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Post by bettyboop19 » Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:29 pm

I don't or can't comprehend what it is you're talking about.
What does waiting for a taxi in a different country, have anything to do with depression?
Happy? I used to be happy a one point, because if I was never happy I wouldn't know anything about being unhappy. And my happiness won't be in a taxi. Sorry if I'm being sarcastic, but we are talking about two different things. That inner voice doesn't say anything positive to me at all. My inner voice says " you're better off dead then being in constant emotional pain for the rest of my life".
Depression isn't that easy to "fix". Thinking positive doesn't help me either. I've tried everything, including ECT and antidepressants as well. Nothing has worked for me. The doctors gave me a diagnosis,  I'm major/severe depression. I'd rather have my leg amputated then live the way I have been for 20 years. I started believing what my so called friends told me " next time you try and kill yourself, do it right". Who knows maybe they are right. That's where I'm at now.
Bye for now

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:29 am


When we say God Helps HE does not come here on earth personally to help us but sends someone to help us or guides us through our Inner Voice or Intuition. There three things involved in life: SOUL, MIND AND BODY.

Soul cannot by itself do any work. It can only guide you if you are able to control your mind and listen to Soul. In any case you will reach your destiny if you listen to your mind but that will take lots of time. We have to go from A to B and if you listen to your Soul by silencing the mind the journey is easy and direct and there is no hitches in between. Journey will be short and smooth. But if you listen to your Mind then you reach the point B from A by various routes and that takes time, maybe at times lots of time and you still reach your destination. Now when you listen to Soul or Mind it is the Doctor, as you said, who is going to do everything but in the first case the path is smooth and easy.
eye_of_tiger wrote:Pravin,

No, we are talking about something different.

You are defending your beliefs about divine assistance, when there was never any argument from me that this happens.

I have personally experienced this several times in my own life including on two occasions where someone unseen took over the control of my car and saved my life when the car's tyres lost their grip on the road surface and the vehicle went in to a spin, and just over two years ago when an inner voice not my own urged me to call my wife's doctor to sound the alarm and this resulted in her being diagnosed with an advanced stage of bowel cancer which fortunately was localised and after radio and chemotherapy has been in remission over that period. So as you can see I do not need any convincing that what you are telling me is the genuine article.

No, I was just trying to make the point that in some emergency situations divine assistance by itself is not enough. We were not going to wait for divine assistance to save my wife's life, as it had already arrived and it was telling me in no uncertain terms that she required urgent treatment from a doctor, if I was not going to lose her. Often divine assistance combined with a living person or persons following that divine guidance and taking positive practical action is required to effectively end an emergency.

Whether that person is a psychic reader, doctor, plumber, electrician, lawyer, tow truck operator, or the person whose problem it is, divine assistance also sometimes requires human intervention(professional and non professional), or a combination of different people living on this physical level to actually do something in the present moment to help each other or help themselves, in order to achieve the desired outcome.

Cheers 2U,

EoT  :smt003
When we are told to submit ourselves to God it is meant go about our regular work without EGO and be humble. When I got down from the bus I got down without any worry or thought as to what lay before me for that would have depressed may. I simply started walking towards my Goal, which might have taken the whole night walking 8 Kms. with luggage but I submitted and went about my work. So I reached from point A to point B without any criss cross. I reached directly feeling in the process some hidden hand working to help me out. Now whichever you describe this I have written it my way.

There is no God in actuallity it is only our Inner Conscience that guides us and maybe that is guided by the Soul. I cannot elaborate on this. The Greatest Saint have said they see VERY BRIGHT LIGHT when they reach very High State of Meditation or Realise Self or whatever word you may use. It is only when we listen to Mind we have so many detours.


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Post by bettyboop19 » Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:31 pm

Hi Pravin,
Thank you for reading my post and well as EOT. i understand what you're saying "we are never alone" and something about GOD ( I should have copied it word for word). That was how I use to think. Here's a little story....

Last year I met this women and she was talking about the church that she attends every Sunday and I should give it a try.
I thought about it, she seemed nice and trust worthy.  
I was trying to find some kind of meaning to my life and to fill the empty hole within.
I did go to the Lutheran Church on Sunday, I thought to myself "if I don't like it, I won't go again". Guess what? I liked going, I liked the Pastor he had great speech or sermons. I got involved and wouldn't you know it, I went to Haiti (thanks to a spencer) for 8 days and I had a few one on one talks with the Pastor, to this day I think he's very down to earth. Haiti was a great experience and I'd go back in a heartbeat. But the people who I went with, they treated the Haitians like zoo animals, I was embarrassed for their behavior. We went there to help paint a house and a church, and just to have conversations with some of the most amazing people, I'd ever met. As far as the rest of our group, they where lazy and all they did was take photos of the Haitians.( Not everyday you see people....sarcasm!)
I didn't go to church for a few weeks because I sat back and thought about, god, and the people that attended church. They weren't as positive as I thought, everyone had their own "clique",  and everyone talked about everyone behind their backs. I was very disappointed and hurt in a way. And GOD, I don't believe in their GOD. I gotta believe in me.
I Stopped going to church and I have no plans to go again. My hole is still empty and eventually it will get filled, and maybe my depression will be gone. I will keep posting and letting people know about how I'm doing from time to time. Thanks for sharing everyone.

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Jul 24, 2014 1:37 am


You have the same reaction with the type of people you meet in the church as I used to have. Now I do not have any reaction to those others who only go to Church (most of them) or to Temple, Mosque and pray but then comment negatively. It is better to be at home and be with yourself and go within. But once I stopped comparing myself with others I am at peace. DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS AS YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH. We won't bother about what others do for even if you sin and do wrong thousand times the one time you really become serious to correct yourself and be on the path to Self Realization even then you have succeeded in your life.

Just listen to speeches broadcast worldwide on: This is broadcasted every Saturday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. You have just to click on the words BROADCAST LIVE and then listen to the speeches.

Once you stop comparing yourself with others you will gradually realise why they are doing what they are doing and you will have sympathy for them and love them even in that state.  What did Jesus say: Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing. That is what you will also be saying.


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Post by bettyboop19 » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:15 pm

Pravin ,
I don't compare myself to anyone. I do not judge other people as well.
On the subject of DEPRESSION.
I'm having a bad day again, this is a never ending battle of negative self talk.
Nothing drastic or terrible has happened since my last post. It's just me.

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Post by dhav » Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:53 am

Hugs <3

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Post by bettyboop19 » Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:38 pm

Was anyone shocked as much as I was to hear about the death of Robin Williams ?
I've known for years that he had be battling with major depression most of his life.
I guess his depression killed him. It's one of those things I often battle with everyday.
Money couldn't help him and his friends didn't help him. No one will ever know how deeply he was hurting inside.
It looks like the doctors have failed again and the meds, still can't take that horrible pain away.
I know because I feel my own pain and it's impossible to think that their is a cure. It's a shame that it took a wonderful person like Robin Williams, to be the wake up call that we need more help with our battles with depression.
Just a thought.

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Post by Miss. A » Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:12 pm

Hi bettyboop,

Yes, &nbsp;I was shocked to hear about Robin Williams as well and I certainly hope he's resting in peace. I am also sorry for what you have gone through. Depression is quite often misunderstood by many and it amazes me how many people think it's just a matter of changing the way you view life or doctors thinking they can just hand out a prescription and soon, you'll feel all better again. Also and of course, everyone's experience with depression is different.

If you need to talk more, please feel free to PM me. I really hope you find your happiness soon. <3

Hugs to you,


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Re: Huz2

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:51 am

bettyboop19 wrote:Was anyone shocked as much as I was to hear about the death of Robin Williams ?
I've known for years that he had be battling with major depression most of his life.
I guess his depression killed him. It's one of those things I often battle with everyday.
Money couldn't help him and his friends didn't help him. No one will ever know how deeply he was hurting inside.
It looks like the doctors have failed again and the meds, still can't take that horrible pain away.
I know because I feel my own pain and it's impossible to think that their is a cure. It's a shame that it took a wonderful person like Robin Williams, to be the wake up call that we need more help with our battles with depression.
Just a thought.
Dear Betty,

I was saddened to hear of the death of Robin Williams, but I do not know whether I was surprised or shocked, as it seems that there is a long and growing list of people in the entertainment industry suffering with depressive illnesses which when combined with alcohol and the heavy use of recreational drugs is a recipe for disaster. Also if I had felt shocked by the news I could not judge if I felt as shocked as you clearly did to hear this news, because I am not you and I therefore have had a completely different set of life experiences and personality, which could mean that the same event might shock you much more than it shocks me.

Robin admitted to the use of drugs and openly admitted and even joked bout his chronic depression (he joked about everything as this was his main way of dealing with serious things), but not even his own family and close friends saw this coming, so I feel that fans like us who never really knew the man but only knew his media generated image, can be excused for not realizing that things were as bad as this.

No actually his depression did not kill him. It was a death through asphyxiation caused by him hanging himself. This is after he attempted and failed to end it all by slashing his wrists. There are millions of people like ourselves with varying levels of depression all over the world each day who do not choose to end their lives, and their depression does not kill them although it certainly does make what lives they do have left intensely miserable. Instead of viewing his suicide as a reason for you feeling more depressed than you already are or believing that because he ended his life that the chances of you doing the same thing are greater, see this as a timely warning as to what can happen when people for whatever reason conceal the pain inside them even from those who love them and their own doctors for so long and so well that this can happen. What I pray is that Robin Williams death through suicide will prompt many depressed people to finally admit to themselves that they need professional help and make them open up emotionally to the people who could really help them, and by so doing arrest this terrible human tragedy in its tracks. One death through suicide is one too many in my opinion, whether it is Robin Williams or a person living in extreme poverty who none of us are likely to even hear about.

Was that the depression or thoughts of suicide (or both) which you battle with every day? Actually when people are deeply depressed they are not usually capable of suicide. They are not capable of doing much at all. In catatonic depression the person is effectively paralytic - meaning that they sit or lie in one position for days at a time seemingly unable to move or to show any human emotions whatsoever. It is generally I am told when the person is just coming out of their deep depression when the chances of them taking such an extreme self destructive action are at their greatest. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts every day, whether or not you are actually planning how to do it or believe that you could do it, you or someone else needs to take emergency action which should not be as necessary or as urgent in a person who is depressed but not having self destructive thoughts. Depression may in some cases lead to thoughts of taking one's life, but their treatments are necessarily quite different because of the permanency of self destruction.

His money could have helped him if he had admitted to himself that he was not coping and had used it to get real help, and his &nbsp;friends could not help him because he never let them know how bad he was feeling. It is totally unfair to judge his friends as having failed him, when even they did not know the real person behind the mask any more than we do. You are right. Nobody other than Robin Williams himself will ever truly know how deeply he was hurting inside on this physical plane, but in spirit there are special doctors allocated to cases like his who can tune into the soul's pain and for a moment share exactly what he is feeling, so that the soul will not continue to carry this terrible burden indefinitely.

As was also true with his closest friends and other family members he had hidden these things so well by then that not even the doctors in the rehabilitation facility recognized the warning signs that he was self destructive. He was a genius and master at using comedy or humour to hide his pain and make the world laugh at him and with him, but deep inside where even his family, friends and doctors were not allowed to go, he was crying for the help which never arrived in time to save him from himself. Medications are only a part of the whole treatment. They are only designed to in the short term reduce the pain to a level where the condition can be more efficiently treated. No chemical by itself can ever entirely remove this type of pain. It temporarily treats the symptoms, while the doctor gets down to (hopefully) treating the root cause(s)?

There will never be a universal cure for all types of depression, which are occurring in all types of depressed people. Depression cannot be permanently cured, any more than a lot of other chronic health problems. Eventually even cancer itself will be treated and managed as a chronic health problem. Depressed people can gradually with proper medical treatment and support live a reasonably full and happy life by learning to better manage their depression, and to find more life affirming alternative responses to their life's many challenges.
It's a shame that it took a wonderful person like Robin Williams, to be the wake up call that we need more help with our battles with depression.
Yes it is a crying shame that Robin Williams could not see any other way out of dealing with his pain than a self inflicted exit, but your life is of no less value because you are not one of the world's most famous and well loved comedians do not have lots of money or fame. While I was also a loyal and admiring fan of his work, this does not mean that your depression is not any less of a shame than his was. The great tragedy of depression is that it is not highly selective. It can equally effect the rich and the poor, or the famous or relatively unknown. It recognizes no boundaries of age, nationality, religion, culture etc. But we must always keep trying never fall into the common trap of comparing our depression with someone else's, with the intention to deny its seriousness. Whether that depression affects someone who gives readings on Mystic Board, Robin Williams or any one of the other 7 billion people on this planet, our depression must never be taken lightly. It is just as much a shame that the world might never really get to know and celebrate what a wonderful person you are and what positive qualities you bring into this world to help others, when compared to how much it was &nbsp;shame that we really never got to know the real Robin Williams.

I think that his own family expressed my feelings very well when they told his fans not to continue to focus on his depression, his suicide or the method which he used to end his life. Focus instead upon all the joy he will continue to bring to all of us through his many movies and other public appearances for many more years to come. This is not just good advice for depressed people. It is also not just advice when we are remembering and celebrating the life of Robin Williams. It is the way in which our loved ones in spirit want to be remembered, by those whom they have left behind them. Nothing gives our departed loved ones more joy than us thinking back to happy family events which we shared with them when they were still us. When we love them again through our memories of them, they are flooded with our love for them, as we once more feel their love for us.
It's amazing, Molly. The love inside, you take it with you. See ya.
[Patrick Swayze in his role playing the character Sam Wheat in the 1990 movie "Ghost", as he is about to leave his girlfriend Molly (played by Demi Moore) to go into the Light, now that his final purpose on Earth had been completed].

Peace to all of you and please take good care of yourselves, &nbsp;

EoT &nbsp;:smt060

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Post by bettyboop19 » Sun Aug 24, 2014 1:43 pm

Thank you for correcting me.
Those were just my thoughts, nothing I said was based on fact.

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Post by bettyboop19 » Sun Aug 24, 2014 1:44 pm

Miss A,
Thank you :)

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Your thoughts are of much more value to us than any "facts"

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:03 am

bettyboop19 wrote:EOT
Thank you for correcting me.
Those were just my thoughts, nothing I said was based on fact.
Dear Betty,

I was not correcting you personally, but there are  large number of common misconceptions concerning depression and suicide which are  being spread through the media and internet which I feel definitely do need to be corrected.

I feel that we are losing too many good people (not just celebrities) because we often do not listen to depressed people when they do open up to us, so they bottle up their feelings and soldier on as though there is nothing wrong.

Eventually however these thoughts can no longer be suppressed or denied, and this is when I feel that the chances of them considering taking their own lives as being the only option available to them to numb the pain. are at their highest level.

Nobody can know exactly what it feels like to a particular individual to live with depression day after day often over many years, and therefore nobody has the right to judge that person negatively if he or she chooses the final exit option.

I am sure that that you are often thinking deeply about such matters (so am I) and your thoughts and opinions actually have more value than "facts" written in the textbooks, because what you say is based upon firsthand practical experience of what it feels like to be you (your depression included).

I sincerely apologize to you as my friend, if I have unknowingly given you the false impression that I feel that you need to be corrected about something you unfortunately have intimate knowledge of on a daily basis.

But I equally as another member have the right to express my own opinions, as long as I do not force them upon someone else or try to make them look foolish for having different opinions from mine. I do not feel that I have intentionally done either of these terrible and inexcusable things to you.

Respectfully yours,

EoT  :smt009

PM: I have sent you a private message.
Last edited by eye_of_tiger on Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Miss. A » Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:59 am

You're welcome BettyBoop. :)


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Post by revangabriel » Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:47 pm

I can't believe Robin Williams hanged himself. Such a painful way to die. If I was to ever commit suicide, I'll use the exit bag method, much less painful and a lot easier.
Last edited by revangabriel on Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by revangabriel » Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:16 am

Its good to learn more about you EoT.

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