Question about meditation/sitting in the Power

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Question about meditation/sitting in the Power

Post by luckyamy1111 » Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:03 am

Hi everyone! New to the forum and trying to develop my mediumship abilities. I have been meditating often (the version I do is called sitting in the power or sitting for spirit), and I'm curious... for those who do this particular meditation, do you simply sit and only focus on your energy and blending with spirit? Or do you do different things each time like ask your guide to let you feel their energy, show you symbols, etc? I guess I'm just wondering if I need to just sit and BE and let my abilities unfold, or if I'm supposed to be interactive and asking questions with Spirit during my sitting?

Thank you!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:50 am

Hi Amy,  :)

What an excellent and frequently asked question, yours is.

I am not a medium myself, so what follows is only my personal opinion or understanding.

Some guides like to decide when their medium is ready to be worked with and will make the first contact , while others seem to prefer that we should make the first move to interact with them.

Often the difficulty is knowing which of these two methods your guide likes most.

My suggestion for what you might feel that it is worth would be to continue the more passive "sitting in the power or sitting for spirit" for a maximum of six consecutive months.

Then if you are not feeling that you are making any progress towards getting to know your guide better after the six months are up, try the more interactive "ask your guide to let you feel their energy, show you symbols" method, and see if that works any better for you.

I will confidently predict however that if your guide likes to decide when you are ready to do this work, that he or she will inform you of this long before the six months have expired.

I have read that there is a pre-birth agreement made between your higher self and main guide concerning the exact timing when your mediumship is due to effectively begin and about who will be the one to attempt to make the first contact (you or your guide), but usually that information is not available to your conscious mind, which can cause much unnecessary frustration and discouragement to developing mediums who do not get the results that they want or expect fast enough.

Hoping that this helps,


EoT  :smt006

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Post by luckyamy1111 » Sun Oct 05, 2014 6:24 am

Hi EoT!

Thank you so much for your input... that really helps and makes a lot of sense! I've felt like over the last 10 years my experiences have become more and more frequent, and lately when I ask my guide for assistance on something, there seems to be a response most of the time. I've also practiced asking yes/no questions with a pendulum and am amazed at the amount of response I've gotten so far... so I guess I'll take that as a possible hint that I should keep asking questions.  :)

Thanks again, great advice!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:08 pm


You are very welcome for the input, and it definitely does sound as though your guide prefers the more interactive asking questions approach.

Pendulum dowsing helps some mediums to develop a more formalised, systematic way of asking questions and getting answers.

Your unconscious mind (through which the messages must come) works best with routine and regular reinforcement of the self discipline involved with using such a focus tool to support your mediumship.

All the very best,

EoT :smt041

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An update to one of my postings from 2014

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:07 pm

My suggestion for what you might feel that it is worth would be to continue the more passive "sitting in the power or sitting for spirit" for a maximum of six consecutive months.
Looking back at the advice which I gave Amy in 2014 (with the very best of intentions to help), it was made very clear to me that my opinions on this subject have significantly changed since then.

If Amy was asking me the same question now in 2016, I would have no hesitation in advising her to take a much more active question and answer approach with her guides, instead of just sitting in the power for six consecutive months waiting for something to happen.

I would also very early during that period be providing her with practical exercises which were specifically designed to raise her vibratory frequencies to those closer to spirit, to help protect her from negative and dark energies which can often disguise themselves as being of the Light in order to gain control of and exert power over the medium.

Sitting for six consecutive months waiting for Spirit to spontaneously manifest, especially without the use of active protection, grounding and balancing techniques, is effectively an open invitation to any lower astral entity to interfere and possess the vulnerable medium.

Still learning,

EoT  :smt115

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Re: An update to one of my postings from 2014

Post by Talia » Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:27 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:
My suggestion for what you might feel that it is worth would be to continue the more passive "sitting in the power or sitting for spirit" for a maximum of six consecutive months.
Looking back at the advice which I gave Amy in 2014 (with the very best of intentions to help), it was made very clear to me that my opinions on this subject have significantly changed since then.

If Amy was asking me the same question now in 2016, I would have no hesitation in advising her to take a much more active question and answer approach with her guides, instead of just sitting in the power for six consecutive months waiting for something to happen.

I would also very early during that period be providing her with practical exercises which were specifically designed to raise her vibratory frequencies to those closer to spirit, to help protect her from negative and dark energies which can often disguise themselves as being of the Light in order to gain control of and exert power over the medium.

Sitting for six consecutive months waiting for Spirit to spontaneously manifest, especially without the use of active protection, grounding and balancing techniques, is effectively an open invitation to any lower astral entity to interfere and possess the vulnerable medium.

Still learning,

EoT  :smt115
Interesting to read this today. You are so right about the ideas changing across the internet that is. It is more of the belief that anyone can be a medium and those learning should be pushy and ask and demand and question of their guides and that everyone has a guide or guides in spirit.

I have never thought much of the 6 months waiting but then I never had to wait lol. Much better and far easier is a meditation to meet your guides and to receive information from them.
Using of course grounding and protection and being in the right mental condition, choosing a time when it is right and not because it has been triggered by some passing.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:46 am

those learning should be pushy and ask and demand and question of their guides
I definitely believe that we are all potentially mediums, but that it must be our conscious decision to develop our abilities as the path can often be lonely and challenging.

I also believe that we all have spirit guides, whether or not we are aware of or are wanting to communicate with them.

But if people are being pushy and are demanding answers from their guides, then they are only doing it for their own egos.

Which is a very bad reason for doing this work, as it must eventually negatively impact both upon the medium, as well as upon his or her client.

Surely there is a very big difference between being confident, organised and assertive in your communications with your guides, and on the other hand being aggressive and pushy and over-demanding about it.

EoT  :smt087

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