Have you ever Dreamt of a new Love?

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Have you ever Dreamt of a new Love?

Post by siriankitten » Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:35 am

I had a wonderful experience through a dream and I wonder if others have had this happen to them..mine is still yet  manifest..but i will kiss and tell if it does :)

I had a psychic reading done..and both..(I like everything is two's) told me about a new love..after a rough cycle for me..a few days later i had I would call a lucid dream..as i had control of my body and everything..and this hardly ever happens to me..

I was in my room reading a love letter from him..i remember the words beautiful and love ofcourse :)..but the letter was so real and the words sooo powerful..i knew he was on the bed with me..but as if he didnt want me to see him..but i just had to and wanted to soo badly..if i could just turn my bloddy head to the right...cooooome one turn..I was actually able to turn my head and see his smiling face..lord only knows if this is the one im to meet..how happy I would be with this Fine man in my arms..

It was a magical dream..and a gift as i asked to see him and it happened..i feel very privilaged and hope to see him in 2015..

Anyways that my little story to share and i hope to hear if anyone has had an experience like this that came true :)

all the best*

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:52 am

I would not want to burst your bubble or spoil the beautiful memory and wonderful feelings of this dream experience of yours (but I may any way, because it might be in your best interests), but it could all be a case of wishful thinking on your part, instead of an actual prediction of what will or must happen during 2015.

With wanting to be loved for whom we already are (including or faults, weaknesses and mistakes) very high up on the list of our greatest spiritual needs, there is no wonder that dreams of a deep and urgent longing to be loved (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) are so frequent and also often so intense.

Christmas and New Year are often the most unhappy time of the year for people who are feeling lonely and alone for whatever reason, so the pressure for people to have dreams like this perhaps to console and comfort them must naturally increase over the festive season.

The question which I want to ask you is as to why you think that the dream will not allow you to see your your potential new lover's face, even though he is laying beside you on the bed and it should be easy for you to turn over to look at him.

This could mean that there is the potential for you to find a love partner during 2015, but that at the same time you must not depend on it happening automatically, without you getting out of your house on a regular basis and mixing socially with men of a similar age group and interests to your own.


The dream could equally mean that you incorrectly believe that are not attractive, intelligent, beautiful or good enough. In other words you may not believe deep down in your unconscious where it counts, that you deserve to be loved for who you already are (another imperfect, fallible human being like we all are).

Your frustration within the dream at not being able to see his face while it is so close behind you could be offering you some valuable information and insights into the reason (s) why you often sell yourself so short and have such low self esteem, when in reality you have such an attractive and kind face and are such a nice person to meet and talk to.

So because you do not think that it could happen, mainly for the reasons already given above, your inner dream director will continue to hide his face from you until you are able and willing to accept that there are no real barriers to you finding the deep and lasting type of love which you so deserve to have, other than perhaps your own lack of self love (to value and respect yourself).

I think that we can help you to do this on Mystic Board, but in the end it is your life to live as you best see fit to do so and your decision to make.

Loving regards 2U,

From your friend EoT  :smt049  :smt049

PS: Dreams and readings deal with your unconscious and not your conscious mind. This means that you may have underlying psychological and emotional and potentially spiritual issues of which you are not consciously aware (we all have). While on the surface you give people the feeling that you are always positive, happy, confident and relaxed, like a lot of people including myself what we see on the surface (your mask or persona) is not telling the whole story of who you really are (your true Self).

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