What or who is your Asher?

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What or who is your Asher?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:51 pm

While doing some personal research about spirit guides yesterday, I came across a term with which I was unfamiliar (up until then).


If you would like to find out who your Asher actually is, and why you should never try to contact him or her, please insert the keywords ASHER SPIRIT GUIDE into your favourite internet search engine.

Post your findings in this thread. If you know anything more personally about ASHERS not covered by these online articles, then please feel free to share the information with us here as well.

Oh and by the way, it probably has nothing at all to do with the town called Asher in Oklahoma U.S.A.


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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:08 am

Interesting to note.. that several sites.. claim to say, yes they are your main bodyguard guide, and is ok to contact.. , one states that the Asher guide is your main energy guide, and to call on them, to keep negative energies out,
Ask your ‘Asher’ guide (the spirit guide who is your energy ‘guardian’) to keep out negative energies. Remember that if you keep your vibration high and deal mostly in positive energies, you won’t attract negative energies.

I have heard of the main spirit guide (I think one site, calls them the gatekeeper. within the cirlce of however many guides we have )
, (although to admit, I have only heard the term Asher, I think, only once.,) i have learnt personally, since joining this website, that Guides change to suit the time.

another site, after researching further states:
Your Asher is your bodyguard, and is best left alone! This is one Guide we do not try to contact.
Since this Guide is responsible for your personal physical safety, he is best not distracted.

I will have to look further again, and educate myself further on Asher, I have learned a lot, since the start of 2013, with a focus on Spirit Guides, Angels, and the Clairs., as that is all I seem to do now, research, and strengthen. But new topics, are always an interest. :)

Many Blessings to you EoT

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Asher, Gatekeeper and Others

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:38 pm


We agree about the Asher's bodyguard/protector of your spiritual energies definition, but the following PDF download suggests that since your Asher is specifically responsible for your physical safety it is not a good idea to risk distracting him from his protective duties by attempting to contact him. In other words it is probably best to leave him alone to get on with his job, undisturbed by other less important matters from his primarily physical survival perspective.


The same download differentiates between the intended functions of our Asher and gatekeeper. This is particularly confusing, as many people alternately refer to their gatekeeper as their guardian angel, who seems to have a similar protective function to that which is now being attributed to their Asher.

According to this new definition, the gatekeeper who is still your main guide and quite OK to contact is reduced to what is for all intensive purposes a master of ceremonies and acts rather like a telephone exchange operator who allows or rejects communications from other guides and spirit entities who wish for whatever reason to communicate with us through him.

Maybe calling on your Asher to protect your energies is not seen as being quite the same thing as attempting to deliberately contact or communicate with them. Just a suggestion. I really do not have a definitive answer to this differentiation by words.

Finally it is made clear to us that while some of our guides change to suit or adapt to our ever changing needs (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), our Asher and our gatekeeper remain closely with us all the time from before we are born, until after we have successfully passed over into Spirit.

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:31 pm

It is definitely a good topic on hand, I do find it interesting how different sites, will tell you different things, the main common theme is that, you have a gatekeeper, (as well as Asher) and that the Guide that you are able to be in contact with, may not always be the gatekeeper, but they do act as bodyguard, and all spirit contact, should go through them.  I have previously done a lot of reading on Guides, and how to contact, but the ways I have learnt is to not to call a specific one forward, but to ask for them to step forward, and from that, I assume that the right one, for that moment . will step forward. (So I guess, that could be my safest bet, as that way I would not be distracting, any Guide from their specific purpose).

Since opening up to this, I have been in contact with two guides , and after reading, I always thought, your guides were permanently with one, until, my first Guide specifically told me, that she was temporary, she helped me find what I needed for the certain times, and after making contact with a second guide, she is no longer in contact. (I knew when she was, but the feeling that came with her) but during meditation, a second stepped forward, and told me he had always been there, so I guess from that, he is more permanent, I am still learning his role, and was heavily focused there, until reading, Spirittalks advice to another, that as long as one trusts, then they will work with one. and I feel like that was the best advice, even though it wasn't specifically directed towards myself.  I will be taking that advice, and seeing if contact improves further.

Although researching information, about Ashers, and Gatekeepers, as well as other rather interesting topics, I will always do. as it all helps one grow and learn. and then I can further help others, who are in need of information.


kindest regards

**Please note that my wording on things, I am finding hard at the moment, to actually express what I mean sometimes, as my mind is so full of information, that I get myself distracted easily.

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It is interesting that you mentioned this......

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:23 am

SW wrote........
Please note that my wording on things, I am finding hard at the moment, to actually express what I mean sometimes, as my mind is so full of information, that I get myself distracted easily.
It is interesting that you mentioned this as a belief that if you had enough information that you could control all aspects of your life has often been associated with low self confidence.

Please see your most recent reading for more details about this.


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Post by oriel » Sat Jun 20, 2015 6:46 am

It's been a while since I last came here  :smt005
This is so interesting as someone told me before about me having a gatekeeper and I dunno what is difference of it from other spirit guides.

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