Can Crystals Make Me Sick?

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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Can Crystals Make Me Sick?

Post by imu-tv » Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:27 pm


So I am new to crystals and my wife has been ordering quite a few over the last week or so. We got some in yesterday (I would have to call her to see exactly what they are) and ever since we got them I have felt like I had the flu.

The same thing happend last week when she got another batch, within 12 hours of getting them I felt like death. It lasted about 36 hours. I have that same feeling again now.

We have cleansed them. Could the crystals be causing this? If so, what does it mean since my wife feels fine?


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Post by RossBusby » Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:14 pm

I have a few hypothesis as to why, I'm curious to see what the community agrees/disagrees with. When you read these, see what ones feel like they resonate in you as a Truth.

1. The stones could have residual energy,  which is you sick. Even if they are cleansed the energy could still be residing in your home, or even to yourself. I'd suggest cleansing the whole house and yourself.

2. A medicine man once told me that crystals (quartz in this story) are amplifiers and they will amplify both the good and bad characteristics within you. Having the 'bad' characteristics being influenced in you isn't bad itself, but can cause a struggle. It can also give energy to other 'bad' energy in the room, in yourself (like a dormant virus/bacteria/infection). Again, this isn't bad itself, as with the bad energies now present and available, you can choose how to approach the situation.

2a. With amplified 'bad' characteristics, they will be easier for your 'good' characteristics to notice and if you want to correct them it will be easier to see what areas to work on in your life. Now, with the 'bad' characteristics surfacing, this illness could be related to a spiritual purging. The crystals may be compacting the spiritual/energy blocks and illnesses together, so that the crystal can also pull this lump of gross energy and gunk out all at once; see how you feel beyond the immediate illness, like a spiritual/energetic bubbling or retching, a giant gross fluid throughout your body. Try to get as descriptive as you can about the symptoms, as you can understand what your body/energy is doing to the illness.

3. I've heard of some crystals having (for a lack of better words) anti-vibrational state for some people. Essentially, the crystals vibration is either opposite in a negative way, or it is so close to the natural vibration, that it actually 'throws' off the whole vibration. Ex. My last name is Busby (Bus-bee) and the s/b has a little Z sound to it, now if someone pronounces my name as Bus-by or as BUZZ-BEE, the slight differences sends energetic chills down my body (it doesn't bother me like it used to as a child, in fact the sensation is rather fun now); same if someone calls me Russ, its so close to what I WANT to hear, that it can be a little disorienting. I've heard Jade is 'energetically poisonous' to Libras, but I don't know this nor fully believe it.

Know that whatever is happening is always tilted in your favor and for your greater good. You'll get through it and feel great once its over!

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Post by RossBusby » Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:15 pm

I was thinking about this a little further and thought this could help ease the transition from having no crystals into having a life full of crystals.

X. Find one of your favorite crystal or whatever one draws your attention the most, and take a moment to be with it for a bit. Away from the house, away from the crystals and wife, and take a moment to be alone with it. Crystals love the attention and spend time looking at every facet, changing color, stripes, and geometric shapes; hold it in your hand, squeeze it, hold it to the sun/light, rest it on your forhead. Become 'intimate'  with it, either in your mind or out loud, tell the crystal about what has been going on, share your questions and thoughts, share what you think about the crystal and 'how freakin cool' it looks. :) You can ask for guidance with the issue, or even ask the crystal to be your 'personal ambassador' for the new crystals coming into the house.

This bond you share will always be there, you may place it back where you got it, carry it, sleep with it, or just leave it; every time you see it though you can remember the time you had an 'intimate' encounter with each other; Even if you never pick it up again, you'll remember, and the crystal will too, but the more affection, care, respect, comradely, understanding, knowledge, intellect and inspiration you have for the crystal, it will for you as well. 1=1

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Post by lilybug » Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:00 pm

precautions when using crystals in elixirs, or charging them/cleansing them in water.

Here is a list regarding crystals and taking precautions because they could either release toxins and/or damaged if they are mishandled. ... _1009.html

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