Terrorism- an ever expanding threat

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Terrorism- an ever expanding threat

Post by Certain » Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:18 am

I am quite flabbergasted by Iraq crisis, I was not as much by Afghanistan succumbing to Taliban years ago. Atleast now, I was not expecting history to repeat itself.
Afghans surrendered Kabul to Taliban in Sept 1996, a Saturn and Ketu conjunction period with Swagrahi Jupiter. It is not conjunction as of the moment though Saturn and Dragon's node are housed in Libra with Jupiter in exalted position,...JUST arbitrarily.

I feel very nervous about what is going on in Iraq. West knows now, they are up against one type of militants vs the other.
Next thing which can crumble now is either Afghanistan or Pakistan.
In coming years I do not see a great time for Europe , Americas and Indians on Terrorism grounds.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:49 pm

Dear Certain,

I assume that ALL of us here share your concerns about this disturbing trend that is gradually spreading and even if managed to remain contained will drain even the larger and stabler economies of funds that could have been utilized to projects of preservation, such as feeding the hungry, healing the sick (people and environment) or creating infrastructures for weaker realms (rather than blowing to smithereens what existed and then rebuilding everything from scratch etc).

Since these pointers (and similar ones) that you indicated are repetitive over a period of time, perhaps (and this is a guess not a research conclusion!) a sequence is involved of transits or whatever, which indicates a building-up of pressure in the 'pressure-cookers' which give in to the laws of thermodynamics or similar, when those are applied to human psychodynamics!

Perhaps some jyotishis who have focused on mundane astrology etc should have some good hints and advice for all? Professor Raman used to be well-known for his mundane predictions about the world and weather and markets and so on. I am sure there must be many more, possibly writing elsewhere...?



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Post by ChanDubai » Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:23 pm

Terrorism is created by vested interest of America and some other western countries to be able to sustain their Business Interests and command supremacy !! nothing to do with Astrology. and in India too some vested interest people started using this tactics few days back govt announced no hike in Gas price and next day Gas pipelines got blasted

so in a nutshell, Terrorism is nothing but Business!! and that is the truth many people knows.

Ironically, some people read as countries are funding to blast i.e. spread terrorism and some are funding not to blast in their country eventually it will backfire one day I believe



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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:18 pm

ChanDubai wrote:Terrorism is created by vested interest of America and some other western countries to be able to sustain their Business Interests and command supremacy !! nothing to do with Astrology. and in India too some vested interest people started using this tactics few days back govt announced no hike in Gas price and next day Gas pipelines got blasted

so in a nutshell, Terrorism is nothing but Business!! and that is the truth many people knows.

Ironically, some people read as countries are funding to blast i.e. spread terrorism and some are funding not to blast in their country eventually it will backfire one day I believe


Business or Politics OR the politics of business or the business of politics?

Unfortunately, both business and politics work around the CONSTANT known as CHANGE, while the masses remain constant or *that remain* for cleaning-up afterwards...?

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Post by Certain » Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:33 am

ChanDubai wrote:Terrorism is created by vested interest of America and some other western countries to be able to sustain their Business Interests and command supremacy !!


My concern is not who is behind the funding or who was behind, my concern is the dangers of  the impacts to a common man. It is always vested interests of America or allies , is a very incomplete belief  and hence the misleading one. It steals the limelight from core cultural incompetencies of public and  governments of other countries.
My chain got snatched because chain snatcher was evil, is a good one-time explanation. It happens years over years , decades over decades, thousand times ---is not a worthy explanation, atleast to my ears.
Middle east does not understand USA through a common man's analytical capability or ideology, it understands it only through publicised opinion wave-front organised by select influential representatives. In oriental countries, it is kind of a fashion to blame America for everything. It saves the energy required to brainstorm and saves self esteem from accepting the blame of inheritence of functional blindness. This blame-america consensus survives by eliminating any sense of requirement of self-reformation or ideological responsibility . People from Pakistan and middle east love to do as it is a time-tested crutch to assist dysfunctionalities of the thought process in ever evolving world of politics and inter continental relationship dynamics. Progressive deterioration of the descendants does not become a wakeup call as all which goes wrong gets  blamed to America traditionally.

As such, Usual process of pinpointing one/two countries as a cause doesnt help here anyways, as cause and effect discussion is useful when it is related to one person as he alone choose to alter cause and hence effect. This is not very useful when there are millions of people with different ideology involved. We can't change causes as they were being laid upon all along these decades  and are still gradually being built upon with contribution by each of the countries involved, which is usually the case in the politics.  Hence effects are the ones which we really can worry about.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:10 am

I disagree that terrorism has nothing to do with Astrology.

Terrorism involves people.

Astrology is meant to help us better understand other people, as well as ourselves.

Surely therefore it should have something positive and practical to contribute towards us solving this terrible problem.

While I know that Vedic Astrology neither causes nor can it instantly stop terrorism in a single day, could I please ask how a working knowledge of this ancient system of divination can help us to gain a greater understanding of why this is happening, and possibly at least reduce its impact on people from all nations, and gradually stop it from progressing any further?

Thank you,


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:48 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:I disagree that terrorism has nothing to do with Astrology.

Terrorism involves people.

Astrology is meant to help us better understand other people, as well as ourselves.

Surely therefore it should have something positive and practical to contribute towards us solving this terrible problem.

While I know that Vedic Astrology neither causes nor can it instantly stop terrorism in a single day, could I please ask how a working knowledge of this ancient system of divination can help us to gain a greater understanding of why this is happening, and possibly at least reduce its impact on people from all nations, and gradually stop it from progressing any further?

Thank you,

My dear friend,

How can a FM radio receive an AM signal? Or vice versa?
Or a receiver attuned to TV RF signals receive one of the above for that matter?

That said, once I experienced a paradigm shift!
A recently purchased AM/FM/cassette radio (called Ghetto-Blasters back then!) seemed to have a slightly extended attunement (tuning circuit) and I could hear the sound (voice and music) that belonged to the lowest band receivable on the TV band (I think it was around 87 FM, usually measured in Megahertz (cycles per second). TV RF begins around that point and goes up higher and higher in frequency.

That said, the ghetto-blaster was incapable of receiving or showing the pictures transmitted on that TV channel!

Need I say more...?

Love and Light,


Vinay Jha
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Post by Vinay Jha » Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:40 pm

Rohini Da,

AM , FM and TV involve same theory and if you know the trick then you can catch a Lion with a Mouse-trap merely by increasing the size of trap and replacing the bait. When I was a student, I used to view and hear TV of Moscow and Dubai with two radio aerials inside my room (without any TV antenna at all) with two TV boosters attached with some modifications. The quality was not good compared to what we get now, but it was not bad as compared to what Govt of India offered then though its low range transmitters and a roof-top TV-antenna (Dipole or Yagi Antenna) by the viewer.

Same with Astrology. For some, it is Ass-trology, however.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:19 pm

Vinay Jha wrote:Rohini Da,

AM , FM and TV involve same theory and if you know the trick then you can catch a Lion with a Mouse-trap merely by increasing the size of trap and replacing the bait. When I was a student, I used to view and hear TV of Moscow and Dubai with two radio aerials inside my room (without any TV antenna at all) with two TV boosters attached with some modifications. The quality was not good compared to what we get now, but it was not bad as compared to what Govt of India offered then though its low range transmitters and a roof-top TV-antenna (Dipole or Yagi Antenna) by the viewer.

Same with Astrology. For some, it is Ass-trology, however.

Yes I think I do ;-)
But, I was using a simplified model to avoid the wrath of demi-gods, while making the point that the tuning-circuits (metaphorically, or perhaps analogically?) do matter a lot! There are some for whom science, metaphysics are compart-MENTAL-ized bins. Or for that matter, astrology or palmistry, or other divination modalities are in neat little pigeon-holes too and must remain so! I realize that for the beginners, that is perhaps the right strategy, since they do tend to get confused easily! More so now a days than the less circumscribed (compartmentalized?) times when I went to school! Our biology teacher ran away because we used to ask too many questions (later on we found out that he was also underpaid by the management!), so we got a priest with M.Sc. in zoology temporarily, although he stayed on for two years and unlike other teachers, he was very animated and a wonderful teacher and his eyes sparkled when we asked questions (even dumb ones!) and was quite unlike the math and physics teachers :-)

Anyways, at least insofar as astrology or divination in general are concerned, my contention is that after having learned a certain amount of fundamentals, and since no one here is really aiming at becoming a D.Litt. in jyotish, a judicious (and controlled) foray into some free-associative thinking (subject to openness and capabilities) can often help us pick up feeble signals and even feebler-sounding linkages that ultimately create the matrix (gossamer) that forms the infrastructure of this fascinating field where we find ourselves in!

Obviously, not for everyone, or certainly not those faint of heart! ;-)

For quite sometime I had been worried too about the additional lump that astrology has gained recently and has become now as you point out, a TEN-letter word, instead of the more appropriate nine-letter word! <LOL>

Too bad I am not a surgeon...! <HAHA>



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Post by Certain » Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:54 pm

My nightmare is coming true. I remain extremely worried about what next 30 days with Mars in scorpio squaring Jupiter may bring to all which will start a long running cascade . Mars , as far as I remember is in 8th house of Mundane chart of Independent India.
Interestingly notable is Rahu in Virgo opposite to Uranus in Pisces and how effectively, scintillatingly media is being used by ISIL. How big an 'electrical' push Rahu has achieved through this opposition from Uranus and will continue to do so for more than a year.
Who says opposition is always detrimental. It is capability of subject and object really as much as of their unique blend.  

Let us see what happens.

Another thing:-
Interesting video about Armeggadon.

I am posting this video with the intention of bringing attention to translated text in video :)
No intention to preach for any religion or express bias against any religion...just to express that how strangely true a coincidence or prophecy it is likely to be or has come close to be. There are some extreme views in the video which I do not endorse, but prophecy part of it is very interesting to hear. Please do not miss Lunar Ecllipse part.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:50 am

Take any family, globally and what are the four things that are common to them?

Usually in a *family* there are more than 1 person? MORE THAN ONE PEOPLE UNITS?

They (family), EAT together??

They work together for the good of family???

They play together????

There are many other things they do, together, I suppose -- but EATing together is important!

ONLY when the physical hunger is quenched, can other hungers and thirsts come to fore...?

We have many sheaths, spiritualists claim, each a replica of THAT which it contains, from the GROSS to the subtle, until sheath (mass) and content (energy) become one.

Physical is the foundation, the structure -- function is the manifestation of the structure! The spiritual essence that pulls it together and keeps all BRICKS happily engaged and upholding the structure!

YES, it is possible to transcend the need for the PHYSICAL and move to the next level.

But the only way to achieve that is through overcoming two basic physical needs for survival: Food and Breath...!

Even religion comes way after those TWO PRIMAL NEEDS!

(FOOD = FOOD + WATER, of course!)

Love, Light, Hope,


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:23 am

SQUARES are considered HARD aspects, while sextiles and trines are softer as per what I have been told, since Chela-days and pre-chela days??

Whether for Nations or Communities or individuals...?
Challenges and difficult questions and questionnaires that have the power to make or break individuals?

Success or Failure is not about what planets hand to one, as generally understood and accepted, but whither-to NEXT?

Regardless of what KARMA landed in our lap for this lifetime: Squares, Sextiles, Trines or lagnesh in sixth...?

The REAL soldier in a personal KARMIC WAR and not one that got sent to fight another ONE's and returned wounded beyond repair, seemingly??

THAT IS THE REAL TRAGEDY and lamentably, Vasudha shall see more of those, such, as too shall the KUTUMBA...?

Love, Light, Reality ?


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Post by revangabriel » Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:58 am

I thought terrorism and all the other horrible stuff like that was just a part of life. I mean, out of all that destruction and pain; people are suppose to grow stronger. Everything was pre-planned and pre-determined for people to go through that. At least, thats what I always thought. Thats why I'm surprised to read some of you guys talking about that its somehow preventable. Henceforth I find it better not to worry and get caught up in all that stuff. Ive already got enough of my own problems to deal with.
Last edited by revangabriel on Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Sep 07, 2014 4:02 pm

revangabriel wrote:I thought terrorism and all the other horrible stuff like was just a part of life. I mean, out of all that destruction and pain; people are suppose to grow stronger. Everything was pre-planned and pre-determined for people to go through that. At least, thats what I always thought. Thats why I'm surprised to read some of you guys talking about that its somehow preventable. Henceforth I find it better not to worry and get caught up in all that stuff. Ive already got enough of my own problems to deal with.
I come across a wide spectrum of age-groups in my work and I can tell you that you are not alone in thinking what you have shared as your outlook. :-)



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Antidote but not an easy one!! Perception is Reality...

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:38 pm

Dead thread? Seemingly ever-alive topic, SADLY! :-(

Chatting (I mean profoundly illuminating discourses, of course!) on a group with some friends and so on, the following came to me and incorporated seedlings of existing thoughts. Related to this thread:

Love and Hate are but fleeting
As emotions others as well!
Whispers of breeze
Fanning the dying embers
That the wise see lifetimes as!

Molecules of existence
Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen...
With each breath (or similar incorporations)
Animals, Plants, Humans these exchange
Yet strife continues in the name of pride, religion (exclusivity)!

When, an ancient wisdom once
Stated simply in a simple phrase
All are one, One our family
Sharing their breaths and thus simply ONE
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

Love and Light,


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