any insights?

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any insights?

Post by samsr » Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:25 pm

this is my picture, I would love to get a reading
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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:16 am

Sam, ... 098#329098

I cannot give you this picture reading without at the same time thinking back to when I last read for you in December of last year, that time on the psychic reading forum.

Can I safely assume that you are still currently single and unemployed, now that it is more than seven months after my last reading was given? Remember that my readings are thought to apply to the period of the next six months after your request was made, so you are presently not far outside those six months which have now expired.

What I said in the reading was important, but what I said in my final response in that thread was I believe even more significant and relevant to this picture reading.
I am painfully aware that there is often a big difference in our lives between what we think should happen in theory, and what actually happens in reality.

Also there is frequently a grand canyon between what is logical, and what is emotionally acceptable to us as being right or fair.
What I see in and on your face are signs that you are still (largely unconsciously) holding yourself back from giving yourself the maximum chance of finding the type of true and lasting love which you deserve, as well as finding suitable employment.  

Now please do not misunderstand me and imagine for one moment that I am suggesting that you are consciously and deliberately doing this to yourself, presumably because you enjoy remaining single and unemployed. Quite the opposite is true. I feel that you finding a partner who really loves you for being who you are, and finding a satisfying reasonably well paid job are both on the very top of your list of priorities and wish list.

But the signs which I see on your face and body language come mostly from unconscious thought habits which have without your awareness and intervention built up and been repeatedly reinforced over many years. I fully recognise that you have been and are continuing to do all the normal things which people do to find true love and a job, but the reading is saying that these unconscious habits of thought are constantly sabotaging your ongoing efforts to achieve both of these goals.

Your facial expression conveys to me a feeling of defiance in the face of reality, and an inability or unwillingness (or both) on your part to accept that the world can often seem to be an unfair place. Of course what is fair to someone may seem most unfair to another person. So what you judge as being fair is often highly subjective, relative, as well as a matter of your own personal viewpoint.

Too many people these days believe that if the world does not seem fair to them, it must necessarily be all their fault. If you truly believe that something is all your fault or responsibility to fix, and that you are therefore being punished by your life and other people for your mistakes and failures, then you are likely to not like yourself and believe that you do not deserve any better treatment than you are already getting.

On the surface you come across to people who do not know you well as being strong minded and determined to succeed at both goals, but as most prospective employers know all too well which is why they are less likely to want to risk employing you as the time of your unemployment grows, your not liking yourself and your disappointment in yourself significantly increase with the passing of time.

Not far below the mask which you present to the outside world is a young woman who I feel is UNCONSCIOUSLY unable or unwilling to accept that the world and life often appear to be most unfair to good and decent people, but that this does not mean they are bad or nasty people, or that destiny has decreed that they will always be guaranteed to fail in the future. Failure is not falling down. Failure is when you do not get up and try again, at least one more time than the number of times which you fell down.

The bad news is that without professional help from a qualified psychologist or suitably trained counsellor you are most unlikely to completely get rid of this negative and self sabotaging unconscious thought habit, any time soon. The best which you can hope for is to gradually learn to calm it down to a point where it no longer has so much control or hold over you.

The best way this reading and reader knows of you doing this is to split both goals up into twenty four hour segments. Think about what one thing of practical nature you could reasonably do and afford to do TODAY, with the guiding purpose to bring you one step closer to eventually finding him or finding an honest means of earning your living. Put in another job application, ask friends and family for possible job leads, let local companies know that you are available and learn new skills fast.

Make a list of the qualities you are looking for in your man, and a second one of qualities which you cannot and will not put up with, no matter how good looking he is. Based upon both hand written lists, visit the places where you would most expect to find the man who best fits that profile. Do not expect to get everything you want or do not want about your partner in any man, as to continue to do this would only make your worst and most feared outcome, more likely to happen than not.

The overall and most important message which comes through your picture reading is that the main barrier (but not the only obstacle) to you not finding true love or getting a decently paid job is your own unconscious habit of thought, AND NOT YOU THE PERSON.  I am NOT telling you this to make you dislike yourself even more than you already do, or make you feel that the situation is without hope. What the reading wants you to do is to stop punishing yourself for having this unconscious thought habit, as we are fortunately only held responsible for things which we consciously do and have conscious control over to change.

Consciously decide one day at a time to do something practical and positive to BOTH find true love AND to get a job (as in this physical world they tend to depend on each other). You need both your work and the love you deserve, in order to satisfy all your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. You need both the love and a job which is consistent with your moral values and life purpose to give you a well rounded and balanced personality.

If you ONLY look for one of them and always give the other one a lower priority, day after day, you will unintentionally be reinforcing the exact same negative thought habit that is already causing so much of your problems in getting the love and the job in the present moment. In direct proportion to how successfully you will apply the positive insights coming out of this reading to your daily efforts with the healing intention to progressively neutralise this negative habit of thought about yourself, will ultimately decide your success in achieving both desired outcomes.


Loving regards,

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Post by samsr » Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:06 pm

Thank you so much for taking the time for this reading. I do agree with you in some parts, and disagree in others. I did find a job opportunity that I was hoping for, but I´m finding it difficult to continue due some burocratic issues.  As for finding someone, well.. I cant control others people´s feelings. And I do tend to accept what I can´t change. I went to counselling for years and years, and as much as it was somewhat helpful, my life stayed the same and not for the lack of trying to change. You did have some interesting insights and I will give it a thought.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:00 am


It is always my pleasure to be of some help to my internet friends.
I do agree with you in some parts, and disagree in others.
That is perfectly normal and to be expected.

I want to hear about both the parts which you agree with, as well as those you disagree with at the time of your reading.

The parts of the reading which you disagree at the moment will probably help me more in progressively improving both the quality and the usefulness of my readings over time, when compared to the parts which you agree with.

Thanking you in return for your feedback, whether that feedback is more positive or negative.

Honest and balanced feedback is what I am always looking for on any of the reading or non reading forums.


EoT  :)  :)  :)

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Post by samsr » Sun Jul 27, 2014 1:13 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:Sam, ... 098#329098

I cannot give you this picture reading without at the same time thinking back to when I last read for you in December of last year, that time on the psychic reading forum.

Can I safely assume that you are still currently single and unemployed, now that it is more than seven months after my last reading was given? Remember that my readings are thought to apply to the period of the next six months after your request was made, so you are presently not far outside those six months which have now expired.
As I said, I did find a job opportunity I liked. And I did meet someone. It doesn´t mean it worked out, but is not the same situation.

What I said in the reading was important, but what I said in my final response in that thread was I believe even more significant and relevant to this picture reading.

I am painfully aware that there is often a big difference in our lives between what we think should happen in theory, and what actually happens in reality.
We chase the things that we think it should happen, those are our goals, things that will make us happy, better, and more useful people, not only to ourselves, but to society as well.
Also there is frequently a grand canyon between what is logical, and what is emotionally acceptable to us as being right or fair.
What I see in and on your face are signs that you are still (largely unconsciously) holding yourself back from giving yourself the maximum chance of finding the type of true and lasting love which you deserve, as well as finding suitable employment.  
To me is not clear what those signs would be.
Now please do not misunderstand me and imagine for one moment that I am suggesting that you are consciously and deliberately doing this to yourself, presumably because you enjoy remaining single and unemployed. Quite the opposite is true. I feel that you finding a partner who really loves you for being who you are, and finding a satisfying reasonably well paid job are both on the very top of your list of priorities and wish list.

But the signs which I see on your face and body language come mostly from unconscious thought habits which have without your awareness and intervention built up and been repeatedly reinforced over many years. I fully recognise that you have been and are continuing to do all the normal things which people do to find true love and a job, but the reading is saying that these unconscious habits of thought are constantly sabotaging your ongoing efforts to achieve both of these goals.
Someone liking yourself or a job opportunity coming your way aren´t things you can control (unless you are in the business for yourself, which is not the case). So I really don´t understand.
Your facial expression conveys to me a feeling of defiance in the face of reality, and an inability or unwillingness (or both) on your part to accept that the world can often seem to be an unfair place. Of course what is fair to someone may seem most unfair to another person. So what you judge as being fair is often highly subjective, relative, as well as a matter of your own personal viewpoint.

Too many people these days believe that if the world does not seem fair to them, it must necessarily be all their fault. If you truly believe that something is all your fault or responsibility to fix, and that you are therefore being punished by your life and other people for your mistakes and failures, then you are likely to not like yourself and believe that you do not deserve any better treatment than you are already getting.

On the surface you come across to people who do not know you well as being strong minded and determined to succeed at both goals, but as most prospective employers know all too well which is why they are less likely to want to risk employing you as the time of your unemployment grows, your not liking yourself and your disappointment in yourself significantly increase with the passing of time.
This is the thing... I like myself. This is why I actually am strong minded believing I can succeed, even if I am the only one who believe in that.
Not far below the mask which you present to the outside world is a young woman who I feel is UNCONSCIOUSLY unable or unwilling to accept that the world and life often appear to be most unfair to good and decent people, but that this does not mean they are bad or nasty people, or that destiny has decreed that they will always be guaranteed to fail in the future. Failure is not falling down. Failure is when you do not get up and try again, at least one more time than the number of times which you fell down.
The world is fair and unfair, to decent or not decent people.

The bad news is that without professional help from a qualified psychologist or suitably trained counsellor you are most unlikely to completely get rid of this negative and self sabotaging unconscious thought habit, any time soon. The best which you can hope for is to gradually learn to calm it down to a point where it no longer has so much control or hold over you.
I don´t see what could be controlling me. I´ve been to therapy, years and years. It doesn´t fix things or create opportunities, which is what I think I need and would help me.
The best way this reading and reader knows of you doing this is to split both goals up into twenty four hour segments. Think about what one thing of practical nature you could reasonably do and afford to do TODAY, with the guiding purpose to bring you one step closer to eventually finding him or finding an honest means of earning your living. Put in another job application, ask friends and family for possible job leads, let local companies know that you are available and learn new skills fast.
Nothing different than what I´ve already been doing for ages.
Make a list of the qualities you are looking for in your man, and a second one of qualities which you cannot and will not put up with, no matter how good looking he is. Based upon both hand written lists, visit the places where you would most expect to find the man who best fits that profile. Do not expect to get everything you want or do not want about your partner in any man, as to continue to do this would only make your worst and most feared outcome, more likely to happen than not.
I can´t disagree more with this list thing. Personalities and situations are very complex and are better analyzed in a dynamic way.  
The overall and most important message which comes through your picture reading is that the main barrier (but not the only obstacle) to you not finding true love or getting a decently paid job is your own unconscious habit of thought, AND NOT YOU THE PERSON.  I am NOT telling you this to make you dislike yourself even more than you already do, or make you feel that the situation is without hope. What the reading wants you to do is to stop punishing yourself for having this unconscious thought habit, as we are fortunately only held responsible for things which we consciously do and have conscious control over to change.
Again, I actually like myself... Disliking a situation you´re in, doesn´t necessarily means you dislike yourself. I see all of my flaws and qualities, I am the very 1st one to recognize them.
Consciously decide one day at a time to do something practical and positive to BOTH find true love AND to get a job (as in this physical world they tend to depend on each other). You need both your work and the love you deserve, in order to satisfy all your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. You need both the love and a job which is consistent with your moral values and life purpose to give you a well rounded and balanced personality.
If you ONLY look for one of them and always give the other one a lower priority, day after day, you will unintentionally be reinforcing the exact same negative thought habit that is already causing so much of your problems in getting the love and the job in the present moment. In direct proportion to how successfully you will apply the positive insights coming out of this reading to your daily efforts with the healing intention to progressively neutralise this negative habit of thought about yourself, will ultimately decide your success in achieving both desired outcomes.
It´s all about balance and about what you have in the moment to work with. We tend to focus in our most urgent needs. A love opportunity can appear whether you´re looking for it or not, as well other types of opportunities.

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Well I asked for your feedback, and you definitely gave it to me and much more

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:23 am

Well I suppose that I asked for detailed feedback about my reading, and you definitely provided me with that and much more. :smt005  

I have never during several years of giving online readings received such detailed feedback as yours. Thank you so much for taking the time and making the effort required for you to do so. It is much appreciated by yours truly, I can assure you.
As I said, I did find a job opportunity I liked. And I did meet someone. It doesn't mean it worked out, but is not the same situation.
Understood and I admit that I missed these important details in your earlier posting. Mainly because they were not in your original request, but also partly because I did the reading in the early morning hours, and must have been half asleep not to see them.
We chase the things that we think it should happen, those are our goals, things that will make us happy, better, and more useful people, not only to ourselves, but to society as well.
I could not agree more with those sentiments, but I also do not see anything in the reading which contradicts this.
Clearly we both agree that there is frequently a grand canyon between what is logical, and what is emotionally acceptable to us as being right or fair.
To me is not clear what those signs would be.
I can intuitively see these signs in your face, but especially in your eyes which are like open windows to your soul or personality type. Your body language or the way you present yourself to the outside world and other people often communicates much more about you than you realise. It tells me that you may not think that being who you really are is acceptable to me. Which I feel is a terrible shame as underneath it all you are a good and nice person who is trying her best in the only ways which she knows how to. The huge ongoing effort which you have put into your self improvement can also be read by me in this way.
Someone liking yourself or a job opportunity coming your way aren´t things you can control (unless you are in the business for yourself, which is not the case). So I really don´t understand.
I completely disagree with both points. There are many practical things which you can do to increase the chances of both of these events happening sooner instead of much later. Therefore you CAN using some of the reading's advice or suggestions have some degree of control over whether you are likely to meet someone else who likes you, or whether you will get the maximum advantage from any job opportunities which do come your way. But you do not as you quite correctly stated always have complete control over every single possible factor which could potentially affect your chances of either event occurring soon.
This is the thing... I like myself. This is why I actually am strong minded believing I can succeed, even if I am the only one who believe in that.
Even if you are the only person who believes that you are strong minded and likely to succeed in your life as a result? Where is your evidence that nobody else in the world including me believes in you? Why do you think that being strong minded and standing up for your own right to be you is not acceptable to other people, and that they do not like strong minded people like you? You could if you can satisfyingly to yourself answer these questions, like yourself even more than you already do. Just like most other human beings could like themselves more if they found the answers to their own often unique personal questions, which may be very different from yours.
The world is fair and unfair, to decent or not decent people.
I could not agree more with those sentiments, but I also do not see anything in the reading which contradicts this.
I don´t see what could be controlling me. I´ve been to therapy, years and years. It doesn´t fix things or create opportunities, which is what I think I need and would help me.
The negative and self sabotaging unconscious thought habit itself is still exerting control over you. Which is precisely why I think that the methods used by your therapists so far have failed to fix things. Therapy by itself will never create the opportunities, but it can go  long way towards helping you to get the maximum advantage of what opportunities come in your direction. I also think that you to some extent you cannot simply wait for opportunities to magically appear as if by random chance. You can do things to create new opportunities for yourself, on top of the ones which appear not to be under your control. Effective therapy to help you to remove these unconscious blocks is a first positive step on a long journey. If your past therapy sessions had been successful in removing these blockages, I doubt that you would have asked for this reading, as you would known this and act accordingly. Note that it is the therapists who have failed, and not you. These self sabotaging thought patterns have built up over many years. No single therapist is likely to fix things quickly, particularly if they are inflexible hen deciding what method of therapy they will use with you. So far none of them has been successful at coming up with the most effective type of therapy for you. But that does not mean that the right or most effective type of therapy for you does not exist.
Nothing different than what I´ve already been doing for ages.
Then this reading (as readings often do) only confirms that you are already doing many things which are good and right for you, with the positive and healing intention to help yourself. Give yourself a well deserved but long overdue pat on the back for your courage and determination to succeed, from your friendly reader.
I can´t disagree more with this list thing. Personalities and situations are very complex and are better analyzed in a dynamic way.
Personalities and situations ARE INDEED both very complex and dynamic, and these written lists are only meant to be a starting point or point of reference to help you measure what progress you have made in better defining what you are looking for in a partner. The written list method helps many people to begin the sorting out process. But some people do not find it as being so effective, and a small number of people might actually find these lists to be too restrictive and hold them from socialising. The reading offers you some tools to help you, but it cannot and must never decide or force you to use them, if you feel they are not the right or best ones for you.
Again, I actually like myself... Disliking a situation you´re in, doesn´t necessarily means you dislike yourself. I see all of my flaws and qualities, I am the very 1st one to recognize them.
According to your earlier statement you are the ONLY one who recognises your many positive qualities, but everyone else can equally and easily recognise your common human flaws. This sounds very one sided. Disliking a situation does not mean that you also do not like yourself, but liking yourself more does help people to better cope with situations which they do not like to happen to them, but still do.  
It´s all about balance and about what you have in the moment to work with. We tend to focus in our most urgent needs. A love opportunity can appear whether you´re looking for it or not, as well other types of opportunities.
YES to "It´s all about balance and about what you have in the moment to work with".

YES to "We tend to focus in our most urgent needs".

YES to "A love opportunity can appear whether you´re looking for it or not, as well other types of opportunities".

But the reading is not contradicting any of these three statements, and is in several places reinforcing and supporting these statements of your personal beliefs and opinions. And once again you can through your own practical and positive efforts both create extra new opportunities on top of the ones which appear by themselves, and get the maximum advantage from any of those opportunities, whether or not you created them.

Wishing you a successful journey towards your chosen destination,

EoT  :smt006

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Re: Well I asked for your feedback, and you definitely gave it to me and much more

Post by samsr » Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:14 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:Well I suppose that I asked for detailed feedback about my reading, and you definitely provided me with that and much more. :smt005  

I have never during several years of giving online readings received such detailed feedback as yours. Thank you so much for taking the time and making the effort required for you to do so. It is much appreciated by yours truly, I can assure you.
No, thank you for taking the time to look at my request, as a volunteer I know you gain nothing out of it.
Understood and I admit that I missed these important details in your earlier posting. Mainly because they were not in your original request, but also partly because I did the reading in the early morning hours, and must have been half asleep not to see them.
It wasn´t in my original request, but if you have any insights about it, I would love to know it.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:14 am

but if you have any insights about it, I would love to know it.
This reading is now signed, sealed and delivered to you in full, and new information or a new request will therefore necessarily require a future reading.

Each reading is given in response to your original request, and not to any modified request or extra questions which have been added after the original request was made.

Which is the reason why we have a rule in the psychic reading forum (but which appears to be missing in this one) which says........
When asking questions, please word your question carefully, think about the content and take responsibility for the question. Once a reading has been given it cannot then be reopened for answering new questions.
And looking back at the reading I do not feel that it would have made a significant difference to the insights and other output coming out of it if these details had been included in your original request (minus the first sentence).

Although you are no longer unattached or unemployed, the reading is saying that the same unconscious negative habits of thought which were present when you had no relationship or job continue to influence your rate of progress in reducing their hold over you.

It also encouragingly believes that you are already definitely doing a lot of the right things for you to make this progress of recovery, as fixing or reversing the psychological damage done to each of us by our life's more negative experiences (and feeling lonely and not useful is a negative experience in my opinion) will never be an easy task by anybody's standards.

Without these obstacles (the negative thought habits) getting in your way, you could potentially enjoy a lot more success and enhanced feelings of personal and professional satisfaction from any of your relationships and jobs, now or in the future.


EoT :smt031

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