Numerology number 2 female

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Numerology number 2 female

Post by Qayin » Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:39 pm

My friend thought when e met my dad he thought he was aphla male when told me that he was under the number 2 that would not make my dad a aphla male  a feminist  and do you Guys and gals think am right

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jan 10, 2015 2:14 am


Being under the number 2 would not automatically make your Dad either an alpha male or a feminist.

Being under the number 2 could potentially make your father more likely to believe and behave like an alpha male (the leader of the pack) or a feminist than the average person, but human behaviour is also modified by our surroundings or environment between our birth and the present moment.

My educated guess (not a reading) is that the way that other significant people around your father (especially his parents) treated/mistreated him had a lot more to do with him believing and behaving like an alpha male or feminist would be expected to, when compared to how much him being under the number two made him like that.

I feel that this could be yet another case of a victim (your father) of other victims (his parents). If I were you I would be doing anything within reason which I could, not to become the next victim in your family's lineage.

By continually focussing on your father's private hell and not becoming more independent of his sickness, you are unintentionally increasing the chances of becoming your family's next victim.

I realise that this is always easier for me to tell you this than for you to do it, but unless you get out of your father's shadow and stop seeing numbers as automatic excuses for disgusting and completely unacceptable abuse of the love which should exist between a father and his child, then while we will continue to support you, realistically any hope of really helping you will be lost.

I think that even now you need professional help in breaking free of him in your mind, before it is too late. But that is only my personal opinion, and only you have the right to decide what to do next. I will of course respect that right, although I confess that it will make me feel sad to have to stand by as your friend, and watch it all happen to you.



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Post by Qayin » Sat Jan 10, 2015 6:04 pm

Oh ok thanks am different from my father and my friend was under a personal month 5 personal day 2 when this happen I was under personal month 3 personal day 9 I bealive 9 & 2 have  a spiritual connection

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:14 pm


I will leave this question open for the numerologists to answer, if they choose to do so.

However I would suggest that you should not continue to respond to our answers with further questions which are not directly related to the original topic, and that whether or not your friend and yourself have a spiritual connection, he or she is unknowingly feeding your addiction to seeing numbers and number patterns as having a significance in explaining what is happening to you, that is way out of proportion to reality.

Please do not get me wrong about this. I have great respect for the power of numerology as a tool to help us better understand and heal ourselves, but like all good things this can also be taken too far and when the numbers become more important than the person (which I feel is happening in your case), then I think that numerology has become a liability instead of an asset to you, as well as to any other people you interact with.

In the hands of a skilled and intuitive numerologist this sacred art of divination can help a person to create a more positive, healthier, happier and more successful life for themself, but in the hands of amateurs and people who are attempting to explain everything which has happened, is happening and will happen simply in terms of numbers or number patterns, it can instead lead to them handing over control of their own lives and minds to illusions and delusions which are neither spiritual nor healthy.

A little knowledge can potentially be dangerous.

Be your own best friend and let this addiction/obsession go, before it destroys you and your relationships with other people. If you will not do this for yourself do it instead for your friends on Mystic Board, who care about what is going on in your life and therefore do not want to see you continue to harm yourself in this manner.



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Post by practicalnumerology » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:50 am

In my experience the 2 is all about the urge to merge and connect with something in life - this is the number of the lover, the student, the soul mate. It is also the number of the negative mind. However, the 2 will not determine the alpha male quality, rather that is expressed in the relationship of the 2 to the other numbers in the chart. I think there is a misconception that by look at one number in a birthchart  (the destiny or soul number) can provide definitive understanding of a person - rather it is a relationship between numbers and the reading between the lines of a group of numbers that creates deep meaning and understanding.

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