Planets are malfunctioning

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Planets are malfunctioning

Post by biltu » Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:08 pm

A malfunction is the state of something that functions wrongly or does not function at all. I think it just happen with my planets which I got from my birth time. According to present dasa which I am running with, should get at-list one suitable match for marriage. But nothing happen, and I don't see anything will happen at all. My friend are laughing at me as they all are married and has children. Is my Horoscope wrong or it dose not giving result according to astrological rules or I don't know why it is not happening.

Posted at Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:10 am
RishiRahul wrote: Hi biltu,

April to Sept 2006 was the period, and somehow the equation was not yours.

Now is the time to wake up from your dreams, and think practical.
Marriage would only be in sight only After April 2014.

It would not be wise, in your interest, to think of romance/marriage before this.

In any case you have got time till 2018 to get married!! So no hurry. The more you hurry, the more frustrated you will get.

I suggest a roundish faced girl.

With your kind of chart, marriage after matching charts would be best, particularly before 2016.

I know what I tell you is confusing, but if you follow it you will only gain.

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:32 pm
RishiRahul wrote:Hi biltu,

Sorry, I have been late in replying.

Firstly, do you have kalsarpa yoga? Or was the query impatiently made?

Mangal in lagna has nothing to do with getting married or not. Does it?
Just mangal in lagna (with the absence of other planets in the chart) makes the native somewhat exciteable by nature; but the mentally he is like a brahmachari.
Given the present dasas he would have more romantic inclinations.

Presently its all work & no play/enjoyment. Play & such things happen between Sept 2013 & May 2014.
I wonder if there is any combination for not getting married!

For a serious thing as marriage your mind will be set the right way after the 3rd. quarter 2014.
So do not think about it maturedly before this.

Of course its not time.
Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:53 pm
Rohiniranjan wrote: September 2013 to early April 2014 is a period which is very conducive for marriage. Once you pass that, you will again get in the clutches of Mr. Rahu and begin dwindling and delaying the decision!
I had never come through with a suitable matches to the above mention time.

My question is why marriage is not happening ? Dose it not written in my destine to be happen ? Or my Horoscope is so hard to tell or predict as I am also not understand the reason.

Date of Birth: 07.09.1982
Time of Birth: 08:30AM
Place of Birth: Hooghly ( West Bengal ) India
Gender: Male
Rohiniranjan wrote:I would love to, but may not be able to attend, but do send me an invitation, anyway!!

Love and Light,

It would be my pleasant to send you a invitation for the ceremony of my marriage, but I am sorry to say that as my destine dose not permit for marriage ceremony to be happen because of malfunction of dasa planet, kindly forgive me as I am not able to bring you a precious news from my side.

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Re: Planets are malfunctioning

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:31 am

biltu wrote:A malfunction is the state of something that functions wrongly or does not function at all. I think it just happen with my planets which I got from my birth time. According to present dasa which I am running with, should get at-list one suitable match for marriage. But nothing happen, and I don't see anything will happen at all. My friend are laughing at me as they all are married and has children. Is my Horoscope wrong or it dose not giving result according to astrological rules or I don't know why it is not happening.

It would be my pleasant to send you a invitation for the ceremony of my marriage, but I am sorry to say that as my destine dose not permit for marriage ceremony to be happen because of malfunction of dasa planet, kindly forgive me as I am not able to bring you a precious news from my side.


These days, I see a fair number of young men and women moving away from the tradition of marriage. Times are different and will continue to be so. Among the astrology reading seekers, marriage has become the proverbial Dilli Ka Laddu (He who tastes is repentant and he who does not taste it is repentant as well!). Unmarried people are stressing themselves out to find a lover or marriage partner and those that marry, within 5-7 years or far less are complaining and seeking ways out etc etc. My sample includes not just personal clients but the spectrum I see on a variety of forums as well as the jyotish vani and other reading sites I started some years ago for free readings.

Makes demographical sense! Population is exploding, resources are shrinking and non traditional preferences are increasingly on the rise as well as coming out of their closet, as it is called! Even states and churches are beginning to soften up, etc. Societies are changing and it all may be a new trend in the coming decades. Since you are surrounded by friends who are following the traditional ways and naturally you are in an angst because of that.

Sometimes when we worry and try too much, only the path begins to feel harder! Over THAT we all have control, but the effort would be better when applied towards that!

Love and Light,


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Biltu's marriage!

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:16 pm

Quoted from earlier message by me back in 2013 here:

Date of Birth: 07.09.1982
Time of Birth: 08:30AM
Place of Birth: Hooghly ( West Bengal ) India
Gender: Male


You have an interesting chart (which is no wonder since we all know you are an interesting person :-))

Atmakaraka in lagna generally gives good health (at least till middle and sometimes later too) and gives a sense of self and confidence. Jupiter, though a functional malefic is strong and has given, I assume, a somewhat strict and seemingly cold (has difficulty expressing emotions) father. If I recall correctly, you are a partner in business with your father -- which fits based on the pada, bhava and karakas as placed. The presence of AK in lagna however has its negative aspect and sometimes gives a sense of restlessness (being mars, that sometimes gives impulsiveness, a need for speediness, if you catch my drift and may give outbursts).

But enough about YOU!

Why is this youngman not married, even though the right dasa (moon as Darakarak) is in progress, and the clock is showing 31 years (almost)?

Saptamesh (also AK) in lagna, strong and mostly happy (state) is with guru in guru nakshatra. and aspecting the 7th. Lagnesh, though not directly connected with the 7th or related factors is however placed in not only functionally strong inimical house but which also represents badhaksthana which holds the padas of 3rd and 8th houses. To me its seems that some of the delays in marriage are self-created/imposed by the nativity (that would be YOU) but also there are indications that some of the delays have to do with some family preoccupation (focus) on matters surrounding a sibling of yours.

There are certain linkages between the 9 and 12 and factors related to marriage and self-related matters. The presence of rahu in the 9th in association with 1P and 12P and with other marriage-related factors indicate that some degree of restlessness and uncertainty will be involved in decision-making in this venture (marriage). There is a degree of difficulty in saying and accepting, "I DO!". Some degree of such fear and shirking from responsibilities thereafter are generally believed to plague most males and it is known as "Cold feet syndrome". If any solace, I did have that too! Even though who my wife would be became made known to me in a flash (inside track) when I was 14. I did not even remember that until an unrelated career decision brought me to her town almost 10-11 year later. But this is not about me! ;-)

September 2013 to early April 2014 is a period which is very conducive for marriage. Once you pass that, you will again get in the clutches of Mr. Rahu and begin dwindling and delaying the decision!

Transit-wise, current time till early october is likely to bring some matches (have those started?) but from then until almost 3rd week of november could be a bit 'slow' period in marriage related matters or even seem like a bit of setback. Early to mid 2014 sounds like where decision making would be easier for you.

Your wife will be charming, intelligent, but both of you would need to gradually grow up together and adjust (this is not essentially or only astrological advice!) and learn to accept that emotional needs may not always be identical. Rather than challenge or feel challenged, there will be a need for adjustment and allowing each other some emotional space from time to time -- a temporary break from marriage, without breaking up the marriage! It is nothing serious but just mutual respect shown caringly and sensitively! Communication will be the key and both must learn to grow secure enough to share honestly, over time. And without unnecessary drama!!

I hope I am reading the signs correctly and wishing you a very happy matrimony! I would love to, but may not be able to attend, but do send me an invitation, anyway!!

Love and Light,



This was the full message and must be read and understood fully, as opposed to cherry-picking as you seem to do!

Conducive does not mean something will happen for sure, for sure, but that the period would be preoccupied with certain thoughts and at times might clinch the results if everything is in favour!

In your case, over the months in which you have shared here, an obvious pattern has been seen. Laments (OH why I am not finding a partner?) followed by periods of silence (could be busy with other things or perhaps in a bit of personal darkness and not feeling up enough to write) followed by advising other marriage seekers to just take it as it comes, if marriage is in the cards it will happen (some would say that that is the best advice!), but then messages come from you here that show yet another side of you, in which you try to project your 'playboy' image with all those 'kissings' etc as seen recently! So the first thing that comes to mind is, is this young man viewing marriage as a pleasant responsibility or merely a conquest? Now in the past kings etc used to have that kind of attitude (conquest of women) and in places some powerful women too had same attitudes (Helen of Troy, Delilah etc etc)! Rishi Rahul in his reading did touch upon that though in indirect words some years ago but it seems those did not really sink in and hence in perfect step with your moods as expressed here!

In my forum reading, which is often hurried etc, you simply picked on these lines of mine (my apologies if they raised your hopes too much, although your playboy sharings came much after my words from last year, but let us see in technical details

Sept 2013 to early april 2014 was when you had dasa of planet in 7th (moon) and the lord of 7th (mars). Which are also atmakaraka and dara karaka in your chart. The negativity arises from what I have been seeing in several charts where charakaraka in a house relevant to it karakattwa can prove to be negative (chara application of Karako Bhav Nashaya) which I have shared but since it is a bit non-traditional, it has met with resistance in general! Well so be it! Moon is in an enemy's house and that was not too helpful in addition. The period evidently remained empty regarding marriage fulfilment wish and causes personal anguish (atmakaraka in lagna), if not destroying, definitely disturbing the nativity as expected. Even the feeble transits did not help it seems.

Like I always say, feedbacks are very important and help us fine tune things. Thanks for those and making me revisit my notes. I like doing that! For nativities, it is advisable to read carefully everything that the astrologers write, or speak, whether in a web message reading or other modalities which are more elaborate and more like a full reading!

Love and Light and Reality,


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Post by biltu » Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:49 pm

Dear Rohiniranjan jii

This is your generosity that you give time from your busy schedule for my post to read and to write.

I want to mention that I see marriage as a pleasant responsibility but not as a conquest. Being a palyboy to a woman whom you love, not a bad subject, where that love has a true image. A woman met with me or I can say approach at me last year in the month of June, had fall in love with me almost ( as she told me last day when she left ), she fall in love with me because of my character, attitude, Honesty and personality. She was young, almost 10 years, age difference was not the issue, But we find ourselves we cannot continuing that newly born relation to marriage. Before she approach at me, my moon dosa started at the month of May, Just one month before. I thought she was the one, but I was wrong. Anyway, that is why I wrote Planets are malfunctioning. From October or from November I make a relation with Police Case and Court Case. I take a bail from Court. If this feedbacks helps.

P.S. ---- A malfunction is the state of something that functions wrongly or does not function at all.

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Post by biltu » Thu Jun 12, 2014 12:24 am


This is me when relaxing with peace of mind  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:01 am

biltu wrote:...

This is me when relaxing with peace of mind  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)
Wrong image Biltu! This is more like your thing...! ... _scale.jpg

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