Improvements in personal relationships and job - numerology helps??

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Did numerology help you advance in your career?

Poll ended at Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:10 am

Yes, because I understand myself better now.
Yes, because I understand others better now.
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No, it only works in my private life.
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Improvements in personal relationships and job - numerology helps??

Post by seb78 » Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:10 am

Hi there all,

I am relatively new to the world of astrology and numerology. Recently I got more into
understanding my numbers in regards to my professional career but also my interpersonal
relationships, especially to understand me and my partner better.
I was blown away by some of the insights especially regarding my actions in my relationship.
Of course the good ones and the bad ones, as some might know.

Are there any experiences from other people here how numerology helped you in your relationships?
Also, did it help you advance you in your job and career? Any suggestions how I can "apply" it
or interpret my numbers to move forward?
If anyone has a good piece of advice or literature or so, please let me know.

Very grateful to hear your experiences and pros/cons of applying the numbers.

For now, may the spirit be with you to achieve ultimate happiness.
Cheers, Seb

Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:35 am

Post by benniedm » Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:56 am

A few points.

Numerology has been very helpful in my romantic relationships. While there are numbers we're more harmonious with, a person could truly be with anyone with the right approach and understanding of the energy each bring to the table. I've found it helpful to go beyond comparing just the lifepath of your partner, but to study and follow look at personal year/month numbers. We come into people lives sometimes forever. Then other times, it's for a season or a part of a bigger lesson/experience.

Regarding your career, really look to your expression number first then life path for clues. Your expression number focus on talents and strengths, your life path number may tell the path of how those talents may be used. If your expression number is lower then your lifepath number by more than 4, you may find yourself having to work harder to use your talents. If your expression is higher than your lifepath by 4 numbers or so, always be creating opportunities to use your talents if none show up. Look to your timing numbers - personal year, pinnical numbers, essence number - if your looking to make a shift or understand the theme of where you are right now -- to give clues about your career in the present moment.

I've use numerology to help me define what I want and don't want out of a job/career. I'm a life path 5, which can usually be very talented but very scattered career wise. Numerology help me illuminate and come to terms that I need a job with flexibility and where my leadership skills were honored. I also learned I need a job where I emotionally excited and connected to do in order for me to gather the energy to do a really good job( another trait of having your life path number 4 spaces higher than your life path).

Hopefully that helps.

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