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Could I Request a Reading Please?

Post by Alliss » Sat Dec 28, 2013 2:12 pm

I would like a reading in the area's of personal growth/relationships, as I believe they are closely interlinked, atm.

Thanks in advance.

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Cups and Chariot

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:21 pm

Dear Alliss,

I noticed that you had returned after a long time way from us on the practice reading forum, and welcome you back with open arms.

Now when it comes to personal growth/relationships your first card the Page Of Cups recognizes that when it comes to love and romance you are still very much at the learning or apprentice stage when it comes to having something deeper than what has often been called "puppy love". No offence is intended by this observation that many of your relationships which you may have had in the past have for whatever reason prematurely come to an end, although it is not equally clear as to the most likely reasons for this repeating pattern.

The Page of Cups (relationships) suggests that you are about to be given a message of this person's strong affection for you which you are likely to have difficulty knowing how to respond to. It is not that you do not feel that he is not suitable as a partner or that you do not reciprocate his romantic sentiments towards you, but this is going to be a big decision for you to make at a time when your emotions are very much in control over logic and reasoning.

These powerful emotions which are actually the precursor of a much deeper and lasting type of love are going to make your decision much more difficult than it would have been otherwise, but at the same time you need them to maintain the proper balance what your head and heart are each telling you about the probability of your relationship lasting the distance. For if your love for each other is not deeper than what you have now, the signs are that history is very likely to repeat itself.

Basically the problem is that while you are being constantly overpowered by your own feelings, it could easily get in the way of you being sensitive enough to his and remaining flexible enough in your approach to when they change. The reading sees your major challenge therefore with either this or any other relationship in the future for you to keep your own feelings under control long enough to allow you to appreciate that your partner at the time is still somewhat new to all this, even if he has also had many other relationships before meeting you. Just as we are individuals, so our relationships tend to be. We must learn it all over again for that person?

Your second card the Seven of Cups (relationships again) is all about having to choose the best possible option for you from all those which are currently on offer. It is definitely not saying that the option which you will eventually select will be anything approaching ideal or perfect, as they lived happily ever after and never had any disagreements or conflicts of opinion with each other only happens in children's story books.

A lover's tiff is not necessarily an early warning sign that the relationship is heading for the rocks. It is often more healthy to let your feelings been known than to continue to bottle them up inside you, so a minor falling out may actually be a positive sign that both of you have learned to let off steam now and then as a safety valve which can only increase the chances of the relationship surviving over the longer term. Seven is the number of creativity and individuality, and you will have to use both to keep your partnership moving forwards.

The Seven of Cups specifically has been called "the daydream card" in that your mind could be full of unrealistic expectations and romantic fantasies  which could pull you in all different directions at the same time, making your decision that much harder. In other words this card only repeats and expands upon the message already delivered by the Page of Cups, which is the vital need for you to keep your feeling and logical minds in balance with each other, particularly at this early stage. Or suffer the negative consequences for failing to do so.

Your third and final card which was The Chariot frequently has a dual message. You are of two minds about whether to keep this relationship going. One part of you (your emotional mind) has its foot pushed right down on the throttle or accelerator. It is saying go, go, go and do not think about what you are doing. While the other part (your rational mind) is telling you to be careful and vigilant with its foot constantly hovering above the brake pedal, ready to make an emergency stop if there is solid evidence that he is not being completely honest and upfront with you about his intentions.

This start - stop - start again but be ready to stop anytime approach to your relationship is quickly going to wear you both down, if allowed to continue indefinitely. Secondly the Chariot reminds us not to always see things in terms of black or white. Either he loves me or he hates me. Either he loves me or he does not. If he truly loves me then he will never intentionally or unintentionally disappoint me or hurt my feelings.

The identical message with which this reading began is the one to also finish it. That is that when it comes to deeper and more lasting love relationships both of you are still learning the ropes so to speak. This inevitably means that at times you are going to make mistakes, but if your love and commitment to each other and to the relationship are strong and enduring enough, this will not prevent you from giving it your best effort. Personal development or progress by both prospective partners (only one will not be enough) will be required to give your relationship the best possible chance of making it past the first anniversary.

Loving regards,

EoT   :smt007  :smt007

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Post by Alliss » Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:43 am

Hi EoT

Thank you, for your detailed and insightful reading.

It describes my state of mind to a T.
My relationship is a long term one, but we're  currently discussing options to take it in an entirely new direction.
My logical mind and my emotions are certainly conflicting with one another. Although, it's my rational mind which has it's foot on the accelerator and my emotional mind has its foot hovering over the brake.

I've come to realize through my inner work, that imposed beliefs in this area are limiting my personal growth and preventing me from being true to myself. My perspective has changed a lot as a result of these insights. Although I've found, acknowledging these beliefs for what they are and understanding why I hold them, hasn't been enough for me to break them down and move past them.
On an intellectual level, I know that I can't go back to my previous perspective. Unfortunately, my feelings have yet to catch up with my thoughts.
Overcoming my fears in this area and taking the plunge is proving more difficult than I expected.

Again, thank you very much.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:34 pm

To my dear friend Alliss, :smt049

It is always my pleasure to read for you, but thank you sincerely for the compliment as well as for your positive and very comprehensive feedback.
I've come to realize through my inner work, that imposed beliefs in this area are limiting my personal growth and preventing me from being true to myself.
You, as well as most of the rest of the human race.  :smt009
Overcoming my fears in this area and taking the plunge is proving more difficult than I expected.
Another difficult lesson which you share with most other human beings currently inhabiting this planet. :smt009

If I had a magic formula or guaranteed shortcut which could help you avoid some of these thorns, you would be the second person after myself to know about it.



EoT   :smt051

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