Jupiter transits 12th house and good luck revisited

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Jupiter transits 12th house and good luck revisited

Post by pupfiction » Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:05 pm

Jupiter currently transiting my 12th is terrible and the undoing of my life, yet again, and in a hardway.
Once the transiting Jupiter went into Leo, which is partially in my 12th house, its been hell. Any planet transiting my 12th will square and trip off my nearly fixed cross/cardinal and it will be a showdown one the transiting planet conjunts my Mars/ASC. I never have it easy unless I realize that I can and how I can have it easy/better/deal with challenges. This time while thing were  brewing when Jupiter transited the Cancerian part of my 12th. Its been bad upon the Jupiter Leo part of it.

. Since the new millineum and the closing of 2009/10/12( mayan calender end time 2012). I was nearly crippled for three years and suvived it barely ( and now cannot get a chance to heal revover fully.). My whole life changed downhill since the 2000s by mid 2005 the median-time. My dear animals/"pets" died which took me and my partner for a loop we really went through a lot. My partner of 20something years of us together then up and left me in 2013. Ripping me off and the  I was thus feed for the landlords illegal wins. I lost half of my belongs to them locking me out earlier than they were supposed to.  I'm still standing up for myself. The injustice in the courts, just is a business to itself. What a hoax/put on. I've became homeless and broke eventually and living outside of my normal life. My health is always a challenge. My legs and feet are have swelling problems now. I'm estranged while determined to keep my sunnyside instaed of suicide and insanity or fierce anger.
. I'm living a contradition after years of focus on fitness, vegetarian, and other positive things I have been thrust into into an abyss of situations that are opposite my lifestyle and hopes. It's been really rough since Saturn leo a few years back. I've had one betryal and challenge after another. People/family dying, issues around that with relatives looking for a fortune that never was - Uranus 8th then. Now Uranus is conj my natal Jupiter 9th house..and I've found that as it got closer in orb in coincided with me loosing grip on my home. No where to live and lots of carry. The stress I've been under being so innocent to certain things. I was better off years ago and all the time I was right to keep my disposition.
I've come to reunite with the/my power of mind over matter in what used to be me. My childhood has been one of ruin to me in the sense of being impathic and intuit both of which I never realized how strong it got out of hand/control. My elders who knew of this have let me down. Also Neptune is transiting my natal chiron in scopio 7th/8th house cusp. Its not just the Jupiter 12th I would say its also that  Saturn in Scorpio which damn near killed me years ago was in my 4th house again. At the the time Pluto was in Scop too. My partner is also scorpio..belive me there is no talking to her. she has let me down so much.  I don't think sign opposite each other work out very well in the long run but things can be so close and wonderful, they have to work it out because it can be bad and disgraceful if things get
out of hand.
By xmas time Saturn will go again to Sag (not incl. the rx to Sat/scp and back to Sat/sg).Meanwhile Jupiter will still be in leo I think until aug/15.
I've never dealt with such terrible level of anger and emotions upon those already there from the past hardships and life goings on (even the good).I'm falling apart and found that a large homeless and apartmentlessness is going on but also part of a viscious business deeply keeping people down and out for money and such. Its sad but true.
On the peripheral and outskits of humanity am I and like a vast observer  simply on the other side of the road. This has been very deeply "metaphysical" life I have and experiences too much to cover here. I have yet to experience the usual desciption of 12th house new agey/spiritual etc.
Just barely come across that and I;ve found that I have to insist on that myself since its so hard to return to the oasis of a kind that I made and worked so hard to have prior to this. 12th house like scorpio attracts and enters like it or not a lot of intuigue, danger, crime, cleanliness rejection or hardships. Suriving by the robin hood way it seems in some manner or the other.
I have natal Pluto and Uranus in Virgo in the later 1st house portion...so this 12th house ill reptute is not pleasing to me. I had a great boon of cornicopia when Saturn was in Virgo as it trines tau, 19th house. However, I wouldn't want to work so  hard next time because the next experiences are always hard aspects  and it we don't mind ourselves a trine and be an overproducion and we can blow it there too.

I hope to survive this transit. I don't why it had to be so bad. But I've also learned that I didn't learn or know how to handle well my luckiness at the time during the summer of 2013 with a good financial boon was just spent wrong because I didn't realize I have to live so austerly in order
to survive less and less.
I am literrally out of cords, vibratory energy, spiritual-vibratory flexiblity all which impinge on the physical aspects of the same and eventualy the flesh/organs/health aspect. Once cannot sacrifice on thing for another and expect not to run out of that force or vortex commodity. Its like using up all your savings and expecting the money to still be there or replenish itself.

This paradies in our acutal lives in a similar way..which is so connectected with the waste, loss, aspects of the 12th house. Leo all ego done gone, challenged, or defending itself, or saving/storing itself, quite pride, delegent. People leaving, gone, estranged. So its a hard deal to look on the bright side but I've decided that I must force myself to do it.
Last edited by pupfiction on Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:47 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:20 pm


Because you appear to be looking for comfort and support in finding better ways to cope with all the difficult things which are happening in your life, I am wondering whether this is the best forum to post this on.

I do not think that you are looking for our sympathy or saying poor me, but for real practical solutions to your current unfortunate predicament.

Honestly in its present form such a deeply personal account is unlikely to get a response on a general astrology discussion forum such as this one.

Could I please suggest that you post your exact time and place of birth on the Western Astrology reading forum, and allow the readers on there to offer you a different and hopefully more useful way of coping with your problems?


Readers are often too close and therefore too emotionally involved with the outcome of their readings to be able to be objective when they read for themselves. Maybe this is why you seem to be going around in circles in your attempts to find some lasting answers. You may need an outside more independent, professional viewpoint from another reader, in order to help you to survive this ordeal.

No man or woman is an island unto him or herself? Even the strongest amongst us need help sometimes from people outside of ourselves. Looking and asking for that help is NEVER to be regarded as a sign of your weakness, but rather it IS a sign of your inner strength, courage and commitment to your own long term recovery from negativity and depression.

Take care,


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Post by astrologer50 » Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:38 pm

I doubt very much that transiting Jupiter is responsible for anything going on in your life and going through 12th house is the 'least effective' as its a cadent house.

Your question is interesting and there is plenty of help on tribes learn astrology jupiter are the key words to use - its a vast reference library with every topic under the sea astrologically.

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jipiter 12th

Post by pupfiction » Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:00 pm

I can assure you that with my chart and the Jupiter transit in leo/12th....its is  a hell hardship. As we are soon to have it transit virgo I how for a better tme. I have learned however that I have keep my head and heart in great vigil for NOT going overboard. The lighter/love/trusting/optimistic/big/dreamy/ego  side of Jupiter leo/12th and the dark side of letting go, loosing things,perspective, life, engery, and more can and has happened.
Since the other side of my hard aspects are Taurus. I think that the calling to be more practical and sensible just flew out the window. The fact is the lovelife loss was too much for me and the core of the matter. All my lide living space and money were just gone forever. Its was other people fault and doing. It was my fault and doing for not being more down to earth and seeing how good I still had it vsd not being both out of it in despair and/or out of it in hopes and dreams. Not mention the trials of no where to live during the coldest of winter and the hottests days of summer without enough money or such to get by.  The good side of it were the ability to use my intuit to get by and triumph small and some larger and also to keep my pride, not begging or asking at all or too much. Also the keep from the growth of anger, hate, spite. and so forth. I will say that the whole time I had feet, toe, and leg issues. Of course that would happen without proper living needs/care.

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