School, Driving, and Hurricane Sandy

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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School, Driving, and Hurricane Sandy

Post by carlymarie » Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:26 pm

Hi all, ive been having 3 reoccurring dreams for awhile now. I was hoping you guys could help me figure out what they mean.

First is a dream about school. Im still in high school, and earlier in the year I transferred from my old school to a cyber school. Since then, ive been having dreams where I go back to my old school and when I get home for the day, I keep asking my mother, can I just skip tomorrow and go back to cyber school? This has been going on since I left. I left the school because of bullying, so it wasnt a good experience to say the least.

Second is driving. Im a new driver, and for a new drive id say im pretty good. I have yet to hit any curbs. :p Well since before I even started driving, I would have dreams that im driving and I lose control of the car. Generally its the breaks that stop working. It always ends in a situation where the car crashes, or just keeps going. Theyre really more of nightmares than anything.

And third, Hurricane Sandy. For as long as I can remember me and my family vacationed every year at Seaside Heights, a town where Hurricane Sandy hit pretty bad. Ever since, ive been having dreams of us being there while or right after Sandy hits. No one is ever injured, but everything looks different, and were constantly put into dangerous situations such as a building collapsing, or a ride collapsing.

Any idea what these dreams could mean?

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Post by Rook » Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:12 am

Hi Carlymarie

Terribly sorry to hear about the bullying.  People can be so cruel.  Generally life does get better after high school, so hang in there!

I am not sure exactly what dream 1 is referring to.  Generally I associate schools to learning something.  But in your case my instinct is that perhaps you are struggling in some way with something at cyberschool?  And if that is the case the dream seems to be suggesting that what you are facing is better than the alternative - if you went back to your old school you would want to go back to cyberschool.  Whatever the difficulty is perhaps you need to persevere and see it through?

The second dream: In my experience dreams of cars almost always represent our path through life.  This might be why you had dreams about driving before you actually drove.  Not being able to brake would mean everything is moving fast, and trying to slow everything down isn't going to work (probably the speed of events happening is outside of your control).  You have to do something else to keep the car (your life path) from crashing.

The third dream: Big storms, it could be related to big emotional reactions, or else a "disaster" in your life.  The thing is that nothing is ever damaged.  This could be saying that it is not a physical disaster; or perhaps that the "disaster" is not as bad as you are imagining it to be.  That everything changes indicates to me perhaps you are viewing change in a negative light (as a disaster).  The buildings collapsing could equate to parts of your life; or paths (rides) ending.

Does any of this make any sense to you?

Sweet dreams,

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:06 pm

Dreams are very much about unresolved emotions from your conscious state.  That is why everything is done with symbols.  And you are a part of all the people, places, things that the symbols represent.

Dream 1:  You do not feel you have resolved the issues at the old school.  Emotionally the bullying was difficult to take, but perhaps it had a purpose to learn something in spirit.

Dream 2:  All vehicles represent ourselves.  You are feeling out of control and on a collision course with life.  Perhaps if you meditated and relaxed, youi would find the peace to just life and all its circumstances with a little adventure and calm.

Dream 3:  Coming through a disaster unscathed.  This means you have learned something and moved on.

All 3 dreams relate to your inner spirit and what it is learning to cope with through material experiences.  You are more in control of yourself than you give yourself credit for.  But dreams come up when you are feeling out of control.

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Post by carlymarie » Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:57 am

Thank you both, this really helped. Both of you made complete sense and were spot-on with it. Thank you guys. (:

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Post by MisterMarine0 » Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:23 am

I am going to look at your dream sequence as a doom day thing.
Protect your property the best you can.  Financial ruin may be in a decisive path so be careful.

I had a nightmare a few years back and it was about my car on the highway and it moved on its own.  I tried to stop it with my shear strength but the car moved off the road.  I woke up and found out that my car was towed that same night.  What a *bleep*

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