Kidney Operation ._.

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Kidney Operation ._.

Post by Ch1cK012 » Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:04 pm

Last night I had this really weird dream...

My best friend and I were at our old school, just chatting, when this random guy showed up (he looked like some kind of back alley doctor slash hobo) and he grabbed my best friend from behind. I pulled my friend out of his grasp (she also just so happens to be the girl I'm in love with) and instead he grabbed me and started stabbing me with this needle, injecting me with some unknown substance. He let me go and I fell to the ground in agony, and as I was slowly losing consciousness, I saw him running away from my friend as she was collapsing to the ground. Just before I lost consciousness I saw my boyfriend walk towards me, he walked straight to me and squeezed my hand, and then I passed out.

When I woke up I was in the emergency room, I freaked out because I was disoriented and I wanted to know what happened o my friend. My mom was there and said that she had died, but that I need both of my kidneys replaced because I had kidney failure. The doctor said that whatever I was injected with made my type 1 diabetes worse (I'm a type 1 diabetic) and have to go into surgery immediately or die.

I got back into my bed and the doctor injected me with this white milky stuff (which is probably the anesthetic). I fell into a half sleep, and I could feel them cutting into my skin and taking out my kidneys and then I blacked out again. When I woke up I realized that I was in no pain, but when i opened up my gown there were these two HUGE stitched wounds that stretched from my pelvis to the sides of my hips. When I looked up I saw my mom and she kind of pulled me towards and pushed me out into the hallway and said that I should walk because I "have to go".

I know this is so very random, but it was such an intense and upsetting dream. I was wondering if anyone here maybe has any idea what this could mean? even just the part about the random guy stabbing me and my friend and then the sudden kidney operation  :smt107

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:31 am

Some of your hidden fears playing out.  Its amazing that when we are living in fear, we dream fear situations.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:51 am

To dream of your kidneys represent a need for cleansing.

Dreaming of kidneys means your physical and spiritual being needs a thorough cleansing.

If you are feeling ill or undertaking unknown toxins in your diet, the kidneys dream is your warning to re-evaluate the situations and change.

A life saving kidney operation in a dream often means that the need for cleansing of your physical and spiritual being is more urgent and extreme than that of the average person.

Food for thought?

EoT    :smt017

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Post by Rook » Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:58 am


I find the hoboe-doctor link really interesting.  I once had a dream that a hoboe stabbed my brother in the shoulder.  It turns out that morning that a doctor removed a mole from his shoulder right where I dreamt he had been stabbed.

But thats not to say that the hoboe represents an actual doctor in this instance.

What I do see is that, initially the dream is set at a school, a place of learning.  I think this points to there being a lesson in this dream, or perhaps it is related to a "life lesson" that you are learning / need to learn.

It also involves the main player in your dream, your best friend.  I suspect it is a lesson revolving around her, and perhaps your boyfriend who approaches before you pass out at the school?  When you say you are in love with her is that romantic love or a different kind of love?

Could it be related to the relationship involving these two?  Or your relationship with her and how you both relate to men in your lives as well?

The hoboe could potentially relate to men (unknown man representing men in general - especially if you see men as 'dirty' hence a hoboe) and sex (the needle being injected into you).  It could also relate to habits such as drinking alcohol or taking drugs that effect your conscious state - not saying you do this but it is potential given your age is generally the age of experimentation, and a tough year could potentially lead to such experimentation.  

The experience - given your latter part of the post - has left you with no physical pain but you are scarred because of it.  Your actual mother or perhaps your inner mother figure is pushing you to "get over it and move on".

Does that make any sense?


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