psychic abilities and privacy

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psychic abilities and privacy

Post by jennuwbine » Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:26 pm

Hello,  just curious on what your opinion is on this. I  have come to a point in my life where I believe privacy is a lie that allows us to believe that there is some dark corner of life we can crawl to in order to cause harm to ourselves or others without knowledge of this harm being brought to light.  I  have noticed that there really is no privacy. I  have read that you reference God,  so I'm assuming your belief in him.  That belief alone suggests privacy is not real.  Then there are watchers and others with abilities.  No privacy.
I  feel like these abilities are senses,  like smell and sight.  If someone doesn't want you to know they just had sex,  but they smell like they just had sex,  you know that's what they have done.  If this person has no sense of smell,  it's it really a sin to smell this smell and know this fact?  It's really not your fault that your nose works and theirs doesn't.  It's just how things are. I  believe reading,  seeing,  feeling spirit is a sense like the other senses.  It's not  my fault that someone else does not  have a working sense.
I  also feel the same way about my own inabilities  and understand that others may be seeing things in me that I may not see,  and may not know they are seeing. I  am not averse to that,  it does not frighten me or make me feel violated.  It just seems like another simple  fact of life to me.

 Your opinions would be appreciated.  Thank you.

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Post by cedars » Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:25 pm

Hello,  just curious on what your opinion is on this. I  have come to a point in my life where I believe privacy is a lie that allows us to believe that there is some dark corner of life we can crawl to in order to cause harm to ourselves or others without knowledge of this harm being brought to light.  I  have noticed that there really is no privacy. I  have read that you reference God,  so I'm assuming your belief in him.  That belief alone suggests privacy is not real.  Then there are watchers and others with abilities.  No privacy.
So? What is the point you are making or trying to make? By God watching us, you arrive to the conclusion that there is no privacy. But if you dont believe in God, why should it be an issue for you? Should it?
I  feel like these abilities are senses,  like smell and sight.  If someone doesn't want you to know they just had sex,  but they smell like they just had sex,  you know that's what they have done.  If this person has no sense of smell,  it's it really a sin to smell this smell and know this fact?  It's really not your fault that your nose works and theirs doesn't.  It's just how things are. I  believe reading,  seeing,  feeling spirit is a sense like the other senses.  It's not  my fault that someone else does not  have a working sense.
Whoever said it was your fault? Why should 'fault' or being at fault come into this?

I do not understand what are the points you are trying to make here..... Happy to hear further clarification from you on the points you are trying to make.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:42 pm

Hi Jen (?),

You have I believe made two incorrect assumptions here about me personally, as well as about psychics in general, on which to base your belief that privacy is a lie.

Firstly YES I do believe in God, but not an external God as presented in the Bible as an old man with a flowing white beard sitting on his throne up there in Heaven watching my every move, knowing my every thought or trying to determine whether I have recently had sex with my wife so that he can get great pleasure by placing a black cross beside my name, to be used as evidence in my trial for punishment, when I come before him when my life is over. And similarly I do not believe in the idea of a God with voyeuristic tendencies, who is doing the same whole judgement thing with anyone other than myself (including you).

Instead I believe in a Higher Intelligence (or God) which equally exists within each of us. God within me, and God within you (internal God). I believe that this Higher Intelligence created my body, mind and spirit. I believe that sex is something sacred and gives pleasure to both partners. It has been given to me to allow me to physically express the love which I feel in my heart for my wife, and we have been blessed with two now adult children from this 36 year marriage. It also gives us pleasure and makes us feel better about ourselves. It combats fatigue and depression. Which we both have no shortage of, but for very different reasons.

Why does conventional religion have so many hangups with the body or with sex, or with the idea that we should have some pleasure in our lives to help balance out all the pain and disappointment, heartache, fear and negativity of the world around us? Because I believe that the people who transcribed those supposed words of God were fallible human beings, some of whom had some very serious hangups themselves in these same areas.

In other words I think that what is a sin is more defined by the psychological and emotional hangups of these scribes, rather than it being a negative judgement made against us worthy of eternal punishment by our Higher Intelligence. It is human beings who have corrupted and perverted the use of sex, either for money or for power over others. It is human beings who have abused their spiritual abilities to gain unfair advantage over their fellow human beings.

My physical senses are used by my physical body in order to gain information about the physical world, and my spiritual senses are used by my spiritual body to gain information about the spiritual world which coexists with the physical plane and our bodies.    

Does this mean that sex or that the responsible and ethical use use of my spiritual senses or psychic abilities should be outlawed?

Of course not!

It is human beings who must take responsibility for their behaviour, and learn to deal with the consequences of their behaviour upon themselves, as well as upon the people whom they come in contact with. True self responsibility has no need for an external God or watcher, as in essence the soul is creating its own story and soul history. No need for a cosmic book keeper adding up points against us in some heavenly courtroom?

Your other incorrect assumption is that psychics are mind readers: that is that they read and can invade the privacy of  the contents of your own thoughts.


I believe instead that we read your emotions and personality. By tapping into your aura or personal energy field, but only with your permission for doing this through your reading request, we can sometimes see past the mask which you unconsciously present to the world as being WHO YOU ARE. We want to help you become more aware of your TRUE SELF, and the enormous potential for self healing and for helping others which this knowledge can give you. Frankly even if it was possible for me to read the contents of your thoughts (which it is not), I have more useful things to do with my time and energy than caring about who you recently had sex with, or who you would like to murder if given the opportunity.

Being psychically sensitive does not make me automatically immune to all the usual problems that most human beings face, as well as to certain personal challenges, some of them possibly unique to myself. Your privacy is perfectly safe from me. As my privacy is perfectly safe from you. Privacy is not an illusion, or "some dark corner of life we can crawl to in order to cause harm to ourselves or others without knowledge of this harm being brought to light".

When you request a reading from me it is neither an invasion nor violation of your right to the privacy of your own thoughts (especially your conscious thoughts).

I cannot read them at all!

The only way for me to learn what those thoughts are is for you to voluntarily share them with me. Thoughts which you are comfortable discussing where other people can also see them are to be posted on the forums, and thoughts which you do not feel comfortable for other people outside of the two of us to know are to be sent to me via a private message. But all reading requests and readings must only be done on the reading forum (open forum policy).

Hoping that this helps,

EoT  :smt006

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Post by jennuwbine » Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:30 am

Sorry, I  should have been more informative about my question. I  left a lot to be imagined. I  do not conform to any organized religion,  but do believe in a spirit of creation. I  did not mean to upset   or insult anyone. I was not judging anyone, wether having sex or not ( that was just an example I used because of the hang ups I see).  What I  meant was, that privacy,  as it is understood by most people does not seem to be real to me because of things like akashic  records,  remote viewing,  watchers ( like angels,  there too help you),  God,  creator,  mother of all,  whatever you call it, who knows all things without being a peeping Tom,  because he is connected to all things. I  saw in another post here someone saying that if you read someone without their consent,  you will be punished by God. I  really just wanted to know what your view of privacy is. I  believe I  understand this correctly,  you do not believe that getting feelings,  thoughts,  visions,  knowledge of health issues from others without their consent is a terrible thing.  It may just come,  without asking.  Thank you very much for your responses.  Lots of peace and love.

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Post by jennuwbine » Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:36 am

Let  me also say,  that I did understand that you also respect the privacy of the people who cone to you for help. I  didn't miss that.  It seems you believe that when we connect the soul Iis giving permission already.  The connection itself is permission,  but not permission to blab it about town.  Very respectable.  Thanks.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:14 pm

You have not offended anyone here, to the best of my knowledge. Certainly not me.

God, angels watchers and the Akashic Records are only an issue to you if you believe that they are watching your every move and are judging you negatively for your every thought or action, based upon the very highly subjective criteria used by conventional religions to say which of them are  bad or naughty or unacceptable in the sight of their idea of what or who God is.

The important point here is that there is no such judgement involved in any of this. If anyone is making judgements about our behaviour, it would either be ourselves or another human being.  Humans are excellent at unfairly judging others or themselves, without first having the necessary background information to qualify them to do do.

Please let me know exactly where you saw the posting which said that if you read someone without that person's permission, that you would be punished by God for having done this, as it is absolute nonsense.

Deliberately and consciously giving a reading without permission is unethical and will probably be blocked by the person's guide or Higher Self, but the concept of God being ready to rap us over the knuckles for doing it is an insult to our intelligence, and has no place on Mystic Board.



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Psychic reading

Post by methomas » Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:46 am

Psychic reading covers a wide spectrum of mystic art that might include Tarot, Astrology, Clairvoyance and many more, most of which are beyond the scope of conventional scientific study and research.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:41 pm

most of which are beyond the scope of conventional scientific study and research.

Would you agree that many people use this as a reason for believing that psychic abilities do not exist, and as a weapon to be used against anyone who claims that they do?

My late father thought that if you cannot physically see, hear, or feel something then it cannot be real, and I have learned since I was a child living under my parents roof, that he is far from the only one with this highly materialistic attitude to reality.



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Re: Psychic reading

Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:06 am

methomas wrote:Psychic reading covers a wide spectrum of mystic art that might include Tarot, Astrology, Clairvoyance and many more, most of which are beyond the scope of conventional scientific study and research.
Before science (as known to us today) can even begin to understand and analyze and research psychic realm, it would need to master obvious things such as reliable weather prediction (ultimately a physical phenomenon) or why stock markets behave the way they do and how to predict trends (admittedly, this involves understanding human mind better and science has still a lot to learn about how to predict human behaviour and reliably understand it) and things such as autoimmune disorders, etc (though it is progressing rapidly!).

I am confident that as our understanding of the macrocosm and microcosm increases, science will begin to understand these phenomena better. Maybe not in the lifetimes of many of us, but then, my grandfather's generation had no idea that we will have computers, mobile phones or phones that let us talk, surf the web, pay bills, read books, listen to music, help with navigation, and take photos way faster and better than whatever cameras their generation had!

Did I mention, the lunar landing? The martian expedition, the...

You get my point, I am sure! ;-)

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