Hello Everyone. Can I have a picture reading please? :)

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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Hello Everyone. Can I have a picture reading please? :)

Post by Wolfmoonsky » Wed Jun 18, 2014 6:35 pm

Hello everyone :) I was wondering if I could have a picture reading again! I already had one a little bit more or less then 2 years ago. I would love to have an update on this picture! if that's oké of course!  :smt002

Thank you for your reading this and I hope you all have a nice day!
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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:03 pm

New haircut, new smile, new life!  2014 is energies of manifesting the new and innovative for your life.  Remember it is the seeds  you have planted.  If you don't like the results and they feel like weeds, weed them out of your garden - life.  This year will bring opportunities for you to choose from - not just one path opening - but many.  Choose which is to be your next step.  You will not lose any of the opportunities, merely postpone it for another day.  What are you ready to do, be, speak, and generally embrace?  What a time to be alive!  with all the opportunities and challenges.  Enjoy!

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I do not want to burst your balloon, but..........

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jun 20, 2014 2:09 am

Hi Wolf,

I remember giving you a reading back in December 2012 (helped greatly by the forum database).

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... highlight=

Clearly you listened carefully to Rohiniranjan's good advice when he wrote....
You can try to set a somewhat longer 'time-frame', instead of your usual resolution to learn more of something each and every year. Let us say, 2 years or even 2.5 years. You will find that the pressure is less that way.
It has almost been exactly 18 months between readings.

Here are two questions for you. Was this photo taken while you were on holiday?

How recently was it taken?

Just as making resolutions while on holiday can unknowingly set you up for breaking them, a photo taken while you are on holiday for the purposes of a picture reading may not be telling us the true or whole story about what is happening in your life at the moment, and how well or otherwise you are dealing with what is happening. It is normal for you to feel and look more relaxed, positive about yourself and glad to be alive, while you are on holiday?

Just a feeling that this reading could have been negatively influenced by this not being a typical photo of you when you are at home and dealing with work and other life stresses on a daily basis, which may temporarily disappear while you are on vacation.

PS: BTW what is that writing on the front of your clothes (label or paper)? It has definitely made me more than curious about your situation at the time which that photo was taken.  


EoT   :smt006

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Post by Wolfmoonsky » Fri Jun 20, 2014 2:08 pm

Thank you both for the comments Spirttalk and eye_of_tiger! :)

Ah, so it's been 18 months? One year and a half. That's not really that long ago.
eye_of_tiger wrote:Hi Wolf,

How recently was it taken?

Just as making resolutions while on holiday can unknowingly set you up for breaking them, a photo taken while you are on holiday for the purposes of a picture reading may not be telling us the true or whole story about what is happening in your life at the moment, and how well or otherwise you are dealing with what is happening. It is normal for you to feel and look more relaxed, positive about yourself and glad to be alive, while you are on holiday?

Just a feeling that this reading could have been negatively influenced by this not being a typical photo of you when you are at home and dealing with work and other life stresses on a daily basis, which may temporarily disappear while you are on vacation.
This photo was taken at dolfinarium, a place in holland with all kinds of sea animals! I'm really glad to read this message because what you just wrote because I was afraid that this would have happen but, because I never make my own pictures, and there is not reason to have, I decided to put on this picture.

About that I feel more relaxed and feeling glad to be alive at that moment in hat picture is indeed the case. I felt relieved and finally got some stress of my back.

I will write down how I have been feeling these 18 months.

Last year I've been diagnosed with autism. Not a problem since I already  had a suspicion that I would have this. What I didn't know was the outcome of my life. My future is already determined and it is not positive.
I would never have children (being a mom was the only thing I wanted, but you can't have everything). Never study. only stocking shelves in a supermarket and sit behind a computer all day. See how all my former bullies and sisters are going to an good and normal life and probaly have a familie of their own, and me... having gone through hell and having survived so much and barly keeping myself alive ...and this is the result. Why have I been born in the first place?
I just wanted a normal life. I do not have to stand above someone. I don't need or want to be a doctor of professor, just an average life, a good paid job, but most of all, being able to enjoy life. Now I won't even have my own place. The worst thing is that this is the most positive outcome for me.

I'm not only feeling useless. I just going to wait till my parents die from old age so that I can die. It's making me desperate. I do not know what to do. I have tried everything but can not do anything about it. Also, my view of the world and people are dangerously.. ill.

I thought back to the reading and thought. Maybe you see something that will give me strength to keep on going. heck, just maybe something positive will happen, maybe they see what's going on with me and that they can give advice. Of course I need to work on myself, and believe me I want that. but so far I have nothing to fight for. There are no options left. I want to keep fighting for myself and msot of all my parent, but do not see the point of it. I'm tired of living in fear and trying to survive everything (I'm not going to end my life, I wouldn't do that for my parents.)

So, I have not really had fun the last few months. I do not know if it's good for me was to write this. I do not think you can help me, but you never know.

Again, thank you both very much for the comments, and I hope this wasn't to depressing to read.

PS eye of tiger: I looked at my shirt, it says: being happy doens't mean that everything is perfect. it means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

....I should have looked at this shirt earlier! XD

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Autism is a part of whom you are. It is not all of whom you are.

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:53 am

Dear Wolf,

Now I understand why I immediately felt on looking at your photo that there was already a connection between us.

Our nearly 28 year old son has Asperger Syndrome which is an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. He was diagnosed as having AS when he was still attending primary school.

And like yourself he also suffers from chronic and cyclic depression. It is hard to tell at times whether his depression is merely another symptom of his condition (only one of many), or whether instead he is depressed both by his illness as well as the challenges he will continue to face in the future to be accepted in a world and society where being different is treated like a crime.

My feelings are that the depression of AS and autism itself is complex and caused by both of the above reasons, and many reasons still unknown to modern medicine. I am a chronic depressive myself, so there may even be a genetic inherited from his father component to his depression. I really cannot say for sure what is causing what, but all I know is that if left untreated then depression can be potentially fatal. And if the people around you do not understand what is the problem, or knowingly or unknowingly make it much worse than it already is, then the depression soon takes over control of the rest of your life.

But now comes the best news of all. While you may feel that your future is already determined and it is not positive, I want to assure you that your future is still being written. And that while your life is never going to be the same as a person who does not have your condition, it can still be pretty good in spite of its difficulties. Build upon what you can do, instead of continuing to feel that you need to always apologise for being who you truly are (autism included), or feeling unnecessarily embarrassed for not being able to do everything people expect you to able to. You have as much right to live and be happy as any other person does, so let your inner Light shine brightly.  

You asked about what I was reading from your picture/photograph. Purity of emotion, innocence, highly intelligent, a good friend to have when you are yourself going through difficult times in your own life, dependable to the extreme, excellent sense of humour, willing to help anyone in need of her help, a healer of others, kind, sensitive, caring, curious, impatient with herself, needs to love herself more using mainly what other people can see  in her which she cannot see, the energy and enthusiasm of youth, low self confidence but a lot of hidden mainly from herself good and positive qualities of character.

Do you want me to continue, as I could go on for several postings describing all the good, positive encouraging and inspiring things I can learn about you from that photo? These things are timeless and will always be a part of who you are, so perhaps the time which the photo was taken is not so important after all. I personally know an autistic couple who are married with children, so your theory that marriage and motherhood must forever remain out of your reach is beginning to look very shaky to me.

I am not saying that the reading comes with a guarantee that there will not be further challenges ahead for you, or that it predicts with 100% certainty that you will eventually marry and have children (there are no guarantees of anything in this life), but it is telling me that it is far too early at your age for you giving up completely on your dreams just yet. Please could I have the privilege of sharing some of your journey towards greater self understanding and greater self acceptance and greatly increased self love with you?

You have so many good things going for you in your favour and to your advantage (not least of all being 20 years young), and so many new and exciting opportunities and possibilities waiting for you further down the road that I would like to be a part of your fan club or support team and be seen as much as your friend, as I am your reader.

Loving regards,

EoT Image

PS: Dolphins are used over here in Australia as therapy animals for children and adults with disabilities. It is I believe a mixture of their intelligence, gentleness, empathy for and natural curiosity about people in general, that makes them so good at being a part of that individual's healing treatment.

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Post by Wolfmoonsky » Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:06 pm

Thank you for your comment eye_of_tiger!
and sorry for the late replay. I just didn't know how to replay to this comment.

I remember that it has been said by many other people with autism that they also suffer from chronic and cyclic depression. Also heard that they don't know how to treat the depression of people with autism :(  It's a really hopeless situation. I'm very sorry to hear that you suffer from chronic depression.

You gave me some great advice! thank you! It's hard though. The embarrassing feeling never goes away, even when I know that I don't have to be embarrassed. That's just something I can't do about it. People also remind me that I need to be embarrassed. Thankfully my family doesn't.

those....were many positve things. I find it weird to read something positive about me. I don't know what to say. I really don't know what to say. I'm kinda speechless haha. What you wrote is all true, all of it but, expect for the ''highly intelligent" part. I't s been proven that I''m low/average intelligent. Ifoudnthat out after I had to do some tests before they could diagnose me with autism. It was sadley lower theni expected it to be, and I already though it was low. That was not a good day for me. I start slowly getting over it.

I try to think that marriage and motherhood is still a possibility for me. It's just that knowing that I will live with my parents forever (they said that that's a fact) and that when I say: would you think I would become a mother someday? they say nothing and have that look on there face that clearly says *no*. When I look at myself and how I feel and how others see me, i would say no too, unfortunately, no matter how difficult that may be. But we will see. I'm still only twenty after all.

I know it's way to early to think about it since I'm only 20 years old. I'm just scared about the future. How it looks like now it seems that I can't even have or want consider a future. Since I'm still young, I don't want to worry about it too much "too bad that's not what my mind agreeing with". I have already too much to worry about. too much anxiety and dperessed.

I wish I could give a better commentary. Sometimes I really have this blackouts. It is all written in my head about what I want to say, but it never goes out on paper or verbal speaking. I'm not good when it comes to words.
I got a lot wiser from this message, even loved. Maybe it is because you also have a son with autism and have a easier way with understanding my situation.

All I can say after I readed your comment was... thank you:) Thank you for trying to help me and giving me some hope. I
can not be thankful enough!

PS Here were the dolphins used for entertaining people with doing some tricks. You could see how their trainers trained them. They are very sweet animals full of harmony and intelligent. I'm glad I could see it. Not just the dolphins but the seals and other sea animals as well.

PSS Sorry for the many spelling mistakes. I try to type fast with an slow computer and I really want to finally finnish this message. It took me more then a day  XD

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:45 pm

You really do not need people reminding you that you should  feel embarassed, particularly when there is no reason for you to have to apologize to anyone for being alive.

As a retired high school teacher I know that there are at least seven different ways that a person's intelligence can be measured, and that intellectual intelligence which is what they use to calculate your IQ or intelligence quotient is now regarded as a poor guide with regards to a person's future success in their life.

Also unlike what we were once taught that an individual's IQ is fixed at birth, it has now been shown that the IQ can increase over time if the brain gets what it needs to create a series of complex new nerve connections.

Your commentary or feedback is honest. Artificially positive feedback usually means that you are only telling me what you think that I most want to hear, instead of what is the real situation. Artificially positive feedback is a waste of my time and energy, so I thank you for not being artificially positive and dishonest.

While I do not know exactly what it is like to both be you and have autism, our son's severe depression which late last year required a short course of electroshock therapy to lift does at least give me a better idea about what you could be going through at such a tender age.

This is only the beginning of what I feel that I am able to do to help you with this major life challenge, so please stick around as you have not seen anything yet.

Loving regards,


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:06 am

Dear Wolfmoonsky,

I am a bit of a curmudgeon, as my best friends will tell you (and might be nodding smilingly and silently...!) -- particularly when it comes to communication! But, I tend to be harder on those who are 'readers' and provide essentially language and translation services! We all, divinators all, are here to decipher the silent languages and omens of the soul (be it tarot, astrology, spiritual-metaphysical etc etc).

For what it might be worth, for a person who has been diagnosed by professionals as an autistic person, you surely communicate very well, WAY BETTER than many of us who should be better communicators and some of us strive for that goal!

And, communication might be just one of your strengths, my dear! The image you have shared has the windows of the soul, your two eyes, very expressive from what I can see -- even though I am not a picture-reader or psychic, etc.

I apologize for interrupting ongoing conversations, but feel urged to give you an image to consider and possibly contemplate upon. Picture a dark night, but with the awareness that the time is close to dawn. It is still dark and therefore uncertain and somewhat anxiety-provoking, but you feel also that dawn and therefore sunrise is near! With closed eyes, and at as much peacefulness that you can muster and bring into yourself, picture the darkness gradually getting lighter and lighter and the greyish blue turning into crimson-orange as the sun emerges!

Such practices require some degree of faith and with belief if you practice this daily, maybe twice daily, you shall get better at doing it gradually and may find it becoming more meaningful as time goes on!

Love, Light, Blessings,


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