Can i get a reading?

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Can i get a reading?

Post by Positive4ever » Wed May 07, 2014 2:02 pm

Currently experiencing a lot of ups and downs in my career and on finance front.Can i request a reading please?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri May 09, 2014 11:59 pm

Currently experiencing a lot of ups and downs in my career and on finance front.
The reading tells me that you are probably not going to want to hear this, but as long as you continue to experience some ups among the many downs with special reference to your career opportunities and financial status, then this is as good as you can reasonably expect to happen within the current economic climate and state of the employment market which is itself undergoing huge changes which are designed to allow companies to keep their heads above water and confront the significant challenges which such a depressed economic climate and rapidly shrinking workforce imposes upon them well into the 21st century.

While it is definitely not saying that it is entirely your fault that so many factors are combining against you in the areas of getting a promotion in your present position with increased pay, getting a better job in your local area or that the world economy is what it is, you must like all of us shoulder your share of the responsibility to help remedy this situation.

Perhaps one of the most stressful elements of modern life is that growing feeling that our lives are increasingly being controlled by factors outside of ourselves to change for the better, leaving us feeling powerless and totally discouraged about what the future could possibly still hold in store for us further down the road.

Some say that it takes a special person or hero to be able to face these challenges coming from so many different directions as well as simultaneously having to deal with one's personal fears and doubts while almost drowning in the ocean of constant negativity and pessimism about the future in general upon which the world media seems to thrive and spread unnecessary panic in the process.

But according to your reading among many others I have given to other members on this forum, you do not have to necessarily have to be anything special or extraordinary other than the average person who doing his or her best with whatever inner and outer resources life has given him or her to not only survive (physically, mentally emotionally and spiritually), but to eventually triumph and rise above these obstacles placed in our paths to as a result become more resilient and durable (stronger within oneself) as a direct consequence of undergoing what must seem to be at the time completely negative experiences which would even try the patience and determination to succeed of a saint, let alone testing mere mortals such as the two of us.

Because of this complex ongoing interaction or interplay of interior (factors coming from inside you) and exterior (factors operating from outside of you) influences, it is virtually impossible to make a worthwhile prediction about what your career and finances are likely to be in six months time from now. Economists and other self appointed experts have quite enough on their plates making such predictions within their own specialised areas of expertise, without having to similarly predict with accuracy and reliability how the biggest legalised gambling den in the world (the stock market and particularly the futures market) will respond to the ups and downs of the world economy and the delicate balancing act between having enough jobs and protecting the environment.

Now if only the reading was able to examine and analyse ONLY the potential stress factors which are currently confronting you in these two areas of your life in complete isolation from all other stress-ors and all other areas, the task of this reading to offer you a realistic snapshot of what your most probable future might look like if nothing changed between now and then would be challenging and intimidating enough by itself, but this reader does not have that luxury of being able to completely or partly separate these two areas from all the other areas of your life.

Also one universal constant in this life and world is that nothing and/or nobody stays the same for very long. Things and people themselves are forever changing and evolving, and we are no exception to this general law. If as I only wish we could artificially freeze all exterior factors currently operating against us as well as isolating our mainly emotional responses in these specific two areas from our responses in all other areas, then I feel that we could come closer (but never quite get what we want) to giving your above question the satisfying answer which it so richly deserves.

While many of these exterior factors are beyond your control, how you respond to life's challenges can increasingly be controlled and modulated to your advantage. It is not so much what happens to us in this life which is the true measure of our strength of character and courage, but rather it is what meaning we associate with each event which decides how we feel about that event and in turn determines how we will respond to it.

I know from past encounters with you that you possess the intelligence and courage and determination to do all the practical things you are able with the purpose to nudge your future career and financial prospects in a more positive direction (job applications, interviews, resumes, references, ask the boss how you could increase your chances of getting a promotion or just doing your job better, learning to conserve and better manage what money you already have, cutting spending in non essential areas, getting professional help if or when needed etc).

So I am not going to insult your intelligence by suggesting for one moment that you are not trying hard enough to help yourself with your career and finances. In fact the complete opposite may be true. That is that you could be trying too hard and scaring yourself unnecessarily and over-stretching your health and other resources. Neither your career or finances are likely to improve if you destroy your own health and peace of mind in the process, so your health and getting some of your other needs met must be especially taken into account or included, along with with your career and finances in your considerations and calculations of how to gain an overall advantage over the competition.

Finally to close the reading I asked to be shown one focus or theme card which I could draw on your behalf, which might give your self confidence a well deserved but long overdue boost to help you get through these most difficult times, or at least through the next six months. I am being told to leave the card entirely with you, and not try to interpret its meaning myself. Essentially by learning to interpret its meaning to you, my inner source is saying that you will be learning to become a better reader about your future prospects. The reading wants you to learn to trust and listen more to your own intuition, and gradually become less dependent upon readers outside of yourself (including me).


EoT :smt006

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Post by Positive4ever » Mon May 12, 2014 1:22 pm

Thank you so much for providing reading to me.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon May 12, 2014 10:40 pm

Thank you so much for providing reading to me.
It was my pleasure to be of some assistance, but could you please in return provide me with some constructive feedback mainly concerning how relevant the information was to your current life situation, as I measure the usefulness and therefore the success or otherwise of the reading through your comments?

Many thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

EoT  :smt008

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