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Re: Thank you all.

Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:45 pm

vivekvshetty wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote:A 'Thank you' to all three. I think what all three of you are saying is that life begets life and there is no clear demarcation as to where a new life begins and it is a series. If we retrace we will have to go right up to the start which is in the realm of speculation.  

What i meant to ask is what is this life, this unmistakable feeling of being alive and also feeling it throbbing and pulsating everywhere around us.

btw some Tantrics believe that originally there was only the female of the species and reproduction was parthenogenetic and it was only because of the danger of annihilation of the species in case of genetic mutation that the male evolved as an afterthought. The Male was to only intermix genetic material so that the species grows stronger by the survival of the fittest genes which evolved by this inter mingling.

My many other friends are missing in this discussion and i miss their presence.

Hi Vivek,

Just responded to Spiritwhishperer, before I read this post. Like you, I was also tuning into the same thing. That which is present in the body one moment before Death, but not there anymore, one moment after death!

What is *THAT* which most of us alive possess but not when the body dies!


Love and Light,

Rohiniranjan ji,
your question itself has the answer and i know that you know. present -  presence.
Yes but then life remains just an 'awareness' of *presence*. The question does not end there. How is this awareness introduced in the otherwise 'dead' body? When does "i" or 'I' becomes aware and what exactly is it. We kind of know that it leaves as soon as the body dies!

You have created a monster, Vivek ji <LOL>


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Re: Thank you all.

Post by vivekvshetty » Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:22 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote:A 'Thank you' to all three. I think what all three of you are saying is that life begets life and there is no clear demarcation as to where a new life begins and it is a series. If we retrace we will have to go right up to the start which is in the realm of speculation.  

What i meant to ask is what is this life, this unmistakable feeling of being alive and also feeling it throbbing and pulsating everywhere around us.

btw some Tantrics believe that originally there was only the female of the species and reproduction was parthenogenetic and it was only because of the danger of annihilation of the species in case of genetic mutation that the male evolved as an afterthought. The Male was to only intermix genetic material so that the species grows stronger by the survival of the fittest genes which evolved by this inter mingling.

My many other friends are missing in this discussion and i miss their presence.

Hi Vivek,

Just responded to Spiritwhishperer, before I read this post. Like you, I was also tuning into the same thing. That which is present in the body one moment before Death, but not there anymore, one moment after death!

What is *THAT* which most of us alive possess but not when the body dies!


Love and Light,

Rohiniranjan ji,
your question itself has the answer and i know that you know. present -  presence.
Yes but then life remains just an 'awareness' of *presence*. The question does not end there. How is this awareness introduced in the otherwise 'dead' body? When does "i" or 'I' becomes aware and what exactly is it. We kind of know that it leaves as soon as the body dies!

You have created a monster, Vivek ji <LOL>

Rohiniranjan ji,
exorcise it, only you can do it for you. A burning desire for it and it will happen and then only quiet. Now i guess it is time for me to add my definition and i will do so in the next post of mine.

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:57 pm

The infinite potential becoming the kinetic finite in the ever present here and now is life.

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Re: Life

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:49 pm

vivekvshetty wrote:The infinite potential becoming the kinetic finite in the ever present here and now is life.
Vivek ji,

That is a very good "description" of life and possibly the purpose of living or being alive, but your question was, "What is Life"

I think that still remains uncaptured!


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:29 pm

spiritalk wrote:We are made up of body, mind, spirit.  The spirit being the eternal part of us carrying the soul onward and upward.  So life, felt in the living body, is spirit.

Hi Spiritalk,

Beautiful! Life, felt in the body [by mind], is the spirit!

I hope you would not mind my square-bracketed insertion. Indeed without this thing that philosophers and metaphysicists called *mind* almost all becomes a blurr or dimmed-out as people who work with severe cases of dementia and similar states of consciousness report back.

Traditional metaphysicists and even metaphysical-divinatory disciplines insist that there is a tripod: Body, Mind, Spirit. Now Body (physical) is undoubtedly something distinctive because it is visible, examinable (through five senses and fancy machines etc) but the other two are not that distinguishable from one another!

I realize that in saying so, I may be moving away from 'conventions' that have conditioned us into thinking that by definition, this is where mind ends and spirit begins, but it is perhaps not so much mind and spirit but two compartments of AWARENESS that are both in the mind!

When body dies, a part of mind dies with it too while the rest of the essential departs and what happens to that is quite beyond this thread so I would not like to complicate matters! :-)

Actually, the physical does not completely die either, unless the person dying was the last descendant in his or her dynasty! Genes transmitted to next generations do keep the Physical part alive, though in a transmitted form!

So really, nothing completely dies! Except the INDIVIDUAL, whose body and part of mind dies, but the rest of the mind goes somewhere, becomes something else, and then returns back! And if astrology, particularly karmic astrology is correct, this higher mind retains the karmic-code (like genetic code!) and continues with its cycles of rebirths.

Those who do not accept or believe in rebirth would have different views and explanation of one and the same question! "What happens when we die and was our one lifetime only worth anything if someone remembers us or we do something notable or noticeable?

In that case, not just Mahatma Gandhi but Hitler, both of whom the world remembers with different emotions, had worthwhile lives!

That is a scary thought! Won't you all agree...?

Love, Light, Explorations,


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Re: Life

Post by vivekvshetty » Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:21 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote:The infinite potential becoming the kinetic finite in the ever present here and now is life.
Vivek ji,

That is a very good "description" of life and possibly the purpose of living or being alive, but your question was, "What is Life"

I think that still remains uncaptured!

THe word becoming is the key. Becoming- bhavana - bhava saagara &nbsp;- bhavaani - bhava taarini.


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Re: Life

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:19 pm

vivekvshetty wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote:The infinite potential becoming the kinetic finite in the ever present here and now is life.
Vivek ji,

That is a very good "description" of life and possibly the purpose of living or being alive, but your question was, "What is Life"

I think that still remains uncaptured!

THe word becoming is the key. Becoming- bhavana - bhava saagara  - bhavaani - bhava taarini.

Even *becoming* is about the outcome and experiencing of LIFE, but what exactly is the SPARK, the electricity that makes a body alive and stays unfathomed as long as the body lives, but is gone when the body is dead? :-)

Becoming, awarness, now(present-presence) are all very important experiential aspects of this mystical entity called LIFE (Life force, Elan Vitale, etc), but the question still remains: What is Life?

This could be a rhetorical question, I realize, but a crucial question, remaining unanswered, all the same!

Love and Light and Question?


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Re: Life

Post by vivekvshetty » Tue Jun 18, 2013 2:59 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote:The infinite potential becoming the kinetic finite in the ever present here and now is life.
Vivek ji,

That is a very good "description" of life and possibly the purpose of living or being alive, but your question was, "What is Life"

I think that still remains uncaptured!

THe word becoming is the key. Becoming- bhavana - bhava saagara  - bhavaani - bhava taarini.

Even *becoming* is about the outcome and experiencing of LIFE, but what exactly is the SPARK, the electricity that makes a body alive and stays unfathomed as long as the body lives, but is gone when the body is dead? :-)

Becoming, awarness, now(present-presence) are all very important experiential aspects of this mystical entity called LIFE (Life force, Elan Vitale, etc), but the question still remains: What is Life?

This could be a rhetorical question, I realize, but a crucial question, remaining unanswered, all the same!

Love and Light and Question?

Love and Lightening.


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Re: Life

Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:05 pm

vivekvshetty wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote:The infinite potential becoming the kinetic finite in the ever present here and now is life.
Vivek ji,

That is a very good "description" of life and possibly the purpose of living or being alive, but your question was, "What is Life"

I think that still remains uncaptured!

THe word becoming is the key. Becoming- bhavana - bhava saagara  - bhavaani - bhava taarini.

Even *becoming* is about the outcome and experiencing of LIFE, but what exactly is the SPARK, the electricity that makes a body alive and stays unfathomed as long as the body lives, but is gone when the body is dead? :-)

Becoming, awarness, now(present-presence) are all very important experiential aspects of this mystical entity called LIFE (Life force, Elan Vitale, etc), but the question still remains: What is Life?

This could be a rhetorical question, I realize, but a crucial question, remaining unanswered, all the same!

Love and Light and Question?

Love and Lightening.

You are right Vivek, we all have *milked* this topic enough already ;-)

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Life, Living and Dying... (IMPORTANT!)

Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:11 am

I must share this personal reality on this thread or MA will not be happy!

Back in 2006 in our Birthday MONTH when both Dadas were born, Early that month I received a phone-call (voice mail) from Bhabhi who was the first Elder Sister that entered my life and reality, in this lifetime! Ma was no more.

She was 90+ and no real shocking surprise, of course. It was coming, in the cards as divinators say! But it was a 'HIT' all the same! Little did I know what was coming ahead!

So I haul my caboose to Winterland and join in the protocols and REALITY of Death and what it brings to the remaining mortals, etc!

Relatives were all over the globe so Dada and Bhabhi had created room for MA's final good-bye or was that really the good-byes of the survivors?

MA (the BIG ONE!) had other plans in HER mind!

Her funeral was to be five days later when all who could, could arrive!

Each night that I slept upon arrival something forced me to think about her and cobble words together! It was a very strange and eerie feeling! But I complied! And pretty much like a puppet, rehearsed!

I was as much in a daze as anyone around, after the recent death in family.

On the 8th day when Ma's funeral was to be, Dada died in his sleep! He was the one that was going to deliver the memorial speech to MA! SHE prepared me well and I was told that I did a fine job!

I ended up doing that and again at his funeral!!

But WHAT was *THAT* that alerted me and forced me to prepare for the eventuality that I was not prepared for or even ready to accept, but YET I was READY? Thanks to MA!

THAT IS WHAT BOGGLES MY MIND and THAT I have always remained thankful for!

Love, Light, MA!


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Re: Life, Living and Dying... (IMPORTANT!)

Post by vivekvshetty » Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:47 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:I must share this personal reality on this thread or MA will not be happy!

Back in 2006 in our Birthday MONTH when both Dadas were born, Early that month I received a phone-call (voice mail) from Bhabhi who was the first Elder Sister that entered my life and reality, in this lifetime! Ma was no more.

She was 90+ and no real shocking surprise, of course. It was coming, in the cards as divinators say! But it was a 'HIT' all the same! Little did I know what was coming ahead!

So I haul my caboose to Winterland and join in the protocols and REALITY of Death and what it brings to the remaining mortals, etc!

Relatives were all over the globe so Dada and Bhabhi had created room for MA's final good-bye or was that really the good-byes of the survivors?

MA (the BIG ONE!) had other plans in HER mind!

Her funeral was to be five days later when all who could, could arrive!

Each night that I slept upon arrival something forced me to think about her and cobble words together! It was a very strange and eerie feeling! But I complied! And pretty much like a puppet, rehearsed!

I was as much in a daze as anyone around, after the recent death in family.

On the 8th day when Ma's funeral was to be, Dada died in his sleep! He was the one that was going to deliver the memorial speech to MA! SHE prepared me well and I was told that I did a fine job!

I ended up doing that and again at his funeral!!

But WHAT was *THAT* that alerted me and forced me to prepare for the eventuality that I was not prepared for or even ready to accept, but YET I was READY? Thanks to MA!

THAT IS WHAT BOGGLES MY MIND and THAT I have always remained thankful for!

Love, Light, MA!

Thank you Rohini ji for sharing this very personal part of your life, not only the event but also more importantly the 'THAT'. That is something which every person must have experienced sometimes in this lifetime and would always remain thankful.
Sometimes something just takes over. If only it would happen all the time.


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Re: Life, Living and Dying... (IMPORTANT!)

Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:14 am

vivekvshetty wrote:

Thank you Rohini ji for sharing this very personal part of your life, not only the event but also more importantly the 'THAT'. That is something which every person must have experienced sometimes in this lifetime and would always remain thankful.
Sometimes something just takes over. If only it would happen all the time.

Thank you, you are very gracious, Vivek!

In my personal experience, THAT has arrived a few times at very crucial and formative moments, or I should say well before those moments! When I got attuned into Reiki and began practicing Wuji-Gong (a subsect of Chi disciplines), THAT became a bit clearer.

I sometimes wish it would help me in my astrological work and cut down on the elbow grease that I need to expend, but I am not greedy! :-)

Love and Light!


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Re: Life, Living and Dying... (IMPORTANT!)

Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:45 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote:

Thank you Rohini ji for sharing this very personal part of your life, not only the event but also more importantly the 'THAT'. That is something which every person must have experienced sometimes in this lifetime and would always remain thankful.
Sometimes something just takes over. If only it would happen all the time.

Thank you, you are very gracious, Vivek!

In my personal experience, THAT has arrived a few times at very crucial and formative moments, or I should say well before those moments! When I got attuned into Reiki and began practicing Wuji-Gong (a subsect of Chi disciplines), THAT became a bit clearer.

I sometimes wish it would help me in my astrological work and cut down on the elbow grease that I need to expend, but I am not greedy! :-)

Love and Light!

Sri Aurobindo

Too seldom is the shadow of what must come
Cast in an instant on the secret sense
Which feels the shock of the invisible,
And seldom in the few who answer give
The mighty process of the cosmic Will
Communicates its image to our sight,
Identifying the world's mind with ours.
Our range is fixed within the crowded arc
Of what we observe and touch and thought can guess
And rarely dawns the light of the Unknown
Waking in us the prophet and the seer.
The outward and the immediate are our field,
The dead past is our background and support;
Mind keeps the soul prisoner, we are slaves to our acts;
We cannot free our gaze to reach wisdom's sun.
Inheritor of the brief animal mind,
Man, still a child in Nature's mighty hands,
In the succession of the moments lives;
To a changing present is his narrow right;
His memory stares back at a phantom past,
The future flees before him as he moves;
He sees imagined garments, not a face.
Armed with a limited precarious strength,
He saves his fruits of work from adverse chance.
A struggling ignorance is his wisdom's mate:
He waits to see the consequence of his acts,
He waits to weigh the certitude of his thoughts,
He knows not what he shall achieve or when;
He knows not whether at last he shall survive,
Or end like the mastodon and the sloth
And perish from the earth where he was king.
He is ignorant of the meaning of his life,
He is ignorant of his high and splendid fate.
Only the Immortals on their deathless heights
Dwelling beyond the walls of Time and Space,
Masters of living, free from the bonds of Thought,

Who are overseers of Fate and Chance and Will
And experts of the theorem of world-need,
Can see the Idea, the Might that change Time's course,
Come maned with light from undiscovered worlds,
Hear, while the world toils on with its deep blind heart,
The galloping hooves of the unforeseen event,
Bearing the superhuman Rider, near
And, impassive to earth's din and startled cry,
Return to the silence of the hills of God;
As lightning leaps, as thunder sweeps, they pass
And leave their mark on the trampled breast of Life.

- Savitri, pp. 53-54.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:34 am

*THAT* creative moment!
When we embrace (and thank it?) with an *AHA!*, personal and original...
Suddenly, in the hum-drum web of math or precision...
We are reminded of REALITY?
As the *STORY* unfolds, right before our eyes...
Unravels perhaps rather than *unfolds*
The former implies understanding, the latter reminiscent of *Destiny*
Perhaps, a little of BOTH, BOTH ultimately children of DESTINY?
But was it not an act of Free-Will, a choice, a decision, once...?
If only we could remember who or what we were, or WHEN...
Before we let out our first wail, and OUR LOVED-ONES rejoiced!

Each 'AHA' merely a rebirth, those of us who do embrace it -- thus and so!
Gratefully, gracefully, for those who so do, it becomes tomorrow's destiny,
Or simply a rejuvenation of a personal promise
That we once made...(?)
To OUR very own SELVES, ERE forgotten but were THEY?
The mountain seems familiar, even if the PATH may seem so new...
Why this JOURNEY, is where the OLD question arises and A-NEW!

Love, Light, Curiosity=explorations...!

Rohiniranjan ;-)

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sat Jun 29, 2013 1:24 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:*THAT* creative moment!
When we embrace (and thank it?) with an *AHA!*, personal and original...
Suddenly, in the hum-drum web of math or precision...
We are reminded of REALITY?
As the *STORY* unfolds, right before our eyes...
Unravels perhaps rather than *unfolds*
The former implies understanding, the latter reminiscent of *Destiny*
Perhaps, a little of BOTH, BOTH ultimately children of DESTINY?
But was it not an act of Free-Will, a choice, a decision, once...?
If only we could remember who or what we were, or WHEN...
Before we let out our first wail, and OUR LOVED-ONES rejoiced!

Each 'AHA' merely a rebirth, those of us who do embrace it -- thus and so!
Gratefully, gracefully, for those who so do, it becomes tomorrow's destiny,
Or simply a rejuvenation of a personal promise
That we once made...(?)
To OUR very own SELVES, ERE forgotten but were THEY?
The mountain seems familiar, even if the PATH may seem so new...
Why this JOURNEY, is where the OLD question arises and A-NEW!

Love, Light, Curiosity=explorations...!

Rohiniranjan ;-)
A 'AHA' and ofcourse WHA! WHA! too.

The 'AHA' does bring out poetry, But let us not stop at 'THAT'.


Reminded me of an incident in Nisargadutta Maharaaj's life.
sometimes after he experienced the big 'AHA' he began writing poems and bhajans (Abhanga as it is called in Marathi - a loaded word!), when his Guru Siddharaameshwar Maharaaj got to know about it, the chela was asked to throw all his outpourings into a well and stop composing any new ones.
Nisargadutta ofcourse did not think twice and did his Guru's bidding. &nbsp;


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