Questioning and searching...

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Questioning and searching...

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri May 23, 2014 1:39 am

The following posting made by torn2light was copied here by me from the Introduce Yourself forum. ... 943#331943
A little background....

I was raised a very sheltered home-schooled Christian girl and was taught that pretty much everything on this site is evil and to stay away. I have tried various religions and still Jesus' teachings holds true for me. I also find truth in many other religions too. I've always had this nudge to dig deeper into who I am and if I possess any kind of gift. Currently, I feel called to healing and am attending school to become a massage therapist. Very interested in energy healing of all sorts.


I've always been terrified of the dark. To this day I am. What 26 year old is scared of the dark? I feel so stupid.

At 14,  I started having VERY vivid detailed dreams. One dream that has always stood out to me involved a snake. Before the snake bit me, my eyes shot open and the snake was laying next to me and when it knew I saw it, the snake flew around my room and out my window. It was so real that I shot up and felt my window and looked around. My window was closed. Reality set in and I realized it was just a dream. I've also seen shadows in the dark. One that really scared me resembled a man in huge shackles and walked from one end of my room and out the other. I've also felt like I have been watched so much to the point I nearly wet my bed. I would run to my parents room while "being chased". I think w/e it was liked to scare me and fed off my fear. I've also had a deep fear of aliens. I'm very protective of the area behind my elbows/knees. I always pass out for blood tests....hate them.

At 18, I'm still not sure what happened, but a dark smoke filled one corner of my room and paralyzed me and told me to renounce Christ. It was so powerful I couldn't even think, speak, or cry. It was hard to even pray inside my head. I felt like I had no other option and was so afraid. I then felt a being of light holding my head in it's lap and saying it was going to be okay and that he understood. I took this being as Christ himself but still question whether or not it was "true" light and not something deceptive. I did renounce Christ and when I did the dark smoke disappeared through one of my orifices. From that day on, I thought I had been possessed and fearful of this I re-baptized. This being inside my head haunted me and I referred to him as shadow lord. He was beautiful with jet black hair and flawless pale skin with a red shirt and baggy black pants. Very possessive and controlling. If I questioned him he got angry. He didn't like me taking my pills. He said if I took them I would die of a heart condition at 24. I took them anyway and told him to leave me alone. I felt something travel up my spine into my head under the back of my skull. Life seemed to improve after that and I pretend none of this ever happened. It still scares me though. Around that same time, I sensed dead people in the laundry room. When this happened, I would run to my family. The energy of my family members kept them at a distance.

At 21, I started living with who is now my husband in the home he was raised in. He had lived in this house 27 years. His parents bought it from a doctor who had done some in home services...not sure what exactly. During these years, various dysfunctional relatives stayed in the basement. Recovering alcoholics, satanists, and those with financial issues. It has been a safe haven to many. Many negative emotions still lingered when I entered the scene even after a sage cleansing years before. I felt like the world was caving in around me. I also felt eyes burning into me. I felt some being breathing down my neck. I couldn't walk anywhere w/o being watched/followed. I also pretended like the boiler room didn't exist. It has the worse aura about it. It creeps everyone out I've ever shown. My mom and friends I know who aren't normally sensitive to these things feel off in the basement. My husband exorcised the house after I told him a dream I had and it's felt clear since then. He also told me of past paranormal experiences he'd witnessed. Someone running up and down the stairs when he's the only one home, the trashcan lid flying off while playing video games, messing with the clock (buttons made noise when adjusting it and it crowed like a rooster for the alarm), and jiggling doorknobs. Anyway, everything seems clear now. I think we've filled it with more positive energy than negative since the exorcism.

I had a psychic friend that suggested I learn to close my chakras and that I was too open. I didn't think much of it at the time but it makes sense. Wondering if I have a gift or if I'm just being oppressed by some entity. If anybody can clue me into what is going on I'd appreciate it. Thanks

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Post by spiritalk » Sat May 24, 2014 3:57 pm

There is a lot of psychic happenings in this post.  But the reality is that the opportunities to seek light instead of darkness were offered at every turn.  (Red and Black on or with figures is a sure sign of negativity - I am not sure why - but my experience has taught me to be wary).  

The energy to manifest the things you are applying to the house is really with an individual person.  Nothing happens without some form of energy exchange.

Control is a very good option.  It requires some work and understanding of the energies.

Just telling people about your experiences (and embellishing is usually done) will not get any control of it happening.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat May 24, 2014 11:35 pm

Hello again J,

I could not agree more with your comments about bearing the consequences of the choices which we have made with regards to choosing the Darkness or the Light.

However I allowed this to be posted to not only encourage the member to always seek the Light in preference to choosing darkness and negativity, but also because talking about these experiences in a relatively supportive environment could in turn help other members who have had similar things happening to them to realize that they are not alone after all, that they are not going mad or imagining all this, and that it is a positive thing to reach out for help.

Some of this material probably belongs more in the Dream Interpretation or Paranormal forums, but I thought that as it was a first hand personal account of all these different disturbing events by the same person, that it should be kept together in one place.

I would be promoting the member increasingly gaining greater control over the ever present temptation to choose these negative vibrations, rather than any suggestion that we are offering help to them in harnessing darkness and evil for their own selfish purposes.

Getting more control over themselves. Not getting more control over the negative and evil spirits or forces of the darkness?

Being a psychic sensitive can either be a blessing or gift, OR a curse, depending upon exactly how you choose to use your spiritual abilities. Along with this extra power comes great responsibility to use it in the best interests of everyone affected.

The particularly severe, negative karmic consequences of the abuse of our spiritual abilities for selfish purposes and malicious personal gain are simply too horrible for me to want to discuss on any forum of this nature.

Be careful with what you most wish for, and what you most strongly and regularly focus your mind's energies and attention upon.

EoT  :smt003

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 06, 2014 2:01 pm

Sometimes when the psychic opens and becomes strong, we need to get some help to understand just what is happening and how to put some personal choice controls on the activities.  Getting a good teacher in your own area is a must.  They can help with anything happening on a one to one basis.  Barring this possibility forums such as this are a very good help.  

When these activities happen when we are young, and our parents can't seem to help, it is a rough journey.  Learning to open and close is the beginning and sometimes this just happens naturally as the youngster is learning to deal with their abilities.  If not, finding some good opening/closing/protection information is important as a foundation to psychic abilities.

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I would like to offer you some info

Post by Bree 54 » Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:38 am

I have seen the shadows of what use to be bodied humans move through an old house. Most of the time they don't even know you are there. God did not leave you there to be vulnerable to them and I am talking about the ones that know you are there.  See they are far more vulnerable than you are, your body give you the ability to focus energy but it only works if you know about it.

I to struggled with the light inside and my dislike for religion as it was shoved down my throat by holy hypocrites.  So when you start searching for another or something that seems to be your truth there is a crack that these spirits useto come through to create a fearful situation that isn't real, but you don't know that at the time.  Old homes are notorious for having these cracks. Try looking for your truth with your light shining brightly, that is your love for the one.  Believe me they can't do anything to you as long as your light is on.

You also have to understand that there is an energy stamp in these places of past emotions that get embedded in those old house and if you happen to be there when they release it can be frightening, but it is only like a time warp visiting both plans at the same time.  This can never affect you with the exception of causing momentary fear. You know your scriptures, in his name and it shall be done. Walk fearless it can make life very attractive and fun.

These situations will pass when you find your inner strength and you will move to the next level if you choose.

Bree~ :)

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