Inanimate objects and Entities

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Inanimate objects and Entities

Post by girlwiththefairytatto » Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:21 am

Is it possible for inanimate objects be be possesed by entities. As a young child I was petrified of my doorbell. I was convinced it was evil and had dreams about it attacking me. In the dreams it also talked and was once calling for someone named "tim' FYI there are no Tim's in my family. also in that dream I showed my dad the dorbell chasing me and he said it was "tim's mother' Although I had seen similar doorbells elsewherere  during that time I was not scared of them. My brother also said years laTER that the doorbell was creepy. What is everyone's take on this

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:53 pm

I once visited a friend who liked to travel to different places and bring back souvenires.  Sitting on a shelf was an innocent looking bowl.  It reminded me of the set of salad bowls you buy - they are wooden, with a large bowl and several smaller salad size.  This was a small one.

I put it in my hand and felt the worst evil energies I had ever felt in my life!  I even had trouble releasing it back to the shelf.  (I told my friend it would be good to get rid of it).  The thought that came to me was that it was used in some kind of evil rituals where people were hurt and tortured.  It seemed to contain the torment of those affected.

Everything in life is about energy.  Inanimate objects can and do hold energies.  (We even read them - its called Psychometry).  

As a doorknob perhaps evil had entered the house and left its mark.  Fear probably kept it there.

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Post by girlwiththefairytatto » Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:45 pm

Thank you for you take. I suspected that there was a presence but still not sure how it got there. I only lived within the house during my early childhood so my memories are vague. I do know that the area was a new semi rural suburb at the time and I am now curious about what was there before. I suspect it was a farm of sorts. All I know was the new house had only been owned by my father's family and they bought it when it was first built. t the time it had only beemn owned for about 10 years so I am puzzled how the evil entered the house and possesed the doorbell as there did not seem to have the history to it. As I can no longer explore the house as I would not have access to it I guess the best bet is to look at the previous history as I am curious about my fear and prehaps looking at the history will answerthat

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:12 pm

When someone turns  up the soil to build a house, this is not the beginning of energies.  Whatever has happened on that soil will carry energies.  And they can transfer to the building put on the soil.  

Long before the house was build, there were layers of soil on which many travellers left their footprints.  

Have you heard the expression about leaving your eco footprint?  I see it as we will have left our mark whether we like it or not.  That's why I like to keep it my best moment in all circumstances!

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