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Post by Talia » Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:58 am


Hi, I am new to Mystic-Board. I am between jobs and find some time on my hands and so would like to offer my services to those that would like a reading.

Angels and Oracles are very helpful for giving quick advice, some say short and sweet, but sometimes a bit of sugar is good for us all.

- Please ask a question, and if you ask one that can be answered with just a 'yes' or 'no' then don't be surprised if that is all I get given.

- I don't need any personal information other than the following, both of which are completely optional. These must be posted on the forum.

- Your birth date is helpful (if it is not already displayed in your forum profile and correct), but otherwise I will take it that you are over 18.

- Your favourite colour is also useful, so please let me know.

- Please make a new thread for your request and I will reply as soon as I can.

Thank-you and I look forward to reading for you.
Last edited by Talia on Sun May 03, 2015 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cedars » Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:13 pm

Welcome to Mystic Board Talia and it is refreshing to see what you are trying to do here.

All the best and I hope you get many willing querents for your offer.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Apr 30, 2015 1:42 am

Hi Talia,

I am a reading virgin. I have never had a personal reading (numerology, palmistry, psychic, tarot, oneiromancy, past life, future life, shadow-reading, ...) other than one tropical astrology reading back in the 80s.

I request the Angels to provide me guidance regarding intended move and any other significant advice they might have to offer. I will leave the time frame etc. open.

My interest in this reading is not from idle or biased curiosity, but I am sure The Angels know.

{add: My favourite colour is deep indigo-violet with hints of purple (very little red, mostly blue). This is the colour I see in the brow region since I was about 12 or 13.

I thank you in advance for doing this for me.

Love and Light.


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Post by Talia » Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:43 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:Hi Talia,

I am a reading virgin. I have never had a personal reading (numerology, palmistry, psychic, tarot, oneiromancy, past life, future life, shadow-reading, ...) other than one tropical astrology reading back in the 80s.

I request the Angels to provide me guidance regarding intended move and any other significant advice they might have to offer. I will leave the time frame etc. open.

My interest in this reading is not from idle or biased curiosity, but I am sure The Angels know.

{add: My favourite colour is deep indigo-violet with hints of purple (very little red, mostly blue). This is the colour I see in the brow region since I was about 12 or 13.

I thank you in advance for doing this for me.

Love and Light.

Dear Rohiniranjan,

Thank-you for being the first to ask for a message from the Angels. Your favourite colour sounds very beautiful and links into the first 22 cards of the Angels Tarot or the major arcane and I have taken four cards from that colour for you.

I am used to speaking the readings so please bear with me whilst I endeavour to bring those spoken words to the page.

Using cards from this deck the first card to fall gives a message from Archangel Gabriel  about your intended move.

Archangel Gabriel standing in the middle of a beautiful forest surrounded by all animals, there is wolf, the teacher, fox, the sly one that keeps us aware of any problems on the horizon, bear who tells us to get enough rest or we will tire too quickly and tree cougar who stealthily prowls until he gets his meal.
In the arms of Archangel Gabriel is a small babe, a new born infant. The message written on the card is simple “Give birth to your dreams. Nurture yourself and others.” When we look at this beautiful scene we can see that all the animals are looking in one direction, to the future, their eyes are on the horizon, the goal, where they are going, they do not dwell on where they have been nor should you. Look ahead.

Archangel Haniel, this is the angel of wisdom, of knowledge and learning, her message is clear “Listen to your intuition. Have patience. Consider carefully what you want before acting.” As a clever and well knowledged man you have deep intuition, I am sure you will be looking at all aspects of moving, have you thought of everything? Good preparation is key, as this angel holds an open book so must you, research and look into the dates and timings, plan and make sure it is not rushed.

Archangel Raziel, The Magician, the wizard and master of all manifestation. You can create what you want, your thoughts are powerful tools. “You are ready! You have the resources or the ability to manifest them. ” Using all four elements, Earth, Wind, Fire and Ocean they all come together and create your future, manifest those thoughts into your next opportunity.

Archangel Metatron, this card is perhaps the best card to have fall for you when you are contemplating any journey, any move, or anything new like a project, change of way of life and new surroundings. “A leap of faith. Follow your dreams. Unexpected opportunities.” A man stands on a mountain looking out , there is a long path ahead of him and he is hesistant to take that first step, but the Archangel is there wrapping wings around him protecting him giving him the confidence he needs to start.

Of course no reading should ever tell you what to do, or when to do it, but they can offer support and inspiration. There are 78 cards in this deck and these are just 4 but all seem to be encouraging and optimistic for you.

We can always call on angelic energy, whether one believes or not there is a magic within all of us that we can bring to the top and use, some say that the Archangels are the most powerful of those energies so you are very lucky in having four come to you today.

Many blessings to you

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Post by Talia » Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:44 am

cedars wrote:Welcome to Mystic Board Talia and it is refreshing to see what you are trying to do here.

All the best and I hope you get many willing querents for your offer.
Thank-you for your kindnest :)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:06 pm

Dear Talia,

Firstly, thank you very much for your kind and prompt response and for taking the time to provide me with a tarot reading which I had requested.

Like you, although my modality of giving readings is different, I too find that the typing poses a hindrance in the flow of thoughts and impressions which is a much faster paced process! Even though I am a reasonably fast typist!! Of late, I have found Skype to of great help in terms of spontaneity and mimicking a true to life reading.

I'm not sure how often there are four archangels showing up during the reading, but it sure is comforting and reassuring. In recent months, I have been drawn to the angel cards and this was one of the reasons for my asking for this reading. It has also given me valuable information to absorb and utilize over the next little while as things unfold for me.

One question that I have if you would be so kind to elaborate upon is that at least one of the cards as a reference to "… Your children in heaven" which I do not clearly understand.I'm assuming that this phrase has its roots in some mystic-thought/philosophy, which I am unaware of and unfamiliar with.I would appreciate if you can solve this puzzling phrase for me.

Love and light,


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Post by Talia » Thu Apr 30, 2015 5:12 pm

Well you have puzzled me too now. I read back and the phrase was not in my words, is this part of your wonderings about angel decks or is this a repeating thought? Do you think it is on one of the cards? if so I can carefully investigate further?  Let me know so I can solve the mystery for you :)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:07 pm

Talia wrote:Well you have puzzled me too now. I read back and the phrase was not in my words, is this part of your wonderings about angel decks or is this a repeating thought? Do you think it is on one of the cards? if so I can carefully investigate further?  Let me know so I can solve the mystery for you :)
Sorry! I should have been less miserly with words :-)

'One question that I have if you would be so kind to elaborate upon is that at least one of the cards as a reference to "… Your children in heaven" which I do not clearly understand.I'm assuming that this phrase has its roots in some mystic-thought/philosophy, which I am unaware of and unfamiliar with.I would appreciate if you can solve this puzzling phrase for me. '

I noticed that in the Doreen Virtue healing angels deck and was intrigued by that phrase. Specifically *OPAL* and *YVONNE*, the former mentions "children in heaven", while the latter mentions "pets in heaven". Perhaps it means deceased children/pets?

It was not in the reading you did for me.


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Post by Talia » Fri May 01, 2015 1:03 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
Talia wrote:Well you have puzzled me too now. I read back and the phrase was not in my words, is this part of your wonderings about angel decks or is this a repeating thought? Do you think it is on one of the cards? if so I can carefully investigate further?  Let me know so I can solve the mystery for you :)
Sorry! I should have been less miserly with words :-)

'One question that I have if you would be so kind to elaborate upon is that at least one of the cards as a reference to "… Your children in heaven" which I do not clearly understand.I'm assuming that this phrase has its roots in some mystic-thought/philosophy, which I am unaware of and unfamiliar with.I would appreciate if you can solve this puzzling phrase for me. '

I noticed that in the Doreen Virtue healing angels deck and was intrigued by that phrase. Specifically *OPAL* and *YVONNE*, the former mentions "children in heaven", while the latter mentions "pets in heaven". Perhaps it means deceased children/pets?

It was not in the reading you did for me.

Found it! Now we are on the same deck and cards, Doreen Virtue's Messages From Your Angels deck.

OK so these two cards..

OPAL  "Your children on Earth and in Heaven are happy and well and cared for by God and the angels."
Opal is a beautiful angel that is holding a baby wrapped in white wings.

YVONNE   "You have a special bond with animals. Your pets on Earth and in Heaven are watched over by angels."
Yvonne cuddles a ginger kitten who is snuggling up to her.

The two messages are different, one revolves around animals and pets and one children. I feel your thoughts are correct though, the cards typically cover all bases, being whether children are alive or in heaven and the same with pets.

I have the deck so do you have any other questions?

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Post by Talia » Sat May 02, 2015 12:40 pm

Did that make it unpuzzling or did I cause more puzzle?

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat May 02, 2015 1:12 pm

Talia wrote:Did that make it unpuzzling or did I cause more puzzle?
Thanks for confirming my *guess*, Talia :-)

However, I simply have this strong hunch that these two (different) cards, one referring to human children and the other one to animal children (pets) have way more symbolism than what meets the eye?

It might have all to do with children and pets, literally on both earthly and the Other realm, but something deeper and more abstract!

What, what what...? :-) :smt017

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Post by Talia » Sat May 02, 2015 3:36 pm

Do you have the cards to look at, is there a reason that you picked these two? All the cards have deeper meanings, and they change too depending on their position and what question they are answering.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat May 02, 2015 4:28 pm

Talia wrote:Do you have the cards to look at, is there a reason that you picked these two? All the cards have deeper meanings, and they change too depending on their position and what question they are answering.
Yes I do. Been drawn to Angel cards for several months. BTW I am not a tarot reader although have had a mild interest in it for years, as part of my interest in occultism and divinatory crafts in general. Got my DV deck a month ago and hence was drawn to your offer to do Angel cards reading.

In flipping through the deck came upon these phrases that intrigued me. So, no personal significance as such of these cards as far as I know.

Unlike the more rigid structure utilized and recommended by practitioners for the traditional tarot cards, I found fewer such for the Angel cards and so was intrigued and drawn for that reason too towards this deck. I had been presented with an Osho deck by a very dear friend some years earlier -- maybe I should rejuvenate that too! Of course these days lots of creatively proliferating decks are being produced such as the nakshatra based deck and many more.

Astrology which is my primary preoccupation is extremely rigid in terms of rules and other technical perspectives. I notice that many jyotish-pracs get so embroiled in the rules mechanically that they forget that like other divinatory crafts that one is primarily based on symbolisms and essentially is a language just like any language the sole purpose of which is description and communication.  :smt020


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Post by akido » Sun May 03, 2015 3:43 am

Hi Talia,

Just wondering if you are still open for an angel reading and if I can still request for one.

Recently as shared in the board, I had trouble with 3 close friends. I am wondering if it is possible to be together again and how can I make it possible. It seems due to changes last week we aren't gonna see soon again.

Color i love will be navy blue and same birthday as shown in the profile.

Thanks for the time and more insights. It will help me build our friendship again.

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Post by Talia » Sat May 23, 2015 12:05 pm

Just to let you all know I am still here and willing to give readings :)

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