently moved overseas.
I found that whenever I charged or cleansed the rose quartz, which was always by moonlight, usually a new or full moon, there would be a significant development in my love life within the next 48 hours (talk of marriage for example, a flight ticket, or a beautiful encounter).
Unfortunately the relationship ended without explanation. I was more devastated than I have ever been, but used the crystal to ask for comfort, strength and understanding. Now I'm grateful for the experience I had and recognise how I have grown and developed as a result.
However I've noticed that my rose quartz is very, very faded, almost white now. It has a light crack and appears to have visible white 'veins' running through it. I'm still very fond of my crystal, but I wonder if it has finally 'expelled' all its energy, if such a thing is possible? Should I continue to use it or replace it? If the latter, how would I part with it in a repectful and grateful way?
Thank you in advance for any advice!

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Re: When to move on?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu May 30, 2013 1:32 am

hellomoon wrote:Hi all,
I'm new to this site and crystal healing in general, but felt compelled to join as I am wondering about my relationship with one of my crystals?
I'd never used crystals before, but awoke one day with a strong feeling that I needed one, although i know that sounds odd. I spent my last few pounds on a rose quartz on my way to work and wore it under my clothes as a pendant.
Within a few days a long distance friend of mine (who I adored) contacted me and told me that he'd always been in love with me. We gave the relationship a go, flying to each other's countries as often as possible, as he'd recently moved overseas.
I found that whenever I charged or cleansed the rose quartz, which was always by moonlight, usually a new or full moon, there would be a significant development in my love life within the next 48 hours (talk of marriage for example, a flight ticket, or a beautiful encounter).
Unfortunately the relationship ended without explanation. I was more devastated than I have ever been, but used the crystal to ask for comfort, strength and understanding. Now I'm grateful for the experience I had and recognise how I have grown and developed as a result.
However I've noticed that my rose quartz is very, very faded, almost white now. It has a light crack and appears to have visible white 'veins' running through it. I'm still very fond of my crystal, but I wonder if it has finally 'expelled' all its energy, if such a thing is possible? Should I continue to use it or replace it? If the latter, how would I part with it in a repectful and grateful way?
Thank you in advance for any advice!

To answer your second question first, let me reiterate what some chinese traditions recommend and teach. This one uses empowered objects, essentially blessed by and prepared by the Grand Master. The objects are made out of green and red jade and carnellian crystals.

Sometimes, the empowered object as they call the crystals break, or fade or crack and then they should be thanked from heart and soul for their service and blessings and then returned back to Mother Earth, in peace and full of gratitude but never with any selfish feeling of sorrow or personal loss!

The crystals arise out of the womb of Mother Earth and that is where they must be returned too with love, gratitude, respect and dignity for a job well done! Some say that Crystals have a karma too and they arrive to those with a similar pattern! It is almost like a synchronicity! A divine one. A mystical one.

Now to the first point! I too have found that rose quartz has some rather interesting functions and properties, in mystical sense. That crystal is a non-judgmental, unbiased (in mystical sense) part of Mother Earth. It is totally OPEN, spiritually! It reminds me of some astrological correlates or analogous symbols. But this is not the right place to delve further or deeper into that.

I hope my response is of some help, either to you or others. I apologize for my delay  in responding to your question from months ago. You may not even ever get to read this response of mine! :-)

Love Light and Sharing!


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