Am I Cruel?

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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Am I Cruel?

Post by Zephyr87 » Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:49 am

Someone very close to me said 'Y have u become so cruel' ... Is it so?
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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:18 am

Hello Zephyr,

I had to reduce the size of your photo, as it was too large for our forums, and it took too long to load even with my cable broadband internet connection.

Try to keep the file size below 100 Kb in future. Yours was 1.66 MB.
Someone very close to me said 'Y have u become so cruel' ... Is it so?
You cannot determine if a person is cruel from a picture reading.

That was the other person's subjective judgement about your behavior towards them.

What might seem to be cruel or unfair behavior to that person, could seem perfectly reasonable and fair to you.

Especially if you are standing up for your own right to decide what is best or right for you in any given situation, no person has the right to attack you for doing so.

Cruel suggests a definite conscious intention by you to cause the other individual harm or to hurt them badly, and from what I can pick up intuitively about you from your picture, being intentionally cruel to anyone is just not part of your normal character or personality.

I do see a particularly strong willed and determined to succeed very attractive young woman in your photo, but that is something entirely different from you being fairly labelled as "cruel".

While any one of us is potentially capable of acts of terrible cruelty, I feel based only upon this photo that the chance that you have become so cruel is almost zero.


EoT  :)

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Post by Zephyr87 » Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:37 pm

Dear eot.... thanks for ur reply... reading it brings some relief... really... the words used to describe something majes a lot of difference

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Post by Zephyr87 » Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:39 pm

Can u tell some other traits my picture says?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:32 am


You are welcome for the reading, which is now complete. Normally when requesting a picture reading, asking a question is not necessary.

If you had only done that the reading would be more than less likely to have included any traits (either positive or negative) which I picked up from your photo.

But you specifically asked whether this other person was right about you having become so cruel, so all your other traits were ignored with special preference being given only to any which help to answer your question.

Usually I would ask you to submit a new request in a few weeks time from now (but this time without any questions), but since you have been so polite and because I can remember most of the rest of what your reading was saying (which in itself is highly unusual), then I will do my best to fill in the gaps.

Highly intelligent and very capable of making your own mind up about important decisions which need to be made, but often your strong willed and determined decisions and methods of achieving your goals are terribly misunderstood by those people closest to you. You may therefore come over to them as appearing to think that you are better than they are, when this was never your intention.

In reality your outer confidence hides a significant lack of inner confidence and much insecurity about whether you are good or smart enough, when compared to them. Their misunderstanding of you only makes you feel more misunderstood and isolated from your family and friends, and your higher capacity to earn a lot more money than the average man does will often make him feel threatened and inadequate. Which in turn makes your task of finding a suitable partner of equal or greater intelligence to yourself that much more difficult than it would have been otherwise.

As with most people you are similarly a complex mixture of personality traits, each of which could be regarded as either being positive or negative ( to your advantage or disadvantage), according to each person's opinion or viewpoint.

Determined OR stubborn? Confident OR too confident for her own good? Smart enough for herself OR too smart for others to feel comfortable in her presence? Kind OR too generous? Sensitive OR oversensitive? Optimistic OR unrealistic? Stands up for her own rights (assertive) OR is overly aggressive (picks fights with everyone and goes out looking for trouble)?

Highly practical in her methods, OR completely impractical? Smartly dressed and groomed to make herself feel better about herself, OR trying to make herself look better than everybody else. Likes to do or get things right the first time OR is too much of a perfectionist? Brave OR takes too many unnecessary risks?

What can you do to change your personality? Not much! Yes you can modify your personality and behaviour to some limited extent (beating up on yourself for having negative traits will only make things worse), but if you could change most or all your personality, you would effectively no longer be who you are. In losing some of your more negative traits, you could at the same time potentially lose some of your best positive qualities along with them. In this way you might end up no longer liking yourself as much as you did before you changed, and people who liked you before may no longer like you after.

The advice of this reading is NOT to attempt to deny yourself of the good and enjoyable things in your life with the intention to needlessly punish yourself for things which were never under your control or to change who you are, because it is a complete waste of your valuable time and energies.

By all means try to get more control over your negatives, but do not constantly focus exclusively upon them as by doing so you are only likely to make them stronger and more difficult to shift.

Definitely do not punish yourself for not being perfect, as no human being ever was, is or will be. Minimize and learn to live in a more harmony and acceptance with your relatively few negative traits, and accentuate and further build upon the solid foundation of your many positive qualities of character.


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Post by Zephyr87 » Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:30 pm

Thank u very much dear.. and one thing i must say.. I am amazed.. i had no idea our face reflects so muchh.. most of wht uve said is so very accurate..

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:20 am


You are very welcome for the picture reading itself, as well as for the more detailed explanations about how much it is possible to accurately read about someone from their face.

The person's eyes, as well as the areas close to and around their eyes often reveal over 90% of the total information available.

Many people these days seriously challenge our ability to give an accurate picture reading, because they have almost perfected the art of using a "poker face".

A face which hides their true feelings away from other people, usually as a defence mechanism.

Fortunately you have not yet developed or felt the need to put on a  poker face to hide your true personality from me, and for this I am eternally grateful.

When people hide their feelings away from others because they do not feel that others will like them if they come out from behind their mask and admit that they are not coping well, they frequently lose contact with their own feelings as a result.

Which makes our task of helping them that much more difficult than it should have been, if they had instead been more open and transparent.

Remember that this observation does not apply to you.

Your inner Light shines through brightly to me, without any significant mask being felt necessary. Never lose this precious innocent and emotionally self honest quality about yourself, and I feel that wonderful experiences will await you in the not so distant future.

Blessings in abundance,

EoT :smt109

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Post by Zephyr87 » Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:55 pm

Thank u EoT

I personally feel unable to put up a face to hide something. No matter how hard i try.. I just cannot.. There are occassions at work/ life where people makeup emotions.. expressions.... I just fail terribly at it.. Till now i thought that may be i lack that instinct/ capability to adapt.. but u just make me feel so good :)

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