Binaural beats?

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Binaural beats?

Post by luckyamy1111 » Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:01 am

Has anyone used binaural beats during meditation? Has it worked for you?

I just discovered it tonight and found that I was able to get into "the zone" MUCH faster than usual... makes me wonder if I'm more clairaudient than I thought? My only worry is becoming dependent on the tones to get to that state in the future.

Anyone have thoughts on this?


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:28 am

Yes I have tried the binaural beats listened to through stereo headphones during meditation method, and personally I found it intensely irritating and counterproductive. Yet some people have had a positive experience like yours, so I suppose that people should be allowed to make their own personal judgements about this technique of electronically altering brain rhythms.

I do not think that your apparent success with this technique proves anything about whether you are more clairaudient when compared to the average person. I regard myself as mainly clairaudient but it did not work for me. There is no solid evidence I know of that the brains of people who are highly clairaudient are more susceptible to or will automatically enjoy much more success with this method, or that people who are not highly clairaudient cannot possibly have any significant success with binaural beats.

Some warnings however, need to be made.  

Through the use of binaural beats it is like a two way door is opened in our unconscious minds, which cannot often be easily closed again. There is some preliminary mainly anecdotal evidence that the mental state reached artificially and forced with the help of binaural beats is not identical to the mental state where this happens naturally.

In addition binaural beats methods can make the person more vulnerable to hypnotic subliminal suggestions which can be hidden behind the beats themselves. It is consequently important that you should have good reason to trust the person who prepared that particular binaural beats method that nothing harmful has been added in the background that while you will not be consciously aware of it, could subconsciously reprogram you in ways which could cause you harm, including spiritually.

Whose method are you using, and is there any way to find out for certain if potentially harmful subconscious suggestions have not been concealed behind those binaural beats?

BTW I completely agree with you that becoming dependent upon binaural beats to get you there is always a real possibility, particularly if you did it every time that you meditated from then on, or did it for several consecutive hours at a time. Never forget the much more difficult to close than it is to open door in your unconscious mind.

EoT  :smt115

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Post by Artisgood » Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:44 pm

I have used binaural beats in the past with great success. I have also meditated without them. Currently I focus on chakra meditation and the tones I listen to correspond with the musical tone for each chakra. My opinion is that there is no right or wrong way, but one should mix up their methods so as not to become too dependent on one.

That being said, combining visualisation with the binaural beats is greatly effective in my experience. I think vibrations are healing to the body (look at the studies done on sound and water molecules, our bodies being mostly water). It makes sense for tones or vibration to have an effect on us. Be careful of where the tones come from though and listen to your intuition, if it doesn't feel right, don't use it.

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