The big travel (only post adventure post here)

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The big travel (only post adventure post here)

Post by Rhutobello » Fri Aug 11, 2006 3:40 pm

Okay we shall try to make a big adventure.
We use tarot cards to get the "clue" words. Just pick a card on random or choose one, then put up those short notes from "rider White" section and put them into the story.

All are invited to attend, but questions and comments shall we post in another thread "Comments thread for travel", this so the story is easier to follow. .

When I now post the first "story" beginning, the one who want to follow it up then post  in " Comments thread for travel" that he she will take next card. This way we will not get doublepost for the same card.

Hope it will run nice, that it will be fun and that we learn Tarot in one go :)

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Aug 11, 2006 3:41 pm

3 Pentacles
Have following short notes:
Negotiation,Skill ,Planning,Employment ,Progress ,Team Work,Competence.

Vishwas woke up to a sunny morning.
He was happy, today it should happen, the travel he had planned for weeks.
He should travel to town to meet s-p, short for satanic-pranay and they would then travel to a mountain cabin, where Rhutobello negotiated
with the owner to buy for them. The seller would then have employment in keeping the cabin in shape.
Rhutobello had shown some competence in the economic, so Vishwas hoped the cabin wouldn't be to expensive.
The 3 of them should then form a teamwork, and since s-p had some skill in tracking they would try to find more people from the site and invite them for a great adventure.
Vishwas dressed himself and headed for a good breakfast.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Aug 12, 2006 10:49 am

7 of Wand
Stiff Competition ,Conviction,Defiance,Challenge ,Determination,Courage,Good results

When he entered the kitchen he saw the familiar face of Swetha, together with his mother and father.
She was already on her fourth cup of coffee and had eaten 3 portion of egg and bacon so it would be a stiff competition to exceed her.
When you looked at her slender body you would never believe that she had such an appetite.
His father smiled at him and said ;you have a great challenge if you and Swetha shall bring along enough food for the travel.
Hmmm you thought, should Swetha follow you, did she have the courage to meet all the danger on this trip or would she be a hindrance.
Then you smiled, she had won the Archer competition and with such good result she would be an asset and a good friend to bring along.
With great determination you started on the portion with egg and bacon, smiled to Swetha and mumbled "welcome onboard"

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Post by pranay » Sat Aug 12, 2006 4:05 pm

Four of swords

keywords:Seclusion, Withdrawal, Truce, Retreat, Recuperation, Reflection, Meditation,

So everything set the four of us(swetha mami, me, ruthobello and vishwas) set on our expidition

The journey was hard and exhausting. At the close of the first day there was a snow storm on the mountain and we had to retrea back to a shelter we had seen some time back. In the shelter a fight broke up amongst all of us on what to next. After reflecting on the issue we got an answer and had a truce......2 b continued

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:19 pm

6 wands
Keywords: Progress,Victory ,Success ,Good News ,Recognition ,Reward ,Harmony

We explored the cave and found no other animals inside. Rhutobello then called for a meeting.

Fire was made and all took place around its warming breeze.

Rhutobello started to speak;
We can't have any success if we jump away like this.
We must take it calm, Vishwas and Swetha must try to learn how to survive in the wild.
They must first pick up s-p who have tracking skill.
If they do and learn on the way, they will true slow progress achieve victory, and will learn how to recognition their skill.
The more they explore together the more they will know how to live in harmony with nature and true that have reward when hunting for game.

But no damage done, as you know I have been apprentice to the great sorceress Samantha for several years now.
So if you all trust me, I have good news for you, I am able to teleport people. It was a hard study, but I was the best in my class, although I was the only one.
So if you now close your eyes and count to twenty I shall transport you back.

Rhutobello started to mumble and wave with his arms, all could feel a chill breeze, then came a puff.

Before s-p could open his eyes he was overwhelmed from a strong smell
He open his eyes and saw that he was in a big pig pit outside town. It was about 300 feet wide
There must be about 100 pigs all around him....some with some nasty teeth .
The question is now...How will e-p escape the pit and travel back to town?

Vishwas heard a splash, then he felt the water all around him....he just had time to swallow some air before he went under.
When he surfaced he saw he was in the middle of a lake near his family's cabin. It was know that the lake had some nasty inhabitant.

Swetha cried out when she hit the pine tree. She was almost 20 feet up in the air and she could hear the fight from 2 grizzly bears right beneath .
How would they all get back home ?

Rhutobello smiled for himself. He thought he had done a great job bringing his 3 friends safe back home.

Suddenly he heard a voice coming from the fire. When he looked he saw the image of the sorceress Nicnic.
She said; looks like you haven't been better in magic since last I saw you, you almost killed your friends.

What are you saying cried Rhutobello, it looks like I will need some help here, can you fetch Samantha and the two of you help me out?
We for see, said the image and then vanish.....Rhutobello felt cold and lonely in the cave.
Last edited by Rhutobello on Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Vishwas » Mon Aug 14, 2006 11:20 am

lol, the story is damn funny, am w8ing ti see what will be the next chapter.

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Post by pranay » Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:16 pm

Vishwas shudnt u add 2 d story 2 instead of just waiting?????? Itll add diff flavours and ideas o d story and make it more out of ideas now....

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:56 pm

3 of sword

Sorrow, Suffering, Integrity, Tension, Heartbreak, Betrayal, Separation.

S-P was a bit confused at first. He looked around and noticed in a split of a second that he was separated from the other two.
He knew he was in a dangerous situation, so his tension was high. He wondered if Rhutobello had betrayed them, but inside he new that wasn’t the case. Rhutobello had way to great integrity for that.
He saw several of the male pigs started to stump their feet, and if his mother shouldn’t receive sorrow and heartbreak, he better start to do something.
10 feet away he noticed a hollow. In the bottom he could see a narrow tunnel made from a badger.
It looks like the tunnel was his only hope if he wanted to escape heavy suffering.

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Post by pranay » Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:42 pm

4 of wands keywords-Celebration, Harmony, Completion, Relaxation, Happiness, Holiday, Freedom

So, i moved towards the tunnel, towards freedom I kept on going and going and going the tunnel never seemed to end. it kept going deeper and deeper. Sometimes the tunnel was so narrow that i barely fit in it and had to hold my breath in and squeeze my way thru. After traversing through the tunnel for wat seemed like eternity i saw a small speck of light! Happiness flooded me! i thot that the completion of the task was near. Now, Relax i wouold in total serenity and [italic]harmony[/italic]. But fate had something else in store for me..........

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:11 pm

Keywords for Nine of Swords

Stress, Anxiety, Despair, Concern, Misfortune, Guilt, Nightmare

Rhutobello had tried to sleep, but he woke from nightmare. The words from NicNic would not let go and now he felt guilt and despair since he was a so bad magician that he almost had killed his friends.

The stress would not go away and since the weather had been better, he decided to leave the cave and return to the cottage.
When he had walked for about an hour he heard someone cutting wood. Rhuto followed the sound and after 10 minutes he came to a clearing in the wood.

He saw a big guy with a double edge axe. The man turned around and gazed at Rhuto with big brown eyes, “Who are you” he asked.
I am Rhutobello, Rhuto for short, just a wandering bard heading for my new cottage, who are you then?

The man looked so long at Rhuto that he started to be uncomfortable. Rhuto started to turn around…”it’s Samson…he heard the man say.
Nice to meet you Samson said Rhuto and put forward his fist to shake hands. Hard work you are doing here, Rhuto said. “Ohhh, I had such a misfortune said Samson, so now I have to work the wood to get food.

Rhuto, who felt concern for this big man said, Well if you have time you can go with me to the cottage, there we can have some food and you can tell me your story.

Samson thought about it for 2 seconds then said …What are we standing here for, let’s go!

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Post by pranay » Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:21 pm

keywords for ace of wands
  1. Inspiration
  2. Power
  3. Beginnings
  4. Enthusiasm
  5. Creation
  6. Energy
  7. Beginnings
As I walked towards the light i remembered about our begginings. I wondered where every1 else was. I walked and walked and was filled with enthusiasm as the light grew nerer and nearer.

Finally i reached it. when i reached it i discovered that the light was actually a mass of energy and nothing else. As I put my hands through it I felt its power.

I was transported again. A new world was being created in front of me. Where was i being sent to now? I suddenly saw I was on the edge of a cliff. the whole ocean in front of me far in the distance i could see someone shouing for help. Using my telescopic vision I saw it was VIshwas. To my horror i saw a hideous monster approaching fast towrds him. Luckily i had my mace near me.

I dove in the clear ble water and swam for all i was worth towards vishwas.

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Post by Samson » Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:52 pm

But I was to late Vishwas was gone there was no sign of him, wait a minute there was a noise but only faint, I thought to myself could that be, yes it was just to my right there sat this small island no bigger than a matchbox from what I could see and on this machbox sat Vishwas, with me being so tired from swimming out here to save this damsel in distress I decided to spawn myself a boat to rescue him.

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Post by Samson » Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:09 pm

As I reached the Island I noticed that Vishwas had changed form, he looked like something that resembled a small vehicle of some sort, I climbed out of my boat and slowly walked over to this object, as I stood there puzzled over what I thought was Vishwas, it made a sound, what was that I said to myself as I walk around to the other side of it, and then I heard it again, Vishwas is that you can you hear me, there was nothing but the sound of the ocean, but then I heard it again, it was Vishwas he become trapped in side of this object, I could see his face in one of it's lights.

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