Why it is often difficult to predict your future

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Why it is often difficult to predict your future

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:33 am

Why it is often difficult to predict your future

Some of you might be shocked and terribly disappointed to discover that none of the readings given on this forum are deliberately meant to predict your future.

Especially when the most common definition of a psychic circulating on the internet at the moment, is a person who predicts the future or who is effectively a fortune teller.

This barrier applies to predicting your love life/marriage/kids, your education, your career path, your health or any other area of interest.

In order to predict your future, you must already have only one possible future.

If your future is predetermined and already set in stone, nothing which you do or do not do between now and then is going to make the slightest difference to the final outcome.

This must necessarily mean that our free will to decide our destiny through our own conscious efforts and live our life as we best see fit to do so is at best a trick or an illusion, and at worst a cruel joke played upon us by a heartless and sadistic God or Universe.

What a psychic and reading can sometimes but not always do is to predict the most probable future outcome from among several options which are in theory possible, IF NOTHING OR WE OURSELVES DO NOT CHANGE IN THE MEANTIME.

For example "If nothing changes within your relationship, then your reading predicts a negative outcome with regards to your love life is on the horizon"

But change is the one universal constant of all living things and this physical existence on which we can always depend. Indeed by definition something which never changes or adapts to its current surroundings fails to qualify as being alive or animate.

It follows therefore that we are continuously through our conscious decisions and behaviour co-creating what our future will eventually turn out to be. To a large extent we are both consciously and unconsciously making changes which will lead to one future happening to us, in preference over another.

You are up to a certain point (as many other factors both known and unknown outside of ourselves, can also play a part) the architect of your own fate or destiny, or the master of your own ship.

If you make certain positive changes to yourself and your situation during the period of the next six months thought to be covered by these readings, you are likely to select one future for yourself over all the other possible alternate ones.

But if on the other hand you keep doing what you have always done up until now, you are very likely to keep getting the same negative, results, outcome or future.

The main message of this forum sticky is to keep in mind the important difference between predicting the future (which we cannot do) and predicting the most probable future, if nothing changes including ourselves (which we can sometimes manage to do through our readings), when framing your questions to be asked as part of your reading request.

Also see the sticky "Introducing Eye of Tiger" for more details about this.

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=73891
The main purpose of my readings is to better prepare you for whatever the future may hold than with regards to making actual predictions.
Love and Light,

EoT :smt006


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