Stephy's Dream Diary <3

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Stephy's Dream Diary <3

Post by stephybabes92 » Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:22 pm

:smt005 Ahaaa so not to bore you all :smt012 but I've decided to keep an online diary here of the dreams I have because I have been having many dreams lately. :smt007 When I wake up I remember most of the details hence I thought I should record them. For privacy reasons any names of people that are in my dreams will be exchanged (unless they are people I don't know) and I should say feel free to add your thoughts about my dreams if you find them interesting or if you have any insights!
I'm going to start by writing about a couple of dreams that I've already had in the past few nights so these might not be as detailed as any new ones I record but this is just to start me off.

Stephanie :smt050 :smt051 x x x x x x x x

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Post by Rook » Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:31 pm

A good idea Steph. &nbsp;I like it.

Sweet dreams,

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Sunday 9th June 2013

Post by stephybabes92 » Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:35 pm

Pre-ramble: Please do not be offended by this dream as it does involve me killing a public figure. It is a crazy dream and does in no way reflect anything I wish to do in real life. Lol.

In my dream Bin Laden was still alive, still wanted, and still in hiding.

I was in Morrison's supermarket and I was at the chilled section where the chicken/beef/mince is, I think. Due to me being in the right place, at the right time, with the right tool, and the right luck, I managed to take out Bin Laden by shooting him (I think it was in the head). Now there were a lot of other people around to see this happen, but no-one could have killed him because they didn't have the same chance that I did.

Now, you know how in Hollywood there are stars on the floor on the boulevard for famous stars? Well they put a star similar to those on the floor in Morrisons exactly where I had killed Bin Laden. The star was basically acknowledging what I had done etc etc etc.

I noticed on the news that when they were reporting what had happened, they said another girl had killed him. I can't remember her name, I think it began with N, but they were giving her the credit and I was annoyed. I had been telling everyone I had came into contact with that I had killed Bin Laden and was quite proud that it was me who had done it.

But the news continued to refer to this girl as the one who had done it. Before anyone asks, there is nothing necessarily in my real life right now that I've done for someone and not been acknowledged for.

This was a strange dream but it felt so real. I had completely forgotten that in fact, Bin Laden is already dead as he was not dead in this dream.

The dream continued but unrelated to what happened previously, I remember I ended up in a situation of danger where someone wanted to harm me or someone close to me. And I remember getting in a jeep to be driven to a shop by a friend I have who lives in Spain, so I must have gone back to Spain for something. Once in the shop there was a guy who seemed to know me as well as my friend, but I sensed negativity like she was saying bad things to him about me.

Gosh this dream makes me sound like a whining baby who wants recognition. LOL.

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Post by Rook » Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:55 pm


The common theme here is the shop theme. &nbsp;This is where you obtain what you need. &nbsp;Bin Laden as the leader of a terror organisation could be symbolic of terror or fear. &nbsp;Shooting him would be overcoming this fear in this case, a significant achievement signified by the star.

I suspect the second dream is portraying a different scenario, or alternative. &nbsp;An important key here is that you are being driven here by someone else. &nbsp;You are not in control of this direction, but being influenced by others opinions / directions. &nbsp;More reflection on the Spaniard should shed more light on what the overall issue in the dream is. &nbsp;From the rest of the dream it sounds like being led by the others opinion will lead towards negative gossip about you.

I can't really fathom what the dream is about beyond this, I am definitely missing some keys that you might be able to dig up. &nbsp;The other person getting credit may be a clue - when you confront the fear it may be something that will be significant to you personally, but not recognised by others?

Those are my thoughts.


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Monday 10th June 2013

Post by stephybabes92 » Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:54 pm

Last night I had a dream that I was with some old school friends that I don't talk to anymore (or rather, they don't talk to me..) at a restaurant and I was landed with a massive bill because nobody would give the money they owed for their own dinner.

I ended up really worried and before I knew it, it was late at night, I had no chance of catching the last TRAIN to go home (trains again? well they are my main mode of transport..) and needed a lift from someone. Surprisingly I got one. From my ex friend's mum (who hates me in real life) and she was furious at me for some reason but drove me to the station in silence. I went to the wrong platform and saw her standing at the opposite platform as the train came in. She smiled at me genuinely and gave me a wave and the last train of the night was arriving into the platform so I ran to the other platform to catch this train and it was easy enough. On this train the woman became a totally different character, as she let go, got rid of her scowl and started behaving drunk which involved flirting with men.
Last edited by stephybabes92 on Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by stephybabes92 » Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:02 pm

Rook wrote:Steph

The common theme here is the shop theme.  This is where you obtain what you need.  Bin Laden as the leader of a terror organisation could be symbolic of terror or fear.  Shooting him would be overcoming this fear in this case, a significant achievement signified by the star.

Wow, interesting observation about Bin Laden representing fear. I also failed to notice that being in a shop was significant. Therefore do you think that fear exists in a place where I need to be free to receive what I need?

I suspect the second dream is portraying a different scenario, or alternative.  An important key here is that you are being driven here by someone else.  You are not in control of this direction, but being influenced by others opinions / directions.  More reflection on the Spaniard should shed more light on what the overall issue in the dream is.  From the rest of the dream it sounds like being led by the others opinion will lead towards negative gossip about you.

The Spaniard is a girl I still talk to quite alot, she is younger than me and very outspoken, confident and strong minded. I like her very much and admire her in some ways.

I can't really fathom what the dream is about beyond this, I am definitely missing some keys that you might be able to dig up.  The other person getting credit may be a clue - when you confront the fear it may be something that will be significant to you personally, but not recognised by others?

Yes that makes sense. I can't remember too much about the rest of the dream but I do remember that when the danger was around I was running in and out of flats/houses.

Those are my thoughts. Thankyou for your time and thoughts :smt007


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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:11 pm

Last night I had a dream that I was with some old school friends that I don't talk to anymore (or rather, they don't talk to me..) at a restaurant and I was landed with a massive bill because nobody would give the money they owed for their own dinner.

I ended up really worried and before I knew it, it was late at night, I had no chance of catching the last TRAIN to go home (trains again? well they are my main mode of transport..)

Trains in dreams can represent your lifes journey

and needed a lift from someone. Surprisingly I got one. From my ex friend's mum (who hates me in real life) and she was furious at me for some reason but drove me to the station in silence.

to dream that you are driving a car denotes your ambition, your drive and your ability to navigate from one stage of your life to another. however being the passenger, maybe you feel as if you are taking a passive role?? letting others influence your decisions??

I went to the wrong platform and saw her standing at the opposite platform as the train came in. She smiled at me genuinely and gave me a wave and the last train of the night was arriving into the platform so I ran to the other platform to catch this train and it was easy enough. On this train the woman became a totally different character, as she let go, got rid of her scowl and started behaving drunk which involved flirting with men

Trains representing your lifes journey, then being at the wrong platform, may represented that you felt your life was on the wrong track, which may have made you feel frustrated, to be shown the right train, and the feelings surrounding that decision, feels to me that you are now on the right track, .
Have you recently gone through a change in your mindset? are you feeling more confident in what you would like to do in your life?

Hope this helped somewhat, I hope you don't mind my thoughts on this but dreams fascinate me (I occasionally have the insight dreams like this -but mostly houses (inner self), but most of mine are about things that may happen)


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Post by stephybabes92 » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:31 pm

Spiritwhisperer wrote:
Last night I had a dream that I was with some old school friends that I don't talk to anymore (or rather, they don't talk to me..) at a restaurant and I was landed with a massive bill because nobody would give the money they owed for their own dinner.

I ended up really worried and before I knew it, it was late at night, I had no chance of catching the last TRAIN to go home (trains again? well they are my main mode of transport..)

Trains in dreams can represent your lifes journey

and needed a lift from someone. Surprisingly I got one. From my ex friend's mum (who hates me in real life) and she was furious at me for some reason but drove me to the station in silence.

to dream that you are driving a car denotes your ambition, your drive and your ability to navigate from one stage of your life to another. however being the passenger, maybe you feel as if you are taking a passive role?? letting others influence your decisions??

I went to the wrong platform and saw her standing at the opposite platform as the train came in. She smiled at me genuinely and gave me a wave and the last train of the night was arriving into the platform so I ran to the other platform to catch this train and it was easy enough. On this train the woman became a totally different character, as she let go, got rid of her scowl and started behaving drunk which involved flirting with men

Trains representing your lifes journey, then being at the wrong platform, may represented that you felt your life was on the wrong track, which may have made you feel frustrated, to be shown the right train, and the feelings surrounding that decision, feels to me that you are now on the right track, .
Have you recently gone through a change in your mindset? are you feeling more confident in what you would like to do in your life?

Hope this helped somewhat, I hope you don't mind my thoughts on this but dreams fascinate me (I occasionally have the insight dreams like this -but mostly houses (inner self), but most of mine are about things that may happen)

not at all, I thoroughly welcome your insight :-)
yes trains have been appearing a LOT in my dreams recently, with me usually struggling to get on them or missing them completely or worrying that I will miss them!

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Post by Rook » Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:14 am

When thinking about trains as symbols, and the association of vehicles with life path, I see trains as being fate/destiny related. &nbsp;We aren't in control of them, we hop on and off them but don't actually control them ourselves.

My trains are frequently related to career - especially when I was going through periods of hopping from one position to the next as I climbed the corporate ladder. &nbsp;That doesn't mean it is always related to career, but rather some area of our life that has great momentum and influence over our life path, but something we have little influence / control over (eg in my career I chose my position, but when in that position I don't have a great deal of control over what the duties of that position are). &nbsp;It could also be religion, what social group we hang out with. &nbsp;The clue to what the train is representing could probably be connected through analysing the ex-friend's mum and what she represents.

There is also the repeated symbol of complete change in direction, the train on the other side of the track. &nbsp;The ex-friends mum's complete reversal in character.

Not sure what that is referring to.

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Tuesday 11th June

Post by stephybabes92 » Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:25 am

Last night I had another dream involving my ex-friend. I went to her mum's house. (so, same woman from dream the other night). When I met the mum she said "OMG I haven't seen you in about 5 years, what a long time" and held my hands, continuing to ramble on and saying we should start afresh. I had the feeling that she sensed I was more mature, older and thus eligible for another chance. I was given a room to chill out in I think, or I needed to do something and a room was given to me. Note: In real life her mum and dad are now divorced (during our friendship they WERE together, but I heard they are now apart and the dad lives somewhere else).

Now this is going to sound so bad. But in the dream I decided I wanted to have..erm..."relations" with the guy (her dad). I heard that he might be popping by at some point and my friend plus her mum were no longer in the house so I was hoping he would come by. I saw a light coming from a room so I stormed in expecting to see him but it was her sister who was getting up to spy on me! So I retreated back to the room and never saw him in the dream. But what did happen was I was then talking online with my very first ex-boyfriend. I felt really drawn to him for some reason and now wanted relations of a sensual nature with him lol. He said to me "ohh I have a really tall girlfriend and she says -" and I interrupted him and said "I don't care what your girlfriend says, meet me!"

So yeah being a bit naughty in this dream.

Stephanie :smt084 x x x x x x x x

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Post by stephybabes92 » Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:32 am

Rook wrote:The clue to what the train is representing could probably be connected through analysing the ex-friend's mum and what she represents.

This woman has always had a bee in her bonnet about me, but with good reason as I was always trying to cause trouble in her house when I attended sleepovers there haha. I deliberately misbehaved there because she was so stern and easily annoyed and just...hateful of me that I found it amusing and so did my other friend. We just loved winding her up. That was a while back though and if I saw her nowadays I'd probably try and prove to her that I am a decent person and that I could get her to change her mind about me haha. But it's not like, something that I want to do particularly. So don't know why it's popping up in my dreams...

There is also the repeated symbol of complete change in direction, the train on the other side of the track.  The ex-friends mum's complete reversal in character.

Not sure what that is referring to.

I have been thinking about not going back to university, or at least delaying it, and working instead because I want to have some money for once. So could be referring to this. I have also been recently sacked from a brand new telesales job (along with my friends who also started at the same time) for simply not bringing in enough sales.

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Thursday 13th June

Post by stephybabes92 » Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:35 am

I did have a dream on Wed 12th June but I actually can't remember it hence the lack of post for that day.

In my dream last night, I was a school girl again as it seemed to be a "normal" morning of getting ready, talking to my dad, leaving the house and arriving at school. The morning consisted of no classes actually, just talking to my ex-friends. My ex-friends again? Why are they always in my dreams? It's not like I think about them during the day - I really don't!

So whilst talking to my ex-BEST friend, I suddenly realised the date. 9th January. My birthday! I couldn't believe I'd left the house and gone about my day totally oblivious to this fact, so I texted my dad saying "It's my birthday" and I felt a bit .. not annoyed but...wierd, that he hadn't remembered either.

When I got home from school I was expecting my mum to be there but she was "working late" and didn't get home until 9pm. With a bag of presents. Lol.

The first present was like, tablets for some wierd function, like trying to help you if you pee alot or something. Something I didn't need anyway lol.
There were a few other wierd & low-quality presents that it became obvious she had gone to a pharmacy for these presents lol!

There were a couple of DVD presents too, one was a massive collection of "good films". And I can't remember the rest of the presents.

I unwrapped them slowly and tried to give each one a due appreciation but my gran (dunno when she appeared lol) got a bit restless and annoyed and told me to hurry up. lol

Can't remember much after that, seems a bit foggy but I did end up in a theme park again with my mum. There was a previous dream of a theme park the other week, I went with a girl from my work who I'd just recently met.

Stephanie :smt051 x x x x x x x x x

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Post by Rook » Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:37 pm

I suspect the school could be representing a double meaning. &nbsp;It could be referencing some unresolved emotions or issues related to that particular time in your life, and quite possibly what made these friends into ex's. &nbsp;The school could also be referencing learning, hence something you have, or need to, learn.

The whole birthday episode indicates to me feelings of lacking in self-worth and not feeling particular special (ie "normal" - I could understand that in relation to the lost job - but probably more to it than that). &nbsp;This is not just from people outside of you but in self-recognition. &nbsp;Does that make any sense?

Also, going back to the previous dream about the trains and the ex-friend mum. &nbsp;I am wondering if she is representing two states that perhaps resulted in the change of direction? &nbsp;Namely that first was a situation of stern seriousness (university study?) but you have swapped sides and gone in a different path (drinking and boys; having fun; basically enjoying your youth?).

I am also curious about leaving university, what is it that made you decide to go to university in the first place, and why are you studying what you are studying?

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Post by stephybabes92 » Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:05 pm

Rook wrote:I suspect the school could be representing a double meaning.  It could be referencing some unresolved emotions or issues related to that particular time in your life, and quite possibly what made these friends into ex's.  The school could also be referencing learning, hence something you have, or need to, learn.

It could indeed be representing unresolved emotions as I am not completely 100% sure why these people have stopped talking to me whilst they continue to stay in touch with one another. It could just be the simple fact that I left one year earlier than they, which has in fact meant that they have all become closer during that extra year. But I think there's something more and I'm not entirely 100% sure what it is although I have an idea of what it could be to do with. I am going to message them on facebook just to lay the issue to rest then because if I don't I'm probably going to keep getting these dreams and it's annoying me now and making me feel crap.

The whole birthday episode indicates to me feelings of lacking in self-worth and not feeling particular special (ie "normal" - I could understand that in relation to the lost job - but probably more to it than that).  This is not just from people outside of you but in self-recognition.  Does that make any sense?

Yes that's what I was thinking as well. But self-worth is something that I have been working on for a long time and have managed to significantly improve.

Also, going back to the previous dream about the trains and the ex-friend mum.  I am wondering if she is representing two states that perhaps resulted in the change of direction?  Namely that first was a situation of stern seriousness (university study?) but you have swapped sides and gone in a different path (drinking and boys; having fun; basically enjoying your youth?).

I am also curious about leaving university, what is it that made you decide to go to university in the first place, and why are you studying what you are studying?

I study a business degree with Spanish and at the time I chose the degree (ie, about a year before I left school) it seemed perfect for me. I was pressured, or basically expected, to leave school at the time I did because my parents were paying for it and they had made it clear they weren't prepared to pay for an extra year. Their reasons were obviously to do with finances but also because I already had done very well in my exams that year so they didn't see a need for more study. But they did leave the choice of degree up to myself, I did the applications, I did everything necessary and was pretty much left to my own devices. I was only 16 when I started university and it was the worst time of my life, I felt lonely and scared so I left and came back the following year.
Upon returning things had improved because I got what I wanted, to come back a year older and wiser and also because I got to live in the halls of residence with other new students so I instantly had people in the same boat around me. The degree still seemed like a good choice to me until recently. About a year ago I realised that the reason I feel that I have learned nothing at university is because I haven't put my efforts in at all and I haven't particularly wanted to learn because none of it seemed of interest to me. I felt like I should have chosen something else along the lines of psychology but at this stage in the degree it's a waste to just chuck it and a waste of money (I have taken out loans etc).
So basically I'm about to go into my 5th year, the honours year. I technically already have a BA degree (3yr degree) and could potentially graduate if I wanted to but most companies require a full 5 year honour degree. I want to take some time out to work for a while and feel what it's like to have money in my pocket, the freedom to do what I want without borrowing money, because I'm sick of being a student and I don't know if I'm capable of performing well next year if I'm not even interested in it. I suppose I could try to create an interest in it again.
So yeah written quite a lot there but I guess it helps to know these things when trying to help someone interpret their innermost thoughts and feelings that have came out in the form of dreams. If that is indeed what these dreams are.

I should probably also mention I've lost the interest and motivation of gaining a graduate job, especially in business. My experience in life thus far has developed to a stage where I'm more interested in what life is really all about rather than material things. Hence why I'm on sites such as this, learning more about spirituality and such.

Stephanie x x x x x x x x

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Post by Rook » Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:58 am


Could the constant them of ex-friends be alluding to your feelings of loneliness in your new life as the university student? &nbsp;You stated that you were lonely and miserable - though now you are staying with people in a similar position as you at the student accomodation you don't have the established friendships you had previously? &nbsp;This makes sense to me; sort of addressing an inbalance between your social life and your student life. &nbsp;Perhaps you are studying too much and not socialising enough - which is contributing to your feelings of disillusionment with your degree.

Perhaps this is also contributing to your desire to ditch it all and pursue what "life is all about" and not the material things. &nbsp;A shift away from one extreme to the other extreme, where perhaps what you need is balance.

You are so close to getting your full degree, which would lead you to a better paying job, but you are getting cold feet and seeking to get some money in your pockets.

If I can talk from experience for a moment, I felt the same way in my final years of university, but pushed myself through it. &nbsp;Now I am pursuing a pretty good career, that lines my pockets and provides for my now substantial family. &nbsp;In comparison I have a friend who was also at university but dropped out. &nbsp;He had brains that boy, but he wanted to "be young while he was young". &nbsp;He too, now has a family, and he works at a pizza shop to make ends meet. &nbsp;He can't go back to Uni because he has to provide money, but if he had of followed it through he would be in a far better position financially. &nbsp;If that were me I would not be in a position now where I too will be able to work part time, study part time, and provide for my family. &nbsp;(I too want to pursue a qualification in psychology).

So my advice to you would be to see this last year through and get that piece of paper. &nbsp;Although the material things are not what life is all about, a good job can go a long way.

Also in regards to self-worth; as you may know being interested in psychology - often things that act upon us are unconscious - we are not aware of them. &nbsp;Is it possible that you are taking action to improve your feelings of self-worth at a conscious level, but perhaps not recognising the unconscious sources of these feelings?


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