
All Psychic Reading requests should be posted under this forum.

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Post by NewStarQ1 » Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:02 am

I hope you remember me, I cant get into my old profile, that why it NewStarQ1, its was starq1... Well I want to ask, will there be any great love that comes into my life next year or I am doom to be alone for ever :smt012  :smt009 .......

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:38 am

Welcome back!

As a past user of this board you would know that I cannot predict whether love will come into your life next year, or any year after that.

Or whether that love if it did come into your life will be "great".

I find the whole idea that the Universe, life or God has somehow decided that somebody like yourself deserves to be doomed to live alone forever to be both offensive and an insult to our intelligence and human decency.

It is precisely the reason why I feel that predicting anyone's future based ONLY upon superstition and religion or a psychic reading can often be so dangerous.

So I will reword your question as follows...............
What could I do to help myself during the next six months covered by this reading, to be able to significantly increase my chances of someone who really loves me coming into my life?
This question places the responsibility for and being more in control of what happens in your own life, back onto you. It is not MAINLY the Universe, life or God which or who makes us do things which can frequently lead to us having a lonely life with no love in it. Rather it is what we do or do not do in the present moment, to make what we want more likely to happen.  

Nothing we do can gives us a 100% rock solid guarantee that if we do all the right things and follow all the good advice, then that desired future will automatically happen. There are no guarantees of anything in this life, other than perhaps that if we do nothing to help ourselves to create a happier, healthier and more loving future, then we could be waiting for it to happen by itself forever.

Now I am assuming here that you are already doing all the usual things which any person would do to greatly increase his or her chances of finding a suitable love partner. You have a reasonably good but flexible idea of what you are looking for in your man, as well as what you are unwilling to put up with from him?

Using these two lists of pluses and minuses as a guide you are regularly getting out of your house and going to the places where you would most expect to find a man who fairly closely matches your preferred profile? Do not wait to meet a man who exactly matches your expectations, as no such person exists on this planet (he never has, and probably never will).

I am hearing here that you have had negative experiences with men in the past, and that understandably you are frightened that history will or must repeat itself, over and over again in one relationship after the other.  This has made you of two minds (undecided) as to whether you want to go through all that pain again. You want to find him because you feel lonely, but simultaneously you do not want to have your feelings hurt so maybe it would be better if you stayed unattached or single to protect yourself, and especially your woman's heart.

If I am hearing this correctly, then I would not be surprised if mainly unconsciously you are communicating mixed and confused signals to any potential suitor.   By your body language, your words and behaviour you may be telling him at the same time to come and get you, and for him to stay away from you and get lost (the polite alternative). To a large degree these extreme opposite behaviors are learned and unconscious, meaning that they are not normally under your conscious control.

Since we are only held responsible for things over which we do have conscious control to change, beating up on yourself endlessly as if it was your fault that your mind works the same way that most other human minds equally do, is illogical and self confidence destroying. But then who ever said that human beings must always act logically? Our human emotions make us truly human, but often they get in the way of logical thinking and "great" relationships.

So in summary, in addition to all the usual advice with regards to how you can take daily practical steps to greatly increase the chances of meeting the right man for you, or reduce the chances of losing him because your signals confused him, you really need to get at or access these negative unconscious  thought habits. Since thoughts give rise to feelings, and our feelings in turn give rise to our behaviors or responses.

In order to access unconscious self sabotaging thought patterns, most people will probably need outside professional help in the form of a doctor, psychologist, counselor etc. These people have the qualifications, training and special methods which can make your task of digging up and correcting faulty habits of thought considerably easier than it might have been otherwise if you had did it through DIY.

And also much safer.

Amateurs/non professionals/psychics who have only limited knowledge about reprogramming the unconscious mind can sometimes cause more damage, than making things any better. Positive thinking, daily affirmations (statements of belief) and other self help techniques can only take you so far. Many of us mortals need the help of a professional in addition to helping ourselves, to get us through those last few steps to our final destination.

Following most or all the steps included in this reading on a day to day basis will significantly increase your chances of finding the best man for you within the period of the next six months. Whether it turns out to be a true love or a "great love" is basically only for the two of you to decide between yourselves and to work co-operatively towards. Close human relationships often involve a lot of hard work and compromise by both partners, as well as increased SELF LOVE and SELF COMPASSION.

Loving regards,

EoT  :smt049  :smt049

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Post by NewStarQ1 » Sat Oct 25, 2014 2:23 am

thank you so much again and yes I've had ran into douche bag this pass summer......

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:44 pm

NewStarQ1 wrote:thank you so much again and yes I've had ran into douche bag (db) this pass summer......
You are welcome for the reading.

Sorry to hear about your summer romance which turned sour, through no fault of your own.

The more casual holiday atmosphere at that particular time of the year seems to often bring the dbs out of hibernation in droves, to break as many hearts as they possibly can with their mortal fear of anything which even suggests that they need to commit to the relationship.

Love and Light,


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