Depression and astrology.

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Depression and astrology.

Post by » Sat Oct 05, 2013 3:38 pm

Depression and astrology.
Astrology of depression the depressed state of mind.

Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behaviour  feelings and sense of well-being. Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worried,helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, hurt, or restless. They may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable, experience loss of appetite or overeating, have problems concentrating, remembering details, or making decisions, and may contemplate or attempt suicide. Insomnia, excessive, fatigue, loss of energy, or aches, pains, or digestive problems that are resistant to treatment may also be present.
Depression is very common now a day. Everyone experiences depression and stress in his life. But we soon come out from this state due to our thinking process and efforts. It becomes a serious matter if depression punches very often and we become the victim of it. Tendency of getting depression can also be located in a horoscope.
Depressed mood is not necessarily a psychiatric disorder. It may be a normal reaction to certain life events, a symptom of some medical conditions, or a side effect of some drugs or medical treatments. Depressed mood is also a primary or associated feature of certain psychiatric syndromes such as clinical depression.

Life events and changes that may precipitate depressed mood include childbirth, menopause, financial difficulties, job problems, loss of a loved one/family member or friend, natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. relationship troubles, separation, bereavement and catastrophic injury.

There are four astrological signs which are inherently prone to depression - Scorpio, Capricorn, Gemini and Sagittarius.  These signs tend to express their problems through the symbol of depression in their own particular mode.

Astrological significators of Psychiatric Problems:

Moon is mind and mercury rules nerves, intelligence and communications and  capabilities controlled by the brain.
Saturn-Liz Greene calls Saturn "the membrane which separates the personal  unconscious    from the  collective unconscious".
Saturn has a natural rulership over places and conditions that are cold, dark,  oppressive, or  defined through weakness, decay or hard physical labour. It is the  lord of winter, the enemy of  the Sun, the symbol for the authoritarian father or the  unswerving law caster who cares less  about the spirit of personal morality than  obedience to structures that serve a collective  purpose. Saturn calls for loss, denial  and sacrifice wherever our immediate ego-driven  interests conflict with wider needs  or our own future evolution. As the 'Grim Reaper' Saturn  appears only to be  concerned with bringing denial to our hopes and expectations,

First as it rules head.
The fourth it rules mental peace and is sukh sthaan
Fifth rules intelligence and emotions.
Sixth diseases and nerves, psychiatric problems, nervous breakdowns etc.
Significant Signs:Cancer and Leo.
Depression: the fifth house
Emotional Peace: the fifth and Moon
Mental Peace: the fourth and Moon
Nervous Control: the sixth and Mercury
General Karaka (significator) for the fifth: Jupiter
General Karaka (significator) for the fourth: Moon and Venus
Combust mercury- Is indicator of mental and nervous disorders

Mercury(the analytical ability) in affliction combustion etc causes anxiety leading to depression, nervous breakdowns, hypertension, and insomnia.
The third house and Mercury rule mental growth.
The third house and Mars rule initiatives.
The fourth house rules the power to comprehend and is indicative of mental peace.
Fifth house means intelligence, emotional setup, and passion
Weak and afflicted planets connected to third, fourth, 5th and sixth house may result in mental maladies  for the native, and  can lead to anything from anxiety and depression, in severe cases to full blown manic episodes.
Both the sixth house and Mercury rule nervous control, which also factors into consideration when assessing determinants for anxiety.
As per ayur vedic astrology 5th lord or 8th lord are responsible for chitta roga or diseases due to brain damage.

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Re: Depression and astrology.

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:09 am

"Depression can mimic any and all illnesses", one of my professors always used to maintain and insist. The zeal and conviction with which he used to express that really impressed me. Over the years, I have seen his words as ringing very true. As an observer, as a supervisor, as a subordinate, and definitely as an internet astrologer and in the community, society etc, I have witnessed many shades of this label, "depression", the worst form of which and pathological has been poetically described as, "The dark night of soul!"

Raman (BV) has rightly pointed out in one of his very lucid and helpful books, that sadly have been maligned by some and in some circles, hastily for a variety of reasons, that the fourth house deals with AFFECT (and by extension: affective illness).

Before we read further, I would like to clear the air, not so much for Sandhu ji, with whom I feel a strong inner link even though we have not had personal communications for many years etc, but for onlookers (serious and well-meaning as well as *otherwise*!). My addition to this thread must not even for one moment be misinterpreted as a rebuttal or questioning of what Sandhuji shared but simply as additional notes on the topic!

Moon is indeed a key-note! Lo and behold, it is the significator of the 4th house and in Jyotish, deemed to be a KEY astrological indicator. So when moon is weak in strength or quality, and additionally mal-influenced by functional malefics, mental aberrations become more likely, including the arguably the most prevalent one: Depression in its various shades and manifestations, often as other diseases! One minor point. Sandhuji stated that depression is on the rise. I think what is happening is that a large number of folks who would have suffered in silence in past decades, society now encourages to come forward and that is true for many others diseases too, from what I heard! Underreporting is not the same as low prevalence or incidence.

Back to astrological perspective, increasingly I am becoming more and more impressed by what in passing was mentioned as kemadruma yoga! It can be an early warning sign, that with his permission, I would like to append to our good friend, Sandhuji's list.

Love and Light,


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Re: Depression and astrology.

Post by RishiRahul » Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:24 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:"Depression can mimic any and all illnesses", one of my professors always used to maintain and insist. The zeal and conviction with which he used to express that really impressed me. Over the years, I have seen his words as ringing very true. As an observer, as a supervisor, as a subordinate, and definitely as an internet astrologer and in the community, society etc, I have witnessed many shades of this label, "depression", the worst form of which and pathological has been poetically described as, "The dark night of soul!"

Raman (BV) has rightly pointed out in one of his very lucid and helpful books, that sadly have been maligned by some and in some circles, hastily for a variety of reasons, that the fourth house deals with AFFECT (and by extension: affective illness).

Before we read further, I would like to clear the air, not so much for Sandhu ji, with whom I feel a strong inner link even though we have not had personal communications for many years etc, but for onlookers (serious and well-meaning as well as *otherwise*!). My addition to this thread must not even for one moment be misinterpreted as a rebuttal or questioning of what Sandhuji shared but simply as additional notes on the topic!

Moon is indeed a key-note! Lo and behold, it is the significator of the 4th house and in Jyotish, deemed to be a KEY astrological indicator. So when moon is weak in strength or quality, and additionally mal-influenced by functional malefics, mental aberrations become more likely, including the arguably the most prevalent one: Depression in its various shades and manifestations, often as other diseases! One minor point. Sandhuji stated that depression is on the rise. I think what is happening is that a large number of folks who would have suffered in silence in past decades, society now encourages to come forward and that is true for many others diseases too, from what I heard! Underreporting is not the same as low prevalence or incidence.

Back to astrological perspective, increasingly I am becoming more and more impressed by what in passing was mentioned as kemadruma yoga! It can be an early warning sign, that with his permission, I would like to append to our good friend, Sandhuji's list.

Love and Light,


You hit the nail on the head! Dada [RRji (patented)].


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Re: Depression and astrology.

Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:56 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:"Depression can mimic any and all illnesses", one of my professors always used to maintain and insist. The zeal and conviction with which he used to express that really impressed me. Over the years, I have seen his words as ringing very true. As an observer, as a supervisor, as a subordinate, and definitely as an internet astrologer and in the community, society etc, I have witnessed many shades of this label, "depression", the worst form of which and pathological has been poetically described as, "The dark night of soul!"

Raman (BV) has rightly pointed out in one of his very lucid and helpful books, that sadly have been maligned by some and in some circles, hastily for a variety of reasons, that the fourth house deals with AFFECT (and by extension: affective illness).

Before we read further, I would like to clear the air, not so much for Sandhu ji, with whom I feel a strong inner link even though we have not had personal communications for many years etc, but for onlookers (serious and well-meaning as well as *otherwise*!). My addition to this thread must not even for one moment be misinterpreted as a rebuttal or questioning of what Sandhuji shared but simply as additional notes on the topic!

Moon is indeed a key-note! Lo and behold, it is the significator of the 4th house and in Jyotish, deemed to be a KEY astrological indicator. So when moon is weak in strength or quality, and additionally mal-influenced by functional malefics, mental aberrations become more likely, including the arguably the most prevalent one: Depression in its various shades and manifestations, often as other diseases! One minor point. Sandhuji stated that depression is on the rise. I think what is happening is that a large number of folks who would have suffered in silence in past decades, society now encourages to come forward and that is true for many others diseases too, from what I heard! Underreporting is not the same as low prevalence or incidence.

Back to astrological perspective, increasingly I am becoming more and more impressed by what in passing was mentioned as kemadruma yoga! It can be an early warning sign, that with his permission, I would like to append to our good friend, Sandhuji's list.

Love and Light,


You hit the nail on the head! Dada [RRji (patented)].

HAHA! As long as it is not my head!!

Love and Light,


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Re: Depression and astrology.

Post by RishiRahul » Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:34 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:"Depression can mimic any and all illnesses", one of my professors always used to maintain and insist. The zeal and conviction with which he used to express that really impressed me. Over the years, I have seen his words as ringing very true. As an observer, as a supervisor, as a subordinate, and definitely as an internet astrologer and in the community, society etc, I have witnessed many shades of this label, "depression", the worst form of which and pathological has been poetically described as, "The dark night of soul!"

Raman (BV) has rightly pointed out in one of his very lucid and helpful books, that sadly have been maligned by some and in some circles, hastily for a variety of reasons, that the fourth house deals with AFFECT (and by extension: affective illness).

Before we read further, I would like to clear the air, not so much for Sandhu ji, with whom I feel a strong inner link even though we have not had personal communications for many years etc, but for onlookers (serious and well-meaning as well as *otherwise*!). My addition to this thread must not even for one moment be misinterpreted as a rebuttal or questioning of what Sandhuji shared but simply as additional notes on the topic!

Moon is indeed a key-note! Lo and behold, it is the significator of the 4th house and in Jyotish, deemed to be a KEY astrological indicator. So when moon is weak in strength or quality, and additionally mal-influenced by functional malefics, mental aberrations become more likely, including the arguably the most prevalent one: Depression in its various shades and manifestations, often as other diseases! One minor point. Sandhuji stated that depression is on the rise. I think what is happening is that a large number of folks who would have suffered in silence in past decades, society now encourages to come forward and that is true for many others diseases too, from what I heard! Underreporting is not the same as low prevalence or incidence.

Back to astrological perspective, increasingly I am becoming more and more impressed by what in passing was mentioned as kemadruma yoga! It can be an early warning sign, that with his permission, I would like to append to our good friend, Sandhuji's list.

Love and Light,


You hit the nail on the head! Dada [RRji (patented)].

HAHA! As long as it is not my head!!

Love and Light,


Not mine too.

I think besides moon afflicted by graha drishtis, specially saturn can cause depression; but adverse rasi drishtis can make natives depressives by natue.

Of course with rasi & graha drishtis ( both adverse cmay give worse scenarios.
Just a thought.

Any charts to check?


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Re: Depression and astrology.

Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:51 pm

RishiRahul wrote:...
Any charts to check?

Sure, rabbit pulled out of the hat (no! Joking!)

dec 14, 1946
22:39 h EST
Manhattan, New York


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Re: Depression and astrology.

Post by RishiRahul » Wed Oct 09, 2013 5:08 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:...
Any charts to check?

Sure, rabbit pulled out of the hat (no! Joking!)

dec 14, 1946
22:39 h EST
Manhattan, New York

exalted moon (with rudra qualities) with Rahu, gulika, mandi & ketu affliction & venus aspect.
rasi drishti by saturn, jupiter, mercury, mars??!!


Seems sexuality has been strongly affected his mind in his life.

The grahas in one side of the nodes& moon, venus with the nodes= an active/challenging  personal life situations affected his mind.

I would say strong ' highs & lows' of depression & the opposite.

I have seen that Rahu conjunct moon, particularly in closer degrees makes the person react to depressions... get hyper sometimes.

(I would always look at the palm here for a clear perspective... but maybe that's not possible)


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Re: Depression and astrology.

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:11 am

RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:...
Any charts to check?

Sure, rabbit pulled out of the hat (no! Joking!)

dec 14, 1946
22:39 h EST
Manhattan, New York

exalted moon (with rudra qualities) with Rahu, gulika, mandi & ketu affliction & venus aspect.
rasi drishti by saturn, jupiter, mercury, mars??!!


Seems sexuality has been strongly affected his mind in his life.

The grahas in one side of the nodes& moon, venus with the nodes= an active/challenging  personal life situations affected his mind.

I would say strong ' highs & lows' of depression & the opposite.

I have seen that Rahu conjunct moon, particularly in closer degrees makes the person react to depressions... get hyper sometimes.

(I would always look at the palm here for a clear perspective... but maybe that's not possible)

She was clinically diagnosed with manic-depressive illness at a young age and was under clinical care. A very beautiful woman who despite a stormy childhood and an alcoholic father and a mother that had many problems too. The nativity was very productive and considered pretty good in her field.

Don't have the palm print etc.

I did not compare with the list of requirements for depression discussed here. There are now so many of those indications that I am hoping something should fit!,_Patty
I first saw her in early 80s and it was one of our favourite TV serials: ... TV_series)

Love and Light,


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Re: Depression and astrology.

Post by RishiRahul » Wed Oct 09, 2013 1:17 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:...
Any charts to check?

Sure, rabbit pulled out of the hat (no! Joking!)

dec 14, 1946
22:39 h EST
Manhattan, New York

exalted moon (with rudra qualities) with Rahu, gulika, mandi & ketu affliction & venus aspect.
rasi drishti by saturn, jupiter, mercury, mars??!!


Seems sexuality has been strongly affected his mind in his life.

The grahas in one side of the nodes& moon, venus with the nodes= an active/challenging  personal life situations affected his mind.

I would say strong ' highs & lows' of depression & the opposite.

I have seen that Rahu conjunct moon, particularly in closer degrees makes the person react to depressions... get hyper sometimes.

(I would always look at the palm here for a clear perspective... but maybe that's not possible)

She was clinically diagnosed with manic-depressive illness at a young age and was under clinical care. A very beautiful woman who despite a stormy childhood and an alcoholic father and a mother that had many problems too. The nativity was very productive and considered pretty good in her field.

Don't have the palm print etc.

I did not compare with the list of requirements for depression discussed here. There are now so many of those indications that I am hoping something should fit!,_Patty
I first saw her in early 80s and it was one of our favourite TV serials: ... TV_series)

Love and Light,


OOps! I casted a wrong chart & analysed above.

Actually my conviction is that good rasi drishtis to the moon makes it inherently stable.

Here (the chart recasted as Leo lagna with moon) there is a rasi drishti of Jupiter & venus on moon.
Her being connected to music And or loving it "could" also have a connection to this rasi drishti.

There is no direct aspect of graha drishti on moon, sani is posited in karkat rasi.
I would not like to look for other indications in D charts for more stuff, but just stick to rasi. Rasi should be enough here.

So regarding the rasi & graha drishti on moon idea it clicks here.

Hope I got the chart right this time  :smt003

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Re: Depression and astrology.

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:38 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:...
Any charts to check?

Sure, rabbit pulled out of the hat (no! Joking!)

dec 14, 1946
22:39 h EST
Manhattan, New York

exalted moon (with rudra qualities) with Rahu, gulika, mandi & ketu affliction & venus aspect.
rasi drishti by saturn, jupiter, mercury, mars??!!


Seems sexuality has been strongly affected his mind in his life.

The grahas in one side of the nodes& moon, venus with the nodes= an active/challenging  personal life situations affected his mind.

I would say strong ' highs & lows' of depression & the opposite.

I have seen that Rahu conjunct moon, particularly in closer degrees makes the person react to depressions... get hyper sometimes.

(I would always look at the palm here for a clear perspective... but maybe that's not possible)

She was clinically diagnosed with manic-depressive illness at a young age and was under clinical care. A very beautiful woman who despite a stormy childhood and an alcoholic father and a mother that had many problems too. The nativity was very productive and considered pretty good in her field.

Don't have the palm print etc.

I did not compare with the list of requirements for depression discussed here. There are now so many of those indications that I am hoping something should fit!,_Patty
I first saw her in early 80s and it was one of our favourite TV serials: ... TV_series)

Love and Light,


OOps! I casted a wrong chart & analysed above.

Actually my conviction is that good rasi drishtis to the moon makes it inherently stable.

Here (the chart recasted as Leo lagna with moon) there is a rasi drishti of Jupiter & venus on moon.
Her being connected to music And or loving it "could" also have a connection to this rasi drishti.

There is no direct aspect of graha drishti on moon, sani is posited in karkat rasi.
I would not like to look for other indications in D charts for more stuff, but just stick to rasi. Rasi should be enough here.

So regarding the rasi & graha drishti on moon idea it clicks here.

Hope I got the chart right this time  :smt003

That happens, Rishi, from times to time! ;-)
I have a somewhat different configuration: Neither my moon receives a full (parashari) aspect from any planet, nor does it fully aspect any planet in the chart. The only rashi sambandha it has is with venus that is bhratrikaraka. I am very fond of my brothers, but we have been separated by geographical distances for long periods (years) and so in a day-to-day manner were never influencing or influenced by one another to a significant extent. But we did spend quality time, whenever possible. However, the dispositor of moon has full parashari aspect on venus. I have had many very challenging moments and periods (lasting months to years) in my life (like many other persons by my age and circumstances etc! Nothing special or all that different, that way). Never really felt excessively sad or depressed, clinically or otherwise. Not bragging, but simply Grateful to MA for everything She decided for me to experience, and learn from!

But this is a case study about Pretty Patty, and not about astro-vivisecting (still alive so post-mortem would be a wrong term) RRji! Right? ;-)

Love and Light,


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Re: Depression and astrology.

Post by RishiRahul » Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:06 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:...
Any charts to check?

Sure, rabbit pulled out of the hat (no! Joking!)

dec 14, 1946
22:39 h EST
Manhattan, New York

exalted moon (with rudra qualities) with Rahu, gulika, mandi & ketu affliction & venus aspect.
rasi drishti by saturn, jupiter, mercury, mars??!!


Seems sexuality has been strongly affected his mind in his life.

The grahas in one side of the nodes& moon, venus with the nodes= an active/challenging  personal life situations affected his mind.

I would say strong ' highs & lows' of depression & the opposite.

I have seen that Rahu conjunct moon, particularly in closer degrees makes the person react to depressions... get hyper sometimes.

(I would always look at the palm here for a clear perspective... but maybe that's not possible)

She was clinically diagnosed with manic-depressive illness at a young age and was under clinical care. A very beautiful woman who despite a stormy childhood and an alcoholic father and a mother that had many problems too. The nativity was very productive and considered pretty good in her field.

Don't have the palm print etc.

I did not compare with the list of requirements for depression discussed here. There are now so many of those indications that I am hoping something should fit!,_Patty
I first saw her in early 80s and it was one of our favourite TV serials: ... TV_series)

Love and Light,


OOps! I casted a wrong chart & analysed above.

Actually my conviction is that good rasi drishtis to the moon makes it inherently stable.

Here (the chart recasted as Leo lagna with moon) there is a rasi drishti of Jupiter & venus on moon.
Her being connected to music And or loving it "could" also have a connection to this rasi drishti.

There is no direct aspect of graha drishti on moon, sani is posited in karkat rasi.
I would not like to look for other indications in D charts for more stuff, but just stick to rasi. Rasi should be enough here.

So regarding the rasi & graha drishti on moon idea it clicks here.

Hope I got the chart right this time  :smt003

That happens, Rishi, from times to time! ;-)
I have a somewhat different configuration: Neither my moon receives a full (parashari) aspect from any planet, nor does it fully aspect any planet in the chart. The only rashi sambandha it has is with venus that is bhratrikaraka. I am very fond of my brothers, but we have been separated by geographical distances for long periods (years) and so in a day-to-day manner were never influencing or influenced by one another to a significant extent. But we did spend quality time, whenever possible. However, the dispositor of moon has full parashari aspect on venus. I have had many very challenging moments and periods (lasting months to years) in my life (like many other persons by my age and circumstances etc! Nothing special or all that different, that way). Never really felt excessively sad or depressed, clinically or otherwise. Not bragging, but simply Grateful to MA for everything She decided for me to experience, and learn from!

But this is a case study about Pretty Patty, and not about astro-vivisecting (still alive so post-mortem would be a wrong term) RRji! Right? ;-)

Love and Light,


Dear Dada,

Rasi drishti of jupiter & venus show inherent (consistent permanent) optimism, and pathos respectively.

Your somewhat details help to confirm.
Venus shows love, art, literature with "pathos".
May be the brother and or advisor feeling is permanent too.
If you check the lordships of venus better clues could be got.

rasi drishti on moon by Venus or Jupiter or both show optimism of different nature.
Saturn would show a calm , cool thinking depending on the state of saturn.
I wonder?!

:smt020 ............. :smt020



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Re: Depression and astrology.

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:51 pm

RishiRahul wrote: ...<TRUNCATED>...

Dear Dada,

Rasi drishti of jupiter & venus show inherent (consistent permanent) optimism, and pathos respectively.

Your somewhat details help to confirm.
Venus shows love, art, literature with "pathos".
May be the brother and or advisor feeling is permanent too.
If you check the lordships of venus better clues could be got.

rasi drishti on moon by Venus or Jupiter or both show optimism of different nature.
Saturn would show a calm , cool thinking depending on the state of saturn.
I wonder?!

:smt020 ............. :smt020


*Brother*, I did not mean to dis-tract you! &nbsp;:smt004
Hopefully, it is a temporary condition! <LOL>
Now back to Pretty Patty...!

I am having so much fun <TRUNCATING> long threads today (on other forums) that I could not help doing it here too! Very habit-forming! In a good sense!! &nbsp;:smt003


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Post by Jayashree Ravi » Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:00 am


If you want data for depression analysis, I can give my chart for example. (Oct 31st, 1971, 2:35 PM, Chennai, India). Although I am not an astrologer, I have been given analysis by some and besides I have read through various fora on astrological implications of mental illnesses. Based on that, I have concluded that my Moon associated with Mandi and placed in Saturn's nakshatra, with Saturn being retrograde and neecha in Aries navamsa indicates mental illness. I've had 1 episode of major depression, several less severe episodes and 1 major attack of panic disorder so far.

I apologize for any incorrect review given above.


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Post by RishiRahul » Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:00 pm

Jayashree Ravi wrote:Namaste,

If you want data for depression analysis, I can give my chart for example. (Oct 31st, 1971, 2:35 PM, Chennai, India). Although I am not an astrologer, I have been given analysis by some and besides I have read through various fora on astrological implications of mental illnesses. Based on that, I have concluded that my Moon associated with Mandi and placed in Saturn's nakshatra, with Saturn being retrograde and neecha in Aries navamsa indicates mental illness. I've had 1 episode of major depression, several less severe episodes and 1 major attack of panic disorder so far.

I apologize for any incorrect review given above.

We should think of depression as a mental state, often temporary in many people.

But when the depressive state repeats often times like an illness it becomes more continous/repetitive, affecting normal ,day to day, mundane functions.

Would you agree? or do you have some other definition?


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:24 am

RishiRahul wrote:
Jayashree Ravi wrote:Namaste,

If you want data for depression analysis, I can give my chart for example. (Oct 31st, 1971, 2:35 PM, Chennai, India). Although I am not an astrologer, I have been given analysis by some and besides I have read through various fora on astrological implications of mental illnesses. Based on that, I have concluded that my Moon associated with Mandi and placed in Saturn's nakshatra, with Saturn being retrograde and neecha in Aries navamsa indicates mental illness. I've had 1 episode of major depression, several less severe episodes and 1 major attack of panic disorder so far.

I apologize for any incorrect review given above.

We should think of depression as a mental state, often temporary in many people.

But when the depressive state repeats often times like an illness it becomes more continous/repetitive, affecting normal ,day to day, mundane functions.

Would you agree? or do you have some other definition?

Please let me caution everybody since many are reading our exchanges here. Depression is a rather loosely utilized term these days. Firstly there is sadness and bouts of sadness which many people feel, generally when reacting to a loss (life, job, partner, etc); sadness is the right term for these very normal states. Then there is a state which is more malicious but still the person can function with a lot of compensatory effort. Then there is the psychotic extent requiring hospitalization, stronger medication etc. Manic states and hypomanic state (person may seem elated, overactive, careless in spending etc. These are serious and more incapacitating variants which require professional care!

Quite separate from these are certain people with what I believe is called cyclothymic persons having mood swings hyper some day, in the dumps the other day. While very incovenient if the person is related or worse your supervisor or even subordinate! Astrologers usually associate this with moon and its afflictions, but this is anecdotal, so please do not run with it.

Depression is a serious situation and must be paid heed to. It causes a strain on healthcare system, productivity at work, friends, family and the person him or herself, and not necessarily in this order as listed here!

In this wonderful, special and most powerful lunar phase, may the Grace of Benevolent MAs bless all who are suffering!

Love and Light and Wishes,


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