Dream about grey wolf attacking me and transsexuals?

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Dream about grey wolf attacking me and transsexuals?

Post by Sladejake » Mon May 04, 2015 12:20 am

I had a dream that I was in this giant gazebo. And there was this grey wolf trying kill me. He kept snarling at me and trying to attack me.
I kept throwing dirt in his eyes and every time he would try to come closer I would swing the 2 by 4.

The next dream was I was sitting on this bench at it was cold out. And this fat woman came over to me and started talking about sex. And I'm like, you want to have sex? And she said yeah. We then walked to the bathroom of this building and she started taking off her clothes. And I had to sit down to take off my pants and I noticed that she, well he, had a penis. And she said, I'm a girl in the back. And she bent over and I just saw her anus. This was a really weird dream.

What do you interpret from this.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon May 04, 2015 1:18 am


On one internet dream dictionary site it says that a wolf appearing in your dream could represent your own  "raw sexual desire". Have you been thinking of someone with a raw sexual appetite? Were you very sexually aroused yesterday?

I should not have to tell you that it is highly unusual to find a wolf attacking you while you are in a giant gazebo, or for that matter when you are in any size gazebo.
To see or dream that you are in a gazebo represents your openness and receptiveness toward some relationship. It also symbolizes your idealistic notions, contentment, and satisfaction.
The symbolism of a wolf dressed up in sheep's clothing also comes to mind. It suggests that our normal sexual desires are often hidden below the surface (even sometimes from ourselves), and they are instead dressed up in a way which is more acceptable, both to us as well as to our society's values.

Wanting to have sex with a transsexual could mean that you yourself have a sexual identity problem, but the important point here is that you did not realize that this was the case, until she/he removed her/his clothes.

Which once again says more about you, than it probably does about this dream transsexual.

The father of modern psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud would have a field day with you having had a dream like that. Possibly he would twist it into meaning something very upsetting and offensive.

But honestly other than you being 16 years of age and male, I do not think that it should give you any reason for concern that you have hidden abnormal sexual tendencies, even from yourself.

Often dreams provide us with a safe environment to be able to explore our deeper nature, without the possibility of harming ourselves or other people, as a consequence of what we do.

Effectively this dream is a trial run or simulation that your dreaming mind is running of what it might feel like if it had instead happened in your waking life, of you having discovered that your love partner is not who she seemed to be (sexually and otherwise). Hiding your true identity from others can sometimes have serious negative consequences for the future of a relationship.

BTW it being a grey wolf may be referring to many aspects of human sexuality being one of those grey or taboo area subjects, for comfortable discussion between people of any age.


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Post by Sladejake » Mon May 04, 2015 3:54 pm

Thank you for the interpretation. I kind of have been hiding my true identity, just because I don't really want to be hurt by those people. So I'm not dishonest I'm just, secretive. I don't know, I'm afraid of being friends with people.

I'm not aware of any hidden sexual desires. The woman was just coming off as promiscuous and I took the chance. And by surprise when she was taking off her clothes I saw that she had a penis. So...yeah. I wasn't wanting to have sex with her because she was a transsexual. She was a transsexual by surprise.

I also had a dream last night that I was being followed and attacked by soldiers and tanks through a desert I believe. And I was in a tank myself trying to get away and shooting at the soldiers to by myself some time to escape. Do you think that it's related to this dream?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue May 05, 2015 12:22 am


You are very welcome!

You already know that I get a lot of pleasure and personal satisfaction from doing this spiritual labour of love, and interpreting other people's dreams was my stepping stone to eventually giving readings.
I kind of have been hiding my true identity, just because I don't really want to be hurt by those people. So I'm not dishonest I'm just, secretive. I don't know, I'm afraid of being friends with people.  
I think that I understand your reasons but at the same time as you are trying to protect yourself from getting hurt again by people close to you by being secretive with them, you are cutting yourself off from being able to express all the good qualities of character which you have, as well as cutting yourself off from the good feelings of people who do not care that you are not perfect, because they are no more perfect than you are.

If you build a protective wall around your heart to keep all the bad feelings out, the bad feelings which are already there are trapped inside you, and because no good feelings can get inside there is nothing to balance out or neutralize those bad feelings. What we need to help you with is to gradually develop enough trust in us to take down that wall brick by brick, as its purpose for being there is at an end. Mystic Board provides you with a much safer environment to be able to learn to trust people again, and slowly but surely take down that wall.
I'm not aware of any hidden sexual desires.
If they are hidden, they are also hidden from you or to be exact from your conscious awareness. Humans are sexual beings. Therefore all normal human beings at some time have sexual desires and fantasies. Some are hidden: some are not. An important part of becoming an adult is to find healthy ways to express those of our sexual desires which we know about and to learn about those which up until now have been hidden, in a way which does not harm either other people or ourselves.
She was a transsexual by surprise.  
Indeed she was! Which made you have a mixture of conflicting feelings. You invited her to have sex with you, but you got something very different from what you expected with her gender being anything but well defined. You trusted that you would find an anatomically normal adult female body under her clothing, but your trust was taken away from you by what you saw when she did undress. Once again this is an issue about you being unable to trust that a person is who they say that they are, or who they appear to be on the surface. Which is why you built that protective wall.
I also had a dream last night that I was being followed and attacked by soldiers and tanks through a desert I believe. And I was in a tank myself trying to get away and shooting at the soldiers to by myself some time to escape. Do you think that it's related to this dream?
Yes this dream is related to the other one, because you are the person who dreamed both of them. It is all about people attacking you, and about you defending yourself from their attacks. Because you are in a tank yourself you have a distinct advantage over any foot soldiers who are not also in a tank. They are relatively unprotected from your much heavier weapons and armour. It is the soldiers in the enemy tanks which are your main opposition, assuming that their tanks are at least as good as your own.

I feel that the main message of this second dream could be that if you see every offer of friendship as a personal attack and spend all of your time trying to defend yourself against people who are of no real danger to you, then when a person comes along who is really attacking you or out to hurt you, you may have no energy/ammunition left to be able to repel them.

This symbolism may even carry over to the current status of your body's immune system. When we are feeling depressed our body's immune system does not work as well as it should. Things which should cause the immune system to sound the alarm bells like bacteria, viruses and cancerous cells may not be responded to, while things which are perfectly harmless or our own cells may cause an overreaction. The immune system attackers (tanks) and immune system defenders (foot soldiers) are way out of balance with each other. Turning what should be a period of brief exchange of gun fire, into World War 3.

For this reason please be especially vigilant and careful about your health when you are depressed, as your immune system is listening to your most regularly held thoughts, and will act or not act to defend you, accordingly.  

I am here for you.

EoT :smt023

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Post by Rook » Tue May 05, 2015 9:17 am

I agree with everything EoT has put down here.

What I might build on is the setting of the desert.  This is important.

The desert is generally seen as a place lacking in growth.  As a dream scenario it can be put in contrast to the scene of a forest, in the desert there is little growth, in the forest, lots.  You feel under attack and a need to defend yourself hence the tank.  There is no personal growth through the running from our problems though.  It is between the hammer and the anvil that our soul is forged, it is by overcoming our problems and adversity that we grow the most as people.

You are buying time to escape - so you don't have to confront this issue?  I am not saying you have to turn around and take this issue on full pelt, remember - in the other dream fighting with the issue achieved nothing.  But perhaps through support from those there to assist you (in the dream gymnasium - build your army so you are not a lone tank), and understanding the issue and why it is occuring will help shed some light, and lead to a deeper understanding of yourself, which ultimately is what you seem to be seeking?

Best wishes,

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Post by Sladejake » Tue May 05, 2015 3:17 pm

Wow, you guys are really good at interpreting dreams.

Yeah I guess I am running from an issue. There is actually a girl that wants to be friends with me and I do kind of look at it as if they are trying to attack me.
But I did talk to her last night and I opened up. But it was so sad because I had to be really drunk to talk about my feelings. Which I guess I drink to feel better than normal. But yeah, I always see people trying to be nice to me
as some sort of attack and I run from them being so nice. But I'm just really afraid of being friends with people. But taking your advice, I'm trying with this girl.

And thank you for your input as well Rook, it won't go unappreciated as well as you eye of tiger.

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