Reading request for eye_of_tiger

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Reading request for eye_of_tiger

Post by jounai » Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:30 am

Hello eye_of_tiger. :)

Would you mind giving me a general reading of what you can see about me? I have already given myself a reading but it would be nice to see what you can see. If you wish I can give you a reading or send you some energy or whatnot in return. :)

Cheers // jou

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:22 pm


Thank you so much for the offer of an exchange reading, but this is meant to be your time to be helped, and I would therefore prefer that you give the reading instead to someone in the practice reading forum who is much more in need of guidance than yours truly. I can always use the extra energy. I also wish to apologise for the lengthy delay in giving you this reading, but please put it down to the silly season or this silly person.

Before I am able to go ahead with this, I must ask you to make an effort to effectively unlearn what you believe that you learned through your reading for yourself. No offence is intended either to you or to your significant abilities as a reader by my comment, but most readers find that they are too close to and therefore also too emotionally involved with the outcome of their own reading to be able to do this objectively.

If you go into this reading with highly preconceived ideas as to what you may discover, based heavily upon what you believe were the insights gained during your own read, then it is felt that it could quickly neutralise any positive benefit that it would have had otherwise. Hence my suggestion to put it on the shelf at least until after this reading is complete.

Your focus or main theme card for this month's effort was or still is JUDGEMENT

The traditional interpretation for drawing the JUDGEMENT card during a reading is well illustrated in the Rider-Waite pack at least by the image of an archangel holding a trumpet summoning the dead as they rise up from their graves at the end of the world to be judged by their Creator and to be allotted a place in Heaven or Hell according to how their soul measures up with regards to what sort of life they lived and what type of person they were when still physically alive and kicking.

This card has real shock value, and looks like something out of a B grade horror movie. But rarely does it mean that your world as you know it is about to come to an end. Well at least this physical world is likely to be here for at least the next six months thought to be covered by this reading. So if we are NOT all about to meet our maker, what does this card mean in terms of your life: specifically? What messages does it bring or what lessons does it come to teach you? I seriously doubt that it has much to do with conventional religion and Armageddon.

Judgement is not so much about death as it is about rebirth and resurrection, although for you to be spiritually and otherwise reborn you must necessarily "die" to your previous long standing negative ways and habits. Judgement is basically challenging you to thoroughly and honestly and ruthlessly examine what your life has been like up until now, take what positive lessons you are able from your past, then put your past behind you and move forwards into a much more positive, healthier, happier and more satisfying life, with both faith and courage as your constant travelling companions.

The most important message behind this reading is that in order to continue to move forwards with your life, you will first need  to do some serious spiritual spring cleaning as a prerequisite. An untidy desk or untidy house are often only the outward symptoms of an untidy and fragmented. mind. You come over to me as being someone who is continuously pushing herself to do several different tasks at the same time, and by so doing rarely gets any single task done well or on time.

You appear to have appointed yourself as your own judge, jury and executioner when it comes to not being willing to give yourself a fair go. With all these ideas about how you should punish yourself for crimes never committed, your mind is so focussed upon your own perceived shortcomings that it does not leave much space for anything more positive to grow over time.

When there is not much space available, you just have to fit in the positive thoughts somehow into any space you can find for them. Rather like finding a place for your favourite food in your refrigerator when you are entertaining a large number of people. any idea of organisation or order goes straight out the window as a result. Somehow you need to find some more order amongst the chaos, or you will not be able to find something when you really need it, whether it be your favourite treat in the fridge, or your more positive thoughts in your on mind. Understood?

How does one reorder the contents their fridge, hopefully after the party guests have gone home?  Take out everything, make up a system for separating them into their different types and ages, then put them back in the fridge accordingly. When it comes to reordering our minds however, it is impossible to empty our minds completely (no matter what some meditators tell you is possible) and put out all our thoughts on the floor or table to sort and categorise.

And even if it was possible, nature hates empty spaces and quickly fills them up again. So if you could throw out all your negative thoughts, more of them would quickly fill the space created by their removal. You are clearly going to need a very different much more efficient approach to clearing out these negative habits of thought, if you don't want more of them than when you started. The reading which comes to you through my own inner guidance is saying that you need to do a thought exchange (not a reading exchange).

One at a time systematically and repeatedly replace a negative habit of thought with its corresponding opposite positive one. Listen more closely to what you are telling yourself about your own perceived failures, then become your own defence lawyer, coming up with evidence which shows that your harsh and grossly unfair perceptions about who you are are not based on reality.

Turn every perceived failure on its head, replacing each one with a positive vision of future success and victory over disordered and fragmented thoughts. This is quite an ask for anyone and is always easier said than done, but fortunately you have been given all the inner and external resources which you will ever need to triumph over your lack of self love. Or you will be given the necessary resources, when the time is right, and not before that. Readings often tend to tell us what we most need to hear, instead of what we think that we most want to be told.

You and I are no better or worse than each other when it comes to disordered thought habits, so I would be a hypocrite if I was to judge you as any lesser of a person for sometimes giving into your negative thoughts. I feel that this reading is only confirming what you already know well, but needed to be reminded about by a more independent observer. Be kinder to yourself, learn what self love really means, forgive yourself for not being perfect and making mistakes in the past, and give yourself permission to make more mistakes in the future. For we often learn for more of lasting value from our mistakes, than we ever do from our life's little victories or successes.

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT  :smt007

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Post by jounai » Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:51 am

Thank you EoT for the reading. :) Is it with tarot cards you are making your readings or do you use something else?
One tendency you picked up (you found others as well) is the idea of being hard on myself. :) I might have inherited this from my father since he also tend to be extremely hard on himself, without compromise. This have proven being able to serve double duty; one being unnecessary hard on oneself for something that seems to be wrong but it can also serve as a tool to show oneself what really is within the heart. As you said I will have to work on this and "clean out spiritually". This is however something I do daily but perhaps it is a good timing for more intense work sometime soon...always exciting these periods as there is much that is uncovered in a short period of time. :)

Again, thanks for the reading. I read it with an open heart and mind and what was needed to be heard was heard. :) Did you wish to have a reading back at yah or do you prefer me just sending you some energy? I understand that you do these readings without thought of getting something in return, but I believe giving something back is a way for myself to express gratitude to you. Is there anything I can do for you? :)

Much love and joy to you EoT, and to everyone else that happens to read This,  :smt002

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:05 am


You are welcome for the reading.

The card called JUDGEMENT is a tarot card, so this was one of my intuitive readings where I did use tarot cards, but only as a focus tool. This was not a full and formal tarot reading, by any stretch of the imagination.

Being hard upon yourself does not only run in your family. :smt009

These are purely learned behaviours by example, or by role model.

There is no suggestion at present that such behaviours are inherited through our genes from a parent.

You are right in thinking that feeling guilty when you knowingly did something wrong has a corrective function, in making you want to do better or the right thing next time.

But many of the things which you are beating up on yourself for were never under your control in the first place, with many of them being completely unconscious.

Fortunately, we are only held responsible for what we consciously decide to do.

There is no evidence that being unnecessarily hard upon yourself is likely to make you improve your ways.  In fact there is more than enough evidence that self punishment will only drive the undesirable behavior deeper into your unconscious, where it can become much more difficult to access and treat even by a professional.

Endless self punishment and self hatred only drives the nails deeper into your own mental coffin or prison cell, whether or not you actually did something wrong (or failed to do something right).

Valuing and respecting yourself more (the true definition of self love) does the exact opposite of constantly beating up on yourself for being human, and therefore by definition far from being perfect or infallible.


EoT  :smt006

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