I have seen a 'transparent' god

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Jayashree Ravi
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I have seen a 'transparent' god

Post by Jayashree Ravi » Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:22 am

Yes, I am being 100% honest - and not saying anything for sensational value or for any other sake.

In 2011 when I went to India, I had a lot of misunderstandings with my elder nephew. That time, I was unwell and upset over a few things and my temper took a wrong turn. I was accusing my nephew of things he did not do and was actually being mean to him. One night, after a 'verbal war' of sorts, I stormed into the kitchen and was trying to drink water. Suddenly, I envisioned a transaparent being who looked like a Hindu god (wearing a dhoti like thing) for a split second standing right behind me with a raised hand holding a transparent sickle like thing, in a gesture as if to cut/chop my head down! I immediately turned around and poured some of the water I had from the cup in my hand to the floor where that being stood, but I couldn't see anything.

But after that I did not see or envision that transparent being again in that house. However there was a temple near that house, and when I went to that temple soon enough, a black cat with Green eyes was weirdly trying to communicate something to me! I meowed and meowed and meowed so many times to me, steadily gazing at me all the while... until it finally ascended 3 steps and disappeared into the compound wall of the neighboring house! It was weird... this cat would have spoken to me solidly for 5+ min.!

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Re: I have seen a 'transparent' god

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:15 am

Yes, I am being 100% honest - and not saying anything for sensational value or for any other sake.
I completely believe you when you say that you are not making this up for any reason. I also believe that you are accurately and honestly telling us what you thought that you saw or heard.
In 2011 when I went to India, I had a lot of misunderstandings with my elder nephew. That time, I was unwell and upset over a few things and my temper took a wrong turn. I was accusing my nephew of things he did not do and was actually being mean to him. One night, after a 'verbal war' of sorts, I stormed into the kitchen and was trying to drink water. Suddenly, I envisioned a transparent being who looked like a Hindu god (wearing a dhoti like thing) for a split second standing right behind me with a raised hand holding a transparent sickle like thing, in a gesture as if to cut/chop my head down! I immediately turned around and poured some of the water I had from the cup in my hand to the floor where that being stood, but I couldn't see anything.
Neither of us have enough evidence to be absolutely sure as to exactly what you experienced, but it is my personal opinion that your conscience (the part of you which tells you when you are doing something wrong or unfair) was temporarily projected outwards by your mind onto your surroundings, so it looked as though there was something there when there was not. And that your thought projection was being filtered through your religious beliefs, which is probably why it appeared to you as a God like figure straight from the story pages of your religion instead of for example Jesus Christ who Christians often see in such situations.

You mentioned that you were not feeling well at the time. You probably had an above normal temperature, which can dehydrate you as your body produces larger amounts of perspiration to try to cool itself down. You will want to more regularly drink water to replace the water which has been lost. Only a slight rise in the temperature of our brain can make certain people more likely to see or hear things which do not actually exist at the physical level. They seem very real at the time (some say that they seem more real than the world is), but they are hallucinations. They can be solid realistic figures, but your hallucination was not strong enough to appear other than as a transparent outline of a figure.
But after that I did not see or envision that transparent being again in that house.
Possibly because you had already got the message which your conscience was trying to get across to you. Accusing your nephew of something which he did no made your conscience project itself as the hallucination. Hopefully you then realized that this was wrong, and you stopped accusing him and maybe also apologized. No more need for your conscience to project itself. No more hallucinations of that transparent type were necessary.  
However there was a temple near that house, and when I went to that temple soon enough, a black cat with Green eyes was weirdly trying to communicate something to me! I meowed and meowed and meowed so many times to me, steadily gazing at me all the while... until it finally ascended 3 steps and disappeared into the compound wall of the neighboring house! It was weird... this cat would have spoken to me solidly for 5+ min.!
The cat was another hallucination, but unlike the first one this one appeared very solid at first. Unlike the transparent god, this was not only a visual hallucination (you saw it), but it was also an auditory hallucination (it spoke to you for 5 minutes) as well.

Unless you did not understand and make peace with your nephew after seeing the transparent god, I have no explanation as to why you are now seeing a much more solid, talking and  much more weird and sinister hallucination in the form of this black cat with green eyes, which is beginning to sound like something out of a horror movie or a nightmare.

Nightmares often happen because the messages to us in normal dreams were ignored or not understood, so perhaps a similar thing is happening with your increasingly solid, talking and weird hallucinations. Also it is known that if someone experiences vivid hallucinations that it can make them more likely to see more of them in the future. It conditions their minds to expect to see and/or hear more things which are really not there.

All of these things are paranormal, meaning that the laws which make them happen are currently beyond our normal, limited understanding about how our minds and the outer world work together with each other.

Thank you for sharing this with us. It is fascinating to discuss now, even though I am sure that you found it be anything other than fascinating or interesting when it was still happening to you. Have you had any more hallucinations since then?



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Post by Jayashree Ravi » Wed Apr 29, 2015 11:04 am


Thank you for the reply! I'll reconsider my experiences under the light of 'hallucinations' :-). Even then, the transparent god might fit into the category (hallucinations) but not the cat one! It was not imagined. I'm psychologically balanced and normal for that... :-)

I truly appreciate your taking interest in the post. I'm kinda a spiritual person and have had some spiritual experiences but will share them at the appropriate moment.

Thanks again.

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The imaging powers of our minds (imagination)

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri May 01, 2015 1:38 am


You do not need to be psychologically unbalanced or in any way abnormal to have hallucinations.

The same imaging powers of the mind (imagination) are used, whether the cat does or does not exist as a separate paranormal entity.

So even if the cat exists in its own separate reality, it is still using your imagination, and it is still classified as an hallucination as it does not exist at this physical level.

Some people say with good reason that without anyone like us to observe it, the outer world may not exist separately from our own unconscious minds.

The outer world therefore may only be a projection of what is in our inner world.

Which if it were true, would make the only world which we regard as being the real one (the outer world) into the ultimate illusion or hallucination.

EoT  :smt017

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat May 09, 2015 1:01 am

Fascinating thread!
Actually, our minds are not only capable of but indeed tend to utilize hallucinations regularly as part of normal practice. it becomes easier and dare I say, more socially acceptable, to do so during sleep. Even though we call those normal hallucinations dreams. Even nightmares are in that category. Night terrors tend to occur in the non-dreaming phase of sleep, are more disturbing but hallucinatory experiences, none the less?

I believe there are other states possible between wakeful and sleep states and generally evoked by temporary physiological disturbances or organic pathological (fever etc) which can bring on the hallucinatory experiences when the normal guard of the aware mind is a bit down. Severe fever is known to be associated with delirium for instance. Severe mental upheavel or discomfort can raise ones sensitivity to these wakeful hallucinatory experiences at time.

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