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Entering the romance zone

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:01 am

While your frustration and desire to have a close relationship with a man are obvious from your words and dreams, your face and especially the extreme tightness of the lines around your mouth are unconsciously sending out to prospective suitors the completely opposite message of the one which you want them to get.

Your face is telling me that you no longer believe that there is a special man for you, and that you have accepted that the chances of this happening any time soon (if at all), are well below the average level expected by chance alone (50%). It is as if you are defeated before you have even started your campaign to find a suitable partner who will give you the true and lasting love which you so richly deserve.

I am telling you this not to discourage you even more about your chances, or to make you beat up more on yourself for sending out these mixed messages. Because your facial expression is largely controlled by your unconscious mind, by definition it is to a large extent outside of your conscious control to change, especially during a relatively short period of time.

In order change those negative unconscious body signals to something more in line with what you want them to say, you will need to somehow modify and improve your deepest beliefs about yourself, and in particular whether you believe deep inside that you are lovable and that you deserve to be loved by the right man for you just as much as any other woman deserves to be loved and respected.

In a nutshell you must learn to love yourself more (value and respect yourself for who you really are), human weaknesses, mistakes and all. There are many ways of achieving this, some of them only being available to professionals, but you could do a lot to help things along by the use of regular positive affirmations plus a shortcut which many people automatically reject as being too simple and somewhat childish, and therefore ignore as not being worthy of their time and effort.

Do whatever you can to make out that you already believe these things and love yourself, and eventually your mind cannot tell between the real belief and your rehearsed belief in yourself. There is always a certain amount of fear and anxiety associated with beginning any new relationship, the biggest fear being that history will keep repeating itself and that this man and relationship are not going to work any better than all your previous ones did.

Work with and around understandable fears, instead of trying to escape or ignore them. Feel your fears but do it any way, as if you wait for the fears to disappear completely you may well not live long enough to see it happen.

Courage is not the absence of fear.  

Start by doing something to bring out or emphasise the good points about your appearance. I see behind your mask considerable inner strength and a woman who would make an excellent mother if she indeed wants to have children. Do not make the common mistake of overdoing your make up or makeover. Get professional advice as to how to do this most effectively. The eyes are sometimes referred to as the windows of our souls, and when you are looking for love your eyes (their brightness, clearness, the way in which they move) can be a powerful signal or message of invitation or attraction to a man who is able to recognise it as being such.

The reading ends by concluding that it will only be through you using a combination of cosmetic and dress improvements (your outer self) in addition with simultaneously changing your inner beliefs about yourself and practising greater self love that your chances of finding him this year are going to move into the more positive zone.

There is no doubt that 2014 is going to be a busy and challenging year for you in many life areas, but it is in the area of your close relationships where it is felt you have the greatest opportunity to make some significant forward progress through proper preparation both upon your inner and outer selves. Both an inner and outer makeover will be needed to turn things around for the better in the love romance zone, but you are not expected to do this entirely by yourself. Get what professional help that you can find and afford in doing this, use the resources of this magnificent website and particularly upon your many friends (myself included).

Thank you once again for the privilege of your friendship and support as well as yet another excuse for me to boost your self confidence and self respect, both of which no offence intended have been seriously lacking lately. Communicate to the right man for you not only through your words but also through your body signals and specifically your face and eyes that your words have some real substance.

Increased self love and escaping the common worldly belief that loving yourself is the same thing as being vain and self conceited (it is definitely not the same thing) will act as the catalyst or the spring board which you have been looking for to more true love and romance than you could have ever imagined was possible only weeks before requesting this reading.

It will take great courage, determination and patience on your part and possibly help from other people as well (professional and non professional) to reach your goals, but fortunately there is no shortage of any of these available both within and outside yourself, if you are only willing to make the journey, and keep asking for other people's help if or when needed. Asking for help (as long as you keep helping yourself at the same time) is NOT a sign of weakness, but rather it is a sign of inner strength and an ongoing commitment to making the best out of whatever cards life has dealt you.

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT :smt007  :smt007  :smt007

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Either NO or MAYBE??????

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Apr 21, 2014 1:37 am

do you know what month i will find him
The short answer to your question is NO.

The longer answer is MAYBE, but that this very shaky prediction is NOT based upon your picture, but instead it is based upon your Tarot cards.

If you are meant to meet this special man within the next year from now, then the month when it is most likely to happen for entertainment and general interest purposes only would be the Nine of Cups, which translates to September 2014 (the ninth month of this year).

With all of the members of the Cups Tarot suit thought to represent the nature and depth of your closest relationships with others, including those of the romantic variety.

But the chances of it happening at all will be mainly determined by how well you will apply the insights coming through your picture reading into positive and practical action in your daily life, during the next twelve month period and well beyond that.


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:25 pm

There is no time or space in spirit.  And we are spirit now.  We are actually operating in a world of spirit energies.  

The more we try to pin down time and space, the less it gives us reliable information.  Trust the changes to loving self and many things will change.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Apr 22, 2014 12:00 am

Dear J,

We are spirit, but we are presently not in the spirit world (in spirit).

There may indeed be no time and space in spirit, but the three of us (dosanm, you and me) are currently living at a physical level where time and space both need to exist and be considered in our lives, if we are to be able to make some sense of our own Earthly existence (the period between our birth and our body's physical death).

After death, we move into or onto the spiritual planes, so surely we cannot already be there.

Time moves ever forwards.

At least until we return to our true home in spirit, the arrow of time and the structure and laws of three dimensional space are our stick to us like glue travelling companions, whether we like it or not (usually not).

Time can either be our enemy or our friend. It is up to us to decide which of the two it will be in our life.

There are valuable lessons to be learned by our souls which can only be effectively learned while we in a physical body with its many restrictions, and in a world and universe in which the twin restrictions of space and time coexist, and interact with each other (time modifies space).

Just like your good self I feel that too much focus upon precisely when a future event might happen can seriously detract from the true purpose of the reading to inspire and encourage the individual to help themselves, and improve their personal future mainly through their own efforts in the present moment.

Putting a definite time scale upon the outcome of the reading can neutralise its value if the predicted event does not happen exactly when the reading said that it would happen, but some of us prefer to be given a tentative time scale for the predicted event regardless, if only for the purposes of curiosity, general interest and entertainment.

Just as some people do not feel that they have been given a complete reading if I do not draw and name a tarot card which I turned over on their behalf. It is I feel simply a matter of personal preference.


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:50 am

We do not 'become' spirit, we are spirit now and always.  We are a triune being of body, mind, spirit.  All this is functioning on many levels.  

The afterlife contains spheres (some say 7, some say more, some say less) and to my understanding we arrive at around the 3rd after death of the physical body - it is where all the well meaning and well lived lives go.  It is most similar to the earth plane to make the transition to spirit conditions easier to assimilate into our growth and understanding.  From wherever we arrive (like cream rising to the top of the milk) we will find our place to begin a whole new adventure of growth and progress.  After all is said and done, we did begin on the earth  plane as a baby and progressed through many stages to arrive at the spiritual being that passes out of the body.

It is all about spirituality and the lesson of life merely fit us for spiritual awareness.  How we grow and handle this spirituality is a measure of the person we are Becoming.  Growth never ends, so there is just a new beginning of experiences to contend with in spirit vibrations.  The mind will play a real and valid part - so remain conscious of all your opportunities in this new adventure of light and love.

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spirit, spirits and Spirit?????

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:32 pm

Dear J,

I do not wish to score points against you as my friend or allow this only apparent disagreement between the two of us about the exact meaning of specific words here to spoil the mutual respect and deep affection that we hold for each other, but I hope that you will allow me to use this example in order to illustrate something which has been bothering me for many years, without any intention of offending or challenging your personal or religious beliefs in the process.

eye_of_tiger wrote wrote.......
We are spirit
Spiritalk wrote............
We do not 'become' spirit, we are spirit now and always.
We are taught that.......
We are now and always will be spiritual beings, but can temporarily for the purposes of learning take on and use a physical body (vehicle).
It has been said that........
We are spiritual beings, currently having a human experience.
My question is where is the point of disagreement between these statements.

They all seem to be saying to me that we are in essence spirit or spiritual beings.

Spirit with a capital S on the other hand is often used to discern between us and the many spiritual worlds or planes which we can inhabit.

Please do not get me going on a heated debate of the precise or intended meaning of the word soul, and how it relates to the word spirit. :smt009

This constant obsession with the use of the correct word as judged by each individual or religious teaching as well as the never ending human conflicts and wars which have been fought over such trivial details, when far more important and urgent issues involving immense human suffering are going on around us on a daily basis, is the main reason why many of us no longer identify with any conventional or mainstream religion.

The word religion is derived from the Latin word religio, meaning in English to rejoin or bind back to. Ligio gave us ligature (cord) and ligament (joins muscles to bones), .

Religion we are assured was always intended to rejoin or bind us all back to God, but all that each person's interpretation of religion appears to do in so many instances is to divide human beings against each other, and to lead them away in the opposite direction from what or whom God truly is.

While religious organisations undoubtedly do so much good and relieve so much suffering an increasingly large part of what is true or real religion happens outside of church buildings, out in the local community practising love and human compassion among the people who ARE the real church.

You will be relieved to hear that now I have got this major irritant out of my system I am getting down off my soapbox, and am hereby returning this thread back to to its rightful owner (dosanm).

Or we will ourselves become guilty of the same errors and failings as are many of those bigots which I have just been talking about and criticising. Any further discussion of this topic should I believe be posted in the General Discussion forum, rather than in here.

If any member looking at this is interested enough to want me to also post this topic in the General Discussion forum, please contact me about it through a private message, and NOT in this thread.

Thank you!  

Love, Light and Peace to you and yours,

EoT  :smt038

     ==============End of discussion============

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:17 pm

One statement is talking about our whole being, while the other is talking about the process of progress and learning.  After all we change all the time.  My statement relates to the Pierre Teilhard Chardin's quote of being a spiritual being having a human experience.  

The body is certain full of hard and fast complex things that motivate us to learning and growth.  We do not need any religion to aid in that process.  Yes, I follow Spiritualism - it contains much that has helped me learn and continue to learn - when that learning process ends, I will no longer relate to Spiritualism.  While I agree with the stated definitions of religion (how could I disagree?) I find that I am not bound to anyone or anything that does not serve me.  Isn't that the final definition - how it works personally?

The word spirit (both capital and lower case) has been bandied about so much it is hard to tell anything.  Even before the work with spirit energy truly begins - people would say 'what an uplifting spirit you have!"  So even on a simple level, spirit was recognized as something within even beyond the personality.

I was reminded with your comment about being out in the community of a minister who liked to begin with welcome to our church - YOU are the church today (addressing the congregation).  Interesting........ we all arrive at the same thought but from many directions!

BTW even the best of friends do not agree or have to agree with every single word out of anyone's mouth!  Diversity is what makes life interesting to explore!

To my friend.........

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A person of habit

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Apr 27, 2014 1:29 am

BTW even the best of friends do not agree or have to agree with every single word out of anyone's mouth!
Dear J,

Yes I know that and you have reminded me about this before on more than one occasion, but I just cannot break or shake off my lifelong habit of always trying my very best to treat my friends well and respect my friends different opinions, as I would like them to treat me well and respect my different opinions if our roles had been reversed.

Honestly this golden rule way of treating others as I would like them to treat me policy has served me very well over the years with a few notable exceptions, and I am therefore unlikely to want to break or shake it off as a habit as a direct consequence of its success.

But this does not rule out the two of us having good and mutually beneficial discussions on any of these subjects.

Call me old fashioned,

EoT :smt087

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:18 pm

Me too!  I find many people try to discuss and end up disliking the other for their opinions.  Wouldn't life be dull if we all thought the same?  I welcome diversity.  We will continue to answer from our own perspective, with total respect for any other opinions offered.

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