pic reading please?

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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pic reading please?

Post by jamers » Wed May 29, 2013 3:03 am

hi, if anyone has time can I get a pic reading please?  
Thank you

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Post by jamers » Wed May 29, 2013 3:13 am

lol might be helpful if I actually attached a photo, huh? lol


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Post by Birdy » Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:44 am

Hi I am not a regular reader I am just practicing. I feel like you are playful and have dreams of seeing the world.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:00 am

Based on the time of the photo there is a dreamy quality about you.  You were unfocused and not ready to meet too many of the challenges of life.  But life was moving on and a lot of opportunities have certainly entered your life since May.  This has been a year of a lot happening in the garden of your life.  It is important to decide what you want to keep and what can be pulled out.  

When things started moving there was not time for the dreamy quality.  It was time to 'pull up your sleeves and dig in'  and it did not leave time to think about what you were doing or accomplishing.  

Reflection time is soon.  Then you can decide if the path is right, the focus on cue and where you are going as a prosperous life.  Just because an opportunity enters your life, you do not have to act upon it.  So decide from the many opportunities available what you really want to do.  Your mind has been scattered and the universe is having quite a job presenting you with your own wishes.  You are going to have to be proactive in this process.  

Decide what you want and then allow the universe to supply it.  God answers all prayers.  Even though some may be 'no' it does not mean something better is not available.  Your best good is in the hands of love and God.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:00 am

Based on the time of the photo there is a dreamy quality about you.  You were unfocused and not ready to meet too many of the challenges of life.  But life was moving on and a lot of opportunities have certainly entered your life since May.  This has been a year of a lot happening in the garden of your life.  It is important to decide what you want to keep and what can be weeded out.  

When things started moving there was not time for the dreamy quality.  It was time to 'pull up your sleeves and dig in'  and it did not leave time to think about what you were doing or accomplishing.  

Reflection time is soon.  Then you can decide if the path is right, the focus on cue and where you are going as a prosperous life.  Just because an opportunity enters your life, you do not have to act upon it.  So decide from the many opportunities available what you really want to do.  Your mind has been scattered and the universe is having quite a job presenting you with your own wishes.  You are going to have to be proactive in this process.  

Decide what you want and then allow the universe to supply it.  God answers all prayers.  Even though some may be 'no' it does not mean something better is not available.  Your best good is in the hands of love and God.

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Post by jamers » Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:42 pm

I am so sorry I haven't replied sooner!!

Birdy, you are right on! I'm a huge dreamer and I love to travel and hope one day to see some parts of the world....like the safaris of Africa.  I am playful when I allow myself out of my head lol.  If that makes sense?

Spiritalk....where do I even begin with yours! lol  You are absolutely right!  When the picture was taken I was finishing college and there were opportunities that came about and some of them I did try to go after but they didn't work out.  I had been very unfocused of what I really want....all I knew is that I wanted to work with wild animals (any kind) in a zoo.  Right now, I'm kind of that point where I'm trying to figure out exactly what I want and how to even get there.  I feel very stagnant in life right now and have decided to do everything in my power to have enough money saved so I can move a bit south of where i'm at now and by the ocean.  Once i'm there I'm going to look into volunteering at a wildlife rehab center (this is what I really wanted to do before I got into the zoo program).  The zoo program kind of detoured me away from thinking about wildlife rehab but my heart is going back to that because I really enjoy healing animals and trying to comfort their souls but at the same time I like seeing them in their natural habitat too.  So if I can make a living at that ...that would be awesome but there are no actual jobs taking care of an animal this way....just volunteer work.  But if I don't have a zoo job yet and I may never have one at least I can help them by volunteering while working at my normal job.  I believe what you said is absolutely true!  I definitely have to get my mind focused on something! lol  Right now my focus is on just moving and starting to volunteer at the rehab and go from there.  I've applied to a lot of zoos and haven't heard any kind of response from them.  this has been going on for about a little over a year now so getting a zoo job at this moment doesn't seem promising but at the same time I can't just keep sitting around waiting for something that may never happen.  I have kept telling myself not to move location because the money I have set up is for when I get that zoo job and have to move to whatever city/state.  I'm just tired of being stagnant.  I do believe there is an animal job out there for me but just maybe not at this time or i'm not looking in the right places for the opportunities that your talking about.  

Thanks so much to the both of you for reading the pic!! :)

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Post by jamers » Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:31 pm

spiritalk wrote:Based on the time of the photo there is a dreamy quality about you.  You were unfocused and not ready to meet too many of the challenges of life.  But life was moving on and a lot of opportunities have certainly entered your life since May.  This has been a year of a lot happening in the garden of your life.  It is important to decide what you want to keep and what can be pulled out.  

When things started moving there was not time for the dreamy quality.  It was time to 'pull up your sleeves and dig in'  and it did not leave time to think about what you were doing or accomplishing.  

Reflection time is soon.  Then you can decide if the path is right, the focus on cue and where you are going as a prosperous life.  Just because an opportunity enters your life, you do not have to act upon it.  So decide from the many opportunities available what you really want to do.  Your mind has been scattered and the universe is having quite a job presenting you with your own wishes.  You are going to have to be proactive in this process.  

I just had to turn down an offer that just came up!! The first one that has ever came up in over a year!! I almost took it but I remembered what you had said and my gut feeling was definitely telling me no.  I am definitely more focused on what I want at the moment so crossing my fingers and sending up prayers that other opportunities will come up that I will want with all my heart.  

Decide what you want and then allow the universe to supply it.  God answers all prayers.  Even though some may be 'no' it does not mean something better is not available.  Your best good is in the hands of love and God.

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