About psychic readings, spells, predictions and more

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About psychic readings, spells, predictions and more

Post by roserosa » Tue May 05, 2015 11:54 am

I am an avid magazine reporter and award winning writer who has a passion to investigate and uncover the truth.
My topic of choice for this blog is to open the truth about the so called fortune tellers and psychic readers, by letting everybody share their stories here.
So I will start with my own personal findings:
I was hired 2 years ago to make a report about psychic readers by a top US Publisher, so after 3 months of working on this issue, I came up with the finding that only 5% of the people working in this old profession happen to have true powers that can be used and apply in the real world. Out of 125 people that I study only five had this gift:
-A guy named Ignacio who has a website named [external links not allowed]
-A Brazilian Indian who lives in the Amazon jungle and whose name Endiroy
-A nun named María who works from a monastery in south Europe and who can be reached at...........[phone numbers not allowed]
-A retired University Professor named François who can be reached at: [email addresses not allowed]
-And an old woman called Hadinna who lives in Myanmar
All of these people showed real psychic powers that could easily be verified. However the other 72 participants in this test failed to prove anything out of the ordinary. Based on my findings, and before anybody attempts to hire any psychic reader, they should consider to read blogs like this one.

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Re: AAbout psychic readings, spells, predictions and more

Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue May 05, 2015 3:12 pm

roserosa wrote:Hi,
I am an avid magazine reporter and award winning writer who has a passion to investigate and uncover the truth.
My topic of choice for this blog is to open the truth about the so called fortune tellers and psychic readers, by letting everybody share their stories here.
So I will start with my own personal findings:
I was hired 2 years ago to make a report about psychic readers by a top US Publisher, so after 3 months of working on this issue, I came up with the finding that only 5% of the people working in this old profession happen to have true powers that can be used and apply in the real world. Out of 125 people that I study only five had this gift:
-A guy named Ignacio who has a website named XXXXX
-A Brazilian Indian who lives in the Amazon jungle and whose name Endiroy
-A nun named María who works from a monastery in south Europe and who can be reached at +######
-A retired University Professor named François who can be reached at: yyyyy@zzzzz
-And an old woman called Hadinna who lives in ÉÉÉÉÉ
All of these people showed real psychic powers that could easily be verified. However the other 72 participants in this test failed to prove anything out of the ordinary. Based on my findings, and before anybody attempts to hire any psychic reader, they should consider to read blogs like this one.
How did you select your test sample
What were the selection criteria and how were subjective and sampling bias controlled
testing procedure

Basic questions that should not offend an investigative reporter...!

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Post by Talia » Tue May 05, 2015 3:53 pm

In my view 125 - 5 = 120 not 72?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue May 05, 2015 4:55 pm

Hi Rosa,

Please understand that I am not wanting to sound unfriendly. I am attempting to explain what is allowed, according to the rules.

This is not a blog, and it is not to be used as one.

It is instead a forum or meeting place for registered Mystic Board members to discuss and ask questions about virtually any psychic subject which interests them.

We do not evaluate the psychic abilities of or recommend any readers who work external to this website, and this forum is not to be used for you to do your personal research by asking our members to report their experiences with those readers, for you to collect then leave us.

While I do find your research interesting, a success rate of 5 in a relatively small sample size of 125 seems completely inadequate for you to reach any statistically significant conclusions about whether a particular psychic is genuine or not, according to your criteria for verifying their gifts (which you have so far not explained).

If only 5 out of the 125 people you studied had this gift, surely that leaves 120 who did not. Not 72! So was the sample size 125 or 77?

There are several important factors that people should consider before consulting a professional psychic and parting with their hard earned money (we have discussed some of these in the past), including checking whether the reader is registered with the professional association in their country which determines if the reader is of good character and genuine. And whether he or she works ethically, and charges a reasonable fee for their services.

But a blog such as you were planning to conduct here would be too restricted and too subjective to be of any real practical use in helping someone to to choose a reputable reader in their local area.

We simply do not have enough active members who would be interested in participating in such a study if it were allowed (which it is not), to make it worth your while.

Other than being more than willing to discuss your working hypothesis, experimental methods, controls and whatever results you have obtained so far in much more detail, I am not sure if there is anything else that we can do for you in this direction.

Please let me know if there is in your response.



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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue May 05, 2015 5:55 pm

Talia wrote:In my view 125 - 5 = 120 not 72?
As they say: The devil is in the details...!

Hence I had questions about the details about the methodology!

Also the URL (which I obliterated in my quoted posting, as too other contact information etc in the posting).

The URL had ordering info plus a button labeled CART! Probably a new member, did not read the rules regarding commercial postings.

Call me Mr. Paranoid but commercial links in even genuine pieces of 'research/testing' significantly lowers the value of such claims etc  It defies the "arm's length" requirement!

D...! The day began so peacefully with birds chirping on the trees and squirrels scurrying around playfully making my indoor cat go bananas...!

Oh well, tomorrow would be another day to begin afresh?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed May 06, 2015 12:14 am

And it would be most unwise of anyone to get me going about the use of magic spells or of predicting the future as part of giving a psychic reading.

EoT  :smt002  :smt002

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