High pitched Sound

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:19 am

To my dear friend here :)

That happened to a friend and I, we both have cordless phone and picked up these strange noises, could hear voices occasionally, then as we focused we realised it was the sound of washing up being done.Just distorted by the cross wires.

I occasionally know if there is spirits around and if they have message, I will get a buzz in one ear, but there is other sensations with it,  so it isn't an isolated buzz when they are around, and the noise differs from that of the high pitch ring that came from the phone,  If that makes any sense, :)

So maybe to know,  feel with your senses.

I understand  EoT suggestion about electric fields, I have taken more notice lately,  and have noticed how certain places affect my personal shield more or not and how much electricity would be around,  shopping centres, compared to outside for example (away from power lines). All makes for interesting thoughts to think about :)

Blessings to all

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It just gets curiouser and curiouser

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:05 am

Whatever the high pitched sound turns out to be our senses are in some way involved.

One important question is as to whether it is the senses of our physical bodies, or those of our spiritual bodies which are receiving this apparent auditory information.

Or whether as I suspect it could be due to an interaction of one with the other, and perhaps also with external electrical fields.

It just gets curiouser and curiouser.
'Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:20 am

My sharing is simple. I got attuned to Reiki back in 1995. My child had been going through a series of ear-infections and nearly continuous courses of antibiotics and approaching the point when modern medicine was all gung-ho and ready to stick in the *tube*!

Just then, by serendipity reiki (yes, I had heard about it since a few years before that and heard the claims and blah blah blah!) showed up! As reality!

Got the level I training and went full steam on my first case! Several days, weeks, months later we realized that a CHANGE had taken place already!

Further training and volunteering at a global healing network ensued, to pay not so much DUES, but my RESPECT.

Then came a stronger course in the fundamental lifeforce known as KI, CHI, PRANA!

This one was more physical! At least for me!! Nosebleeds and that eerie sensation of numbness and as if a 'cobweb was brushing against my shoulder!' Days before the actual training! And the training session was even more revealing! About myself and others surrounding!

Like here, there and elsewhere!

Love and Light!


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To Rohiniranjan

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:28 am

To Rohiniranjan,

Your sharing may be simple from your viewpoint, but I feel that it is at the same time very profound, and based upon extensive personal experience with spiritual disciplines and principles, and founded upon sound moral values.

I always welcome your contributions to any of these discussions as I know that they come straight from your heart, and not as so often happens on forums like this one, only from a book or a website.

Plus you have an exceptional gift for explaining very complex matters in a way which most people can easily understand, and you do it in a manner which does not make the person feel that you are patronizing or forcing them to accept everything which you say as being necessarily the only way or the unquestionable truth.

I wanted to let you know how much I and many of the other members appreciate your wisdom and kindness on these forums, and I thought that it was long past the time when our feelings about you as a valued member of this spiritual community should remain hidden.

Through people like yourself this discussion thread as well as others are evolving into something significantly deeper and more sacred than would normally be expected, based upon the original question alone.

Not only does this diplomatic approach often draw information from other areas of spiritual knowledge which might have seemed to be unrelated up until now and build upon our accumulated understanding of Spirit, but it also draws us closer together as human beings because we feel that we are among friends, and do not have to therefore feel embarrassed if we do not know all the answers.

Please continue to feel free to add your own ideas and experiences and constructive criticisms to our discussions, wherever and whenever you are attracted towards doing this. When we learn from each other in a mutual atmosphere of friendliness and caring and co-operation, our knowledge and understanding increases far beyond anything which is possible from the pages of a dusty old book.

Blessings 2U my friend,

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:02 am

Thank you very much, my kind brother of Light, Love and Bigger Reality!
I missed reading this kind blessing from your heart until this moment!!

MIND is the only link between the realm of the flesh (3D world, worldly, material world, the one in which we live (unless we are monks or renunciates! I am not.) and the realm that is spiritual. If by good fortune (good karma) it is properly tuned and trained (hard work!) and so on, the I/O interface works well!

I was reading this morning, Jane Roberts' (SETH's) The Nature of Your Personal Reality and in it Jane had touched upon her view and opinion and experience about channeling, entities, Spiritual Guides, Angels, Personal Angels and so on. Maybe I liked it because the concept makes sense! None of us are I or (I) or (i) or i! Each of us is a CONSORTIUM of many realms and realizations, it would seem!

Some of these 'realizations and realities' get experienced as entities and some as Entities, both OUTSIDE of us!

Godly, as too Devilish!

Perhaps BOTH are part of each of us, perhaps we are part of THE COIN OF TOTALITY, and only vacillate from one face to another of the ONE COIN!

Love and Light,


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Post by peach » Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:28 pm

This has always been interesting to me.  I have experienced high pitch sounds since I was younger.  Sometimes in the left ear, someone in the right or sometimes it seems like I lose hearing in both my ears for a short period of time. To me, I usually experienced this when something bad was going to happen.  Kind of like a warning.  Always rang in my left rear when something unfortunate was coming up. I lost touch with my spiritualism for a few years and it seemed like I never heard the sound.  Recently I got back into practicing and noticed the high pitch sounds were happening more frequently...needless to say it hasn't been a fun couple of months for me. I was never good at determining what the warning was for but knew that I didn't have much time before something was going to happen.  It always make me anxious because I know something is going to happen but I don't know what where and when... can you really prevent things from happening or do you just have to ride the waves.?

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Sun Nov 10 2013 3 28 pm

Post by RandalllaxoBe » Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:44 pm

Nice pix
I would just like the sun to come out from behind the rain clouds
It only comes out when i am away from home

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Could you please make this clearer?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:15 pm

Hello friend,

Sorry but your link is not allowed to be posted on our forums, and has been removed from your profile for that reason.

I am not sure what the weather has to do with this discussion on high pitched sounds of possible psychic origin..

Do you only feel depressed when you are at home, and are using the improved weather as a symbol of your depression going away when you are no longer at home?

Is this a call for help?

Please feel free to answer these questions for me through a private message, if you do not wish to discuss this on the open forum.

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Brian  :smt017

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