Hi, could I please get a picture reading.

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

Moderators: eye_of_tiger, shalimar123

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Hi, could I please get a picture reading.

Post by daizyblackrose » Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:36 am

I was wondering what's you could read of me from this picture?
^u^ <3 Daizy.  

Last edited by daizyblackrose on Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:50 pm

Hi Daizy,

I think that you may not be getting a response to your request within a reasonable period of time, because picture readings are rarely if ever used to predict the future.

The same principle applies to all psychic readings given on Mystic Board.

Please reword your request accordingly, and resubmit.

Yours sincerely,

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Post by daizyblackrose » Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:28 pm

Righty and thanks for response. ^u^

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:55 am


Thank you for your understanding and patience.

I am henceforth using your subject heading as your request for a picture reading.

The position and the way you are holding your lips tightly together in your photo is telling me that you have had to hold your tongue for a long time or not talk about something which is important to you, because you feel that someone close to you would not like what you told them, and might also use it against you to score points. At the same time I feel that you are holding or keeping this information to yourself, but want to shout it from the rooftops or let everyone else who counts in your life know that you are more than capable of dealing with your major life challenges your way, and that you know what is best for you instead of always listening to what they think is best for you.

Your entire facial expression (which centres around your mouth and eyes) is one which communicates to me of a young woman who is determined to succeed in life at all costs (unfortunately a big part of those costs may be your health), and above all wants to be more assertive. To stand up for her God given right to decide what she feels is the best possible course of action to take for her, in any given situation.

Unfortunately the important people around her regard someone being assertive as someone being assertive or out for a fight, so Daizy is understandably confused as to how she can be simultaneously more assertive (stand up more for her right to say what or how she feels about their suggestions) without them always automatically thinking of her as a nasty and domineering word meaning a female dog which begins with the letter b.

But these two things being assertive and being aggressive actually have a very different meaning from each other. An assertive person stands up for her own rights, while an aggressive person walks all over the other persons rights not to be bullied. Because Daizy has already spent so much of her life so far trying to please everyone else of the time and make everyone like her because she almost always thinks their opinions matter more than her own about what she should do or not do, changing this self defeating, self confidence destroying behaviour is going to be a difficult but not impossible task.

It is always easier said than done and your big dark eyes reveal to me an old and sensitive soul who has much of lasting value to contribute to her family and friends, but only if she is able to get across to those people who with the best of intentions want to overprotect her that her standing up for her own right to determine her own destiny, does not always necessarily make her a nasty, domineering b.....

It would be foolish not to at least listen to what advice they have to offer you based mainly upon their own life experiences, but in the end you are the captain of your own ship and life's most valuable lessons can often only be efficiently learned through giving the other person (you) the room that he or she will undoubtedly need to make their own mistakes, deal with the consequences of their decisions, and as a result make significant forward progress in their spiritual journey back towards rediscovering their true selves.

EoT &nbsp;:smt038

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Post by daizyblackrose » Mon Aug 04, 2014 2:54 am

Omg your spot on. The people that in which I am dealing with in this situation are my mother and my husband. My family and I lives with my parents. But thing is that, my parents and husband have had the chance to experience what its like to live away from their parents. Also they have had the to know what it's like to live in the real world. I.G. Pay rent, pay bills, have a job, buying needed stuff for the family, keeping their house clean and all the adult responsible stuffs. But I have not been able to do some of these things. I married right out of high school due to having child. I living with my parents at time and because of this my husband moved in with me and folks. We've been with them since. I know some would ask why hadn't we move out into a place of our own? Well see the thing is that, every time we start to do good in anything, something always comes to take it away. It started after our black cat Ewok passed on. Or it feels like that, but I bet it started after we moved to where we all live now. But yeah I try to do things in a way that makes sense to me, but my mother and my husband get all bugged out by this. My mother rather I do things her way and my husband rather I do most of the things having to do with our kids. Both get pissed off if I make a fuss and don't get to doing right off or they end up having to what I didn't do. My mother thinks because she had to keep house with two kids as a single mom before meeting my dad and taking care of me. Grants her a free pass to sit her bum and not have to deal her wifely duties because of me. Because I am a mom and wife too, that I now have do it all. I do the cooking, on weekends I do the dishes, I do the laundry, during the school year I deal with kids school stuffs. Like getting up with the kids to get them ready and to the bus on time. And all the other things that pop up during the year when I can for them. Because of all of this I keep my emotions bottled up til I just pop like a shaken up soda bottle. Yes I am also a sensitive, plus an old soul. But there are things me and mom connect on. She is also a sensitive but &nbsp;in a different direction and different level than me. &nbsp;

But thank you for shining some light out there for me. It's most helpful.

Daizy ^u^

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:38 pm

Dear Daizy,

OMG your feedback was spot on! &nbsp;:smt002

Thank you so much for being so completely honest in confirming that your picture reading was so accurate and relevant in plumbing the depths of your personality and life experience, up to the present moment.

Indeed I was overpowered by how comprehensive and deeply personal that feedback was.

I must say that I admire your courage by revealing on the open forum what most of us carry in secret to our graves, and I think that this is a great tribute to the high degree of trust which exists on Mystic Board, where people do not have to feel embarrassed or ashamed for baring their souls to both our readers as well as to the other members. A feeling that you are among friends and kindred souls, and consequently that you do not have to continue to make out that you are someone whom you are definitely not with us.

In addition to the existing contents of your reading the headphones which you were wearing at the time that the photo was taken immediately gave me the impression of you wanting to listen to certain information and advice coming from other people, while simultaneously blocking your ears to static noise caused by another person's well intended but patronizing advice.

So it is not just the language of your actual body or your facial expression which a picture reader can use in order to analyze your personality and draw conclusions about your experiences (past, present and future) from such an intuitive analysis, but also what style and predominant colour &nbsp;of clothes you like to wear and yes even if you often wear stereo headphones.

In a manner items which are often worn in close contact with our bodies (including jewellery and articles of clothing or other apparel) take on or absorb the energies of their owner, and accordingly can be regarded by the picture reader effectively as an extension of their client's body, and concurrently an extension or expression of their personality as well.

BTW the fact that we believe that items regularly worn by a person absorb their energies can be used by other psychics who are particularly gifted in picking up on the vibrations of a previous owner, with the intention of either locating them or tapping into their soul history. This technique of holding these personal items and reading information thought to be stored in them is known as PSYCHOMETRY.

http://astateofmind.eu/2010/04/02/5-ste ... ychometry/

Finally in your next response in this thread, could you please explain and expand upon the following sentence, which is quoted from your previous message?

I added (your mother) to it so that it would still make sense, when isolated from the rest of your posting.
She (your mother) is also a sensitive but &nbsp;in a different direction and different level than me.

Thanking you in advance for your answer,


EoT &nbsp;:smt023

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Post by daizyblackrose » Tue Aug 05, 2014 7:34 am

=) Yes I do wear my headphones a lot. To sometimes block everyones negative energies and moods. Then sometimes to listen to music. I love music. As to the jewelry thing, I do wear my necklaces all the time. For lots of reasons. &nbsp;One: I have my wedding anniversary ring on there. Two: I have two rings I got back in June. One for me and one for 2nd oldest child due to a field trip we went on. Three: The other necklace was a anniversary gift from my hubby this year. As to the last sentence in my last posting. I was referring to the fact that both my mother and I are psychic but in different areas and on different levels of skill as each other. &nbsp;We get along when it comes down to stuff like that. And other things, but only when she wants to talk bout such things. It sucks.

Daizy ^u^

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:44 am


Please accept my sincere apologies for taking so long to get around to responding to your extra feedback.

I have observed that in every human being there is always something about the individual which intensely irritates other people, sometimes to the point of us wanting to scream out loud or secretly wish that they would simply go away and leave us in peace.

I have also observed that our parents in general know exactly how to push all our emotional buttons at the same time, and can by so doing irritate us to the extent that we quickly become desperate for some relief.

Changing the subject of a conversation without any warning or not wanting to talk about a particular subject could potentially be either a good or bad thing, depending heavily upon your own point of view or perspective, whether the delay is forever, and whether it is felt to be worth pursuing the subject at the possible cost of losing your relationship with them in the process.

Love and Light,

EoT &nbsp;:smt004

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