New to this forum, but need help because I'm beyond confused

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New to this forum, but need help because I'm beyond confused

Post by spiritofjosh » Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:38 am

Hello and thank you for having me. I've been browsing through some threads here and my specific request doesn't need to be answered by anybody specific, just whoever can help.

To be brief, my recent ex girlfriend had broken up with me almost 4 months ago. Within the last few weeks, after no contact initiated by me, she had showed up to a concert I was at on February 7th. I strongly feel she went to purposely run into me because it was not a place she'd normally be. She started texting me, re-added me on facebook and would text me first, and speak with me as she did when we first met.

I want to reconcile but my confusion on her actions grew to when I finally asked her view on this now, why all of a sudden contacting me. This was when she mentioned she missed me and likes hearing from me, but my response was I don't like befriending exes to be front row seeing who they date next. She didn't respond and despite my efforts to clear that I wasn't dismissing her completely (as if no interested) she only reached out once more to wish me a happy birthday. I wrote her a final message leaving the ball in her court that I am in fact still interested to which no reply, this was 1 week ago.

I'm just confused and would like a reading on what is happening. With exes in the past I always get closure even if I don't want it. Whether it be I find out she's with another man, or she tells me directly it's over but with my recent ex there's nothing. No hint to another man, no nothing. I don't even know why she hasn't answered my message to turn me down.

I'm also new to psychics but I had chatted with several different online chat psychics to ask them what I'm asking here. Despite knowing multiple readings on the same question can arouse confusion as well as be costly, EVERY psychic had told me the same exact thing. I asked many only for validation and for sake of consistency, to which I had received. I will not explain what I was told here, but each we're positive outcomes.

Could anybody possibly help relieve some confusion on my end? Without any closure from her, I have this mounting anxiety around the situation that I cannot help because I can't explain her sudden reappearance in my life and her sudden backing out of my life. Thank you so much.

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You may already have all the closure which you are ever going to get from this broken relationship

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:28 pm

Hello SOJ,  :smt017

Normally I would immediately move your posting to the psychic reading forum, as this forum is only for psychic discussions. However I have serious concerns about your request which I feel can be more effectively addressed here. I do not wish to appear unfriendly, but there are certain things that you must understand, before we are willing and able to help you with this.

1. We actively discourage new members from requesting a reading as their first posting. We ask instead that you should first introduce yourself in the Introduce Yourself forum and show us that you are not simply using us to get a reading, then immediately move on to somewhere else with no plans to contribute anything constructive to our online community in return for the favour. You can do this by browsing some of the other non reading forums, and posting something helpful to our other members on them.

Introduce Yourself forum

2. We do not give third party readings. A third party reading is defined as one which is directly about any person other than the member who requested it.

This means that we cannot and will not attempt to read your ex girlfriend's mind in order to determine what her real intentions towards you are. This is seen by many readers as being an uninvited invasion of the privacy of her thoughts without her permission or knowledge, and nothing is going to change this policy which is common to many of the more ethical psychic websites currently on the internet.

3. We provide free readings with the intention to help people, but we do not like the feeling that we are being tested or used by anyone to either confirm or disagree with the readings of other psychics. We do not make your decisions for you. We only provide intuitive information which must be combined with other relevant non intuitive and professional or non professional information, to help you ultimately decide what is the best possible course of action to take.

It is my feeling from the language which you are using that you are abusing our generosity and that you have already decided what actions you will take with regards to dealing with your ex girlfriend's cruel on and off behaviour, which should be telling you without any more readings being necessary that she is highly emotionally unstable and as badly confused as you are about exactly who or what she wants in her life.

How other psychics can consistently give you a "positive outcome" prediction about the likelihood of you getting back together with her both puzzles and irritates me, as you do not have to be very psychic to recognise that there would be huge risks involved by you getting your hopes up prematurely and then almost straight away have your hopes and dreams of a life shared with her destroyed in front of you, when she almost inevitably withdraws from you again to lick her wounds and work out how she can inflict the maximum emotional pain upon the man she claims to love and care for. She is clearly from what you have told us about her manipulating you into feeling guilty for no reason, and out to get something from you which has nothing all to do with love as I understand it.

Without a reading my advice would be the complete opposite of that given to you by these other psychics. Whereas they may tell you to take her back again and again, presumably because they predict that she will eventually dramatically improve her behaviour and act like a responsible adult should and that you will both then live happily ever after, I would advise you to give her one more chance if you feel that you must to show you both by her behaviour as well as through her words that she has finally got her emotional house in order and that it is now worth you making the extra efforts involved to work together to heal your relationship. If she cannot or will not do that, tell her to leave you alone.

In its present form your request is invalid, and its apparent purpose to use our reading services for your own one sided convenience and validate behaviour which is against what we feel is in your best interests just because all these other fee charging psychics agree that the future of your relationship with her is looking bright, makes me feel uncomfortable about your true intentions for asking us this. I would like you to prove me wrong about this.

Keeping all the above in mind, take a look at the psychic reading forum rules (link provided below), carry out the suggestions contained within them, then put your request in a form which can be answered according to these rules which apply equally to everyone BEFORE posting it on the psychic reading forum. Leave out any mention of other psychics or questions which would require a third party reading to be given, and focus entirely upon what you could reasonably do to help improve the situation.

We will always tell you as honestly and completely as possible what your reading tells us about your circumstances, and not always what you want it to tell us, or what other psychics agree that it tells them. Understood?

Psychic Reading forum

"Please read before requesting a reading" (forum rules) ... hp?t=73424

Hoping to finally be able to help you with this through a reading


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:22 pm

I can only add to the above.......Life is a river!  You can not step into it in the same place again.  When relationships end....move on!  That is the best advice of all.  

Sometimes the devil we know is better than the unknown around the corner.  That is fear talking.  Move on!  There is always something better in store for us if we are willing to seek the adventure and move into life.

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