Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014

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Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014

Post by kainrazial » Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:56 am

Aries Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
At the same time that the Sun moves into his final week in your financial sector Venus is now in her final days, marking a point where it's time to start tying up loose ends. With Mercury leaving later in the month and Saturn next month, it's just for the next few days that you have all the resources needed to take your power back and to make the choices, decisions and plans that will put money matters on the track you want them to continue on.

Taurus Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
You've reached an important few days for friendship and relationship building, something that will extend over the next few days. However, it's today that the past has an influence, with the Sun and Venus' final days in your relationship sector coinciding with Neptune's last full day in retrograde motion in your friendship sector. With the doors open to the past, catching up with old friends or just making up for lost time, there is also a chance to look to the future.

Gemini Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
It's a given that you'll need to keep your professional hat on over the next few days and over the whole of the weekend, with the Sun and Venus now in their final days in your work sector and Neptune in his last full day in retrograde motion in your career sector. What makes today so important is that you're able to look to the future and the past at the same time, with old professional dreams and aspirations providing the motivation that a powerful push forward on the work front requires.

Cancer Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
With so much set to unfold on the work front over the next 7 days making the most of the Moon's monthly visit to your income sector is essential, especially when it comes to trusting what a nose for money is telling you. However, this can't be used as an excuse to keep your work or money hats on over the weekend, with your relationship and matters of the heart needing to have first dibs on your time and attention.

Leo Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
In the Moon's final hours in your sign it's important to have your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground, paying attention to the emotional, intuitive and imaginative responses being triggered, but without over thinking things. It's those ideas, insights or concepts that are allowed to run their course that will continue to take shape. This makes an active imagination your most important resource today.

Virgo Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
As Neptune spends his last full day in retrograde motion in your relationship sector you've got the support to ensure the communication lines are open. But this is less about a chance to give the past and unsaid words a voice than it is about deciding how you want to paint the past. It's when you base the past on assumptions or choose to look back in a way that stops you from seeing the full picture that this limits your view of what the future could hold. No one and no relationship is perfect, with a need to look back through a friendly and forgiving filter.

Libra Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
While this is a day where you need to have your work hat on it's more about letting your imagination, daydreams and a sense of nostalgia take hold, reflecting back on the time and energy invested either at work or with life's other demands, making sense of things. For as Neptune, planet of dreams and fantasies spends his last full day in retrograde motion in your work sector you've got access to the past and 20/20 hindsight, but only through your imagination.

Scorpio Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
As you move into the final 7 days of your birthday month there's a need to look to the future and not just for the coming year, but the rest of your life. This is the last time you'll move into a new solar year with Saturn, giving you the power to move mountains if you have to for another 30 years, so if you're going to claim your power back and put the future in your hands, then now is the time to do it. With this is a need to trust your heart and what it's telling you.

Sagittarius Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
As you move into the final 7 days of your current solar year you've got an advantage that you don't usually have, which is a fairly clear sense of where you've been and where you're going. With Mars having recently moved through your sign, with Ceres already there helping to redefine your priorities and Venus just 2 days away, the future is already being revealed. This makes it easier to determine which old ghosts need to be laid to rest.

Capricorn Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
As Neptune spends his last full day in retrograde motion in your communication sector there is a chance and a need to make the time to give the past and unsaid words a voice, but not in a way that is about resolving issues. With Chiron staying on in retrograde motion for another 9 days there'll be time enough for that later, with Neptune's final day in retrograde motion more about discussing and sharing old dreams.

Aquarius Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
With the Sun moving into his final 7 days in your career sector and Venus due to leave in just 2 days time, they'll both be making the most of Neptune's last full day in retrograde motion in your income sector. As you look to the future professionally you've still got access to both untapped income potential but more importantly the motivation that Neptune's dreams and aspirations bring. It's the rear view mirror that holds clues to where the money is.

Pisces Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
While the powerful forces that are keeping a sense of adventure alive and empowered will remain in force right through to Christmas, with the Sun moving into his last 7 days in your sector of travel, adventure, learning and discovery and Venus her final few days, there is a new sense of urgency. What makes this even more urgent is that the Sun and Venus are now both just days away from your career sector, with a recent professional lull coming to an end.

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Re: Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014

Post by mmartin » Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:12 pm

kainrazial wrote:Aries Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
At the same time that the Sun moves into his final week in your financial sector Venus is now in her final days, marking a point where it's time to start tying up loose ends. With Mercury leaving later in the month and Saturn next month, it's just for the next few days that you have all the resources needed to take your power back and to make the choices, decisions and plans that will put money matters on the track you want them to continue on.

Taurus Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
You've reached an important few days for friendship and relationship building, something that will extend over the next few days. However, it's today that the past has an influence, with the Sun and Venus' final days in your relationship sector coinciding with Neptune's last full day in retrograde motion in your friendship sector. With the doors open to the past, catching up with old friends or just making up for lost time, there is also a chance to look to the future.

Gemini Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
It's a given that you'll need to keep your professional hat on over the next few days and over the whole of the weekend, with the Sun and Venus now in their final days in your work sector and Neptune in his last full day in retrograde motion in your career sector. What makes today so important is that you're able to look to the future and the past at the same time, with old professional dreams and aspirations providing the motivation that a powerful push forward on the work front requires.

Cancer Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
With so much set to unfold on the work front over the next 7 days making the most of the Moon's monthly visit to your income sector is essential, especially when it comes to trusting what a nose for money is telling you. However, this can't be used as an excuse to keep your work or money hats on over the weekend, with your relationship and matters of the heart needing to have first dibs on your time and attention.

Leo Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
In the Moon's final hours in your sign it's important to have your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground, paying attention to the emotional, intuitive and imaginative responses being triggered, but without over thinking things. It's those ideas, insights or concepts that are allowed to run their course that will continue to take shape. This makes an active imagination your most important resource today.

Virgo Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
As Neptune spends his last full day in retrograde motion in your relationship sector you've got the support to ensure the communication lines are open. But this is less about a chance to give the past and unsaid words a voice than it is about deciding how you want to paint the past. It's when you base the past on assumptions or choose to look back in a way that stops you from seeing the full picture that this limits your view of what the future could hold. No one and no relationship is perfect, with a need to look back through a friendly and forgiving filter.

Libra Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
While this is a day where you need to have your work hat on it's more about letting your imagination, daydreams and a sense of nostalgia take hold, reflecting back on the time and energy invested either at work or with life's other demands, making sense of things. For as Neptune, planet of dreams and fantasies spends his last full day in retrograde motion in your work sector you've got access to the past and 20/20 hindsight, but only through your imagination.

Scorpio Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
As you move into the final 7 days of your birthday month there's a need to look to the future and not just for the coming year, but the rest of your life. This is the last time you'll move into a new solar year with Saturn, giving you the power to move mountains if you have to for another 30 years, so if you're going to claim your power back and put the future in your hands, then now is the time to do it. With this is a need to trust your heart and what it's telling you.

Sagittarius Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
As you move into the final 7 days of your current solar year you've got an advantage that you don't usually have, which is a fairly clear sense of where you've been and where you're going. With Mars having recently moved through your sign, with Ceres already there helping to redefine your priorities and Venus just 2 days away, the future is already being revealed. This makes it easier to determine which old ghosts need to be laid to rest.

Capricorn Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
As Neptune spends his last full day in retrograde motion in your communication sector there is a chance and a need to make the time to give the past and unsaid words a voice, but not in a way that is about resolving issues. With Chiron staying on in retrograde motion for another 9 days there'll be time enough for that later, with Neptune's final day in retrograde motion more about discussing and sharing old dreams.

Aquarius Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
With the Sun moving into his final 7 days in your career sector and Venus due to leave in just 2 days time, they'll both be making the most of Neptune's last full day in retrograde motion in your income sector. As you look to the future professionally you've still got access to both untapped income potential but more importantly the motivation that Neptune's dreams and aspirations bring. It's the rear view mirror that holds clues to where the money is.

Pisces Today Horoscope Nov-15-2014
While the powerful forces that are keeping a sense of adventure alive and empowered will remain in force right through to Christmas, with the Sun moving into his last 7 days in your sector of travel, adventure, learning and discovery and Venus her final few days, there is a new sense of urgency. What makes this even more urgent is that the Sun and Venus are now both just days away from your career sector, with a recent professional lull coming to an end.
Thank you for today's horoscope!

I am a Aquarius and I have a question regarding my horoscope.  Forgive me if I have created this post in the wrong topic.  I have also posted the question under Western Astrology.

I was wondering if you could explain to me in layman's terms, the meaning of retrograde planets?  I understand it is when a planet appears to be going backwards through the Zodiac.  But I don't really understand the affect this has on our lives.  I have heard the term Mercury Retrograde before.

As it is "Neptune's last full day in retrograde motion in my income sector ... it's the rear view mirror that holds clues to where the money is", I'm just wondering if you have any further comments to enlighten me?

Many thanks!

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