Dream about a war, kitten,

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Dream about a war, kitten,

Post by Sladejake » Sun May 24, 2015 9:40 am

My first dream was I was in a ww2 setting. And I was surrounded by soldiers. And I was killing a lot of them. And they were all trying to kill me.

My next dream was I found this little kitten and I picked him up and I tried showing the cat to my dog. And it kept biting my dog's nose. I started getting angry at the cat so I threw him against the wall. And he ran into the other room. I followed the cat to find that he had turned into my dog. I then took my guitar and started beating the dog. I don't really know why I did this. But yeah.

Would love to hear your interpretation.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon May 25, 2015 1:35 am


I am sure that our resident dream interpretation expert Rook will give you much more detail about what each dream symbol is likely to represent in your waking life.

My first impression is that your dream is in some way related to the ongoing large scale war or conflict between your more assertive (standing up for your own rights) male inner self (symbolised by the dog) and your more submissive but nurturing female inner self (symbolised by the cat).

WW2 in the dream is used mainly for dramatic effect, although some of these inner conflicts may seem like a large scale war to the affected person. The dream soldiers were perceived to be a threat to you (you feel surrounded and trapped), and you understandably feel the need to defend yourself by killing them before they kill you.

Especially at your age men and women (boys and girls) often undergo a period of psychic conflict between doing what they feel is the best thing for their own self respect, and what society feels is acceptable behaviour.

Standing up for your own right to decide what you feel is the best course of action to take (being assertive) is always a very good thing.

If you continue to allow people to walk over or violate your right to decide what is best for you or you think that other people will always know better than you do, you are effectively turning yourself into a mouse or a human doormat for people to ignore or wipe their feet upon.

While being assertive is always a positive quality, being unnecessarily aggressive and constantly fighting with other people and forcing your opinions upon them because you think that you are always right and conversely everyone else is always wrong is always a bad thing or negative quality.

As parents we are always walking a thin tightrope between doing what we feel is best for our children or teenagers or young adults, and violating or interfering with their rights to make their own mistakes and hopefully learn valuable lessons from them as a result.

And in response to what parents do often with the best of intentions to protect those whom they love most, children, teenagers and young adults are always walking a thin tightrope between being more assertive towards their parents without at the same time being openly aggressive and violent, and seeing everything which they do to try to guide them in a better direction than the one in which they are presently going as a thinly veiled attempt to violate their rights to live their own lives as they choose to.

It is often (but not always) easier for an individual to find the right balance between being assertive and aggressive with his or her parents, once he or she is no longer living under the same roof as they are (the family home) and once they can become increasingly financially independent of their parent's income.

You are (interestingly) so angry at the cat for standing up for its right to defend itself against the dog, that you throw it against the wall. You may be symbolically angry at the female more submissive part of yourself for constantly defending itself against the more assertive and even some times more aggressive male part of yourself? But when the soldiers attacked you, you defended yourself. Why do you not equally give the female part of your personality the right to defend itself?

If your female part is not allowed the right to express an opinion and defend its right to exist, it could mean that the male part of your personality will eventually become increasingly aggressive and uncontrolled, and potentially ruin any chance of you having a workable relationship with your parents in the future. The male and female personality parts must both work in cooperation and reasonable harmony with each other, for your overall personality to remain properly balanced.

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Post by Sladejake » Mon May 25, 2015 11:59 am

Yeah, I guess my relationship with my mother has been a bit rocky. And I can't really express this anger in any type of way so it might just be building up.
The cat wasn't defending itself from the dog. I was trying to make the dog and the cat friends. But the cat didn't want to be friends. So I got frustrated with the cat and threw it against the wall.
Then chased it into the other room and it turned into a dog. I then took a guitar and just started beating it.
Sorry, I know I didn't write the dream about correctly the first time. So it's my fault for misinterpretations.
As well as being assertive. I'm starting to choose music as a path and such and I'm actually playing an open mic tomorrow night. And so, that's how I'm being assertive.

But I'm having violent dreams and such lately. For example last night. I had a dream that the joker, from batman, was sticking a blade in my mouth. And then I managed to take the blade. And I stabbed it into his face. But after I did that he said "Nope." As if that wasn't going to hurt him. So I pull his head back and then I slit his throat. It was very, very vivid.

Any interpretations of this?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue May 26, 2015 12:30 am

The cat wasn't defending itself from the dog.
Clearly it was attempting to defend itself against the perceived threat of the dog, by biting it on its nose. You were trying (unsuccessfully) to stop any conflict between them by getting the dog and cat to accept each other as friends, and not as enemies.

Because this did not work straight away you became so frustrated with the situation that you threw the kitten against the wall which is a rather extreme and likely to be ineffective way to bring peace between them, but your patience with them was rapidly running out.
Then chased it into the other room and it turned into a dog.
This was because the only way that the cat (your feminine side) could feel that it had any chance of defending itself was to become another dog (more equal). This would be the same as saying that the only way to stop any conflict between the male and female part of your personality would be for you to completely suppress or stop the female part from expressing itself, and become unnecessarily aggressive towards your parents as a result.
As well as being assertive. I'm starting to choose music as a path and such and I'm actually playing an open mic tomorrow night. And so, that's how I'm being assertive.
No you have misunderstood the meaning of the word assertive, as I am using it.

Making up your mind to choose music as your path and playing an active microphone are conscious decisions on your part, but they could only be used as an example of you being assertive if one or both of your parents tried to stop you choosing music as your path or tried to stop you playing that open microphone tomorrow night and you stood up to their attempts to interfere with your decisions and actions, and would not allow them to continue to dictate to you.

If however you were rude to them and told them where to go and started throwing punches at them, that would not be you being assertive. That would be you being aggressive towards them. Being assertive has the potential to reduce conflict, but being aggressive only promotes more aggression from them in defence of themselves, and therefore further conflict in the future.

Unfortunately your dreams/nightmares may continue to become increasingly violent, until you begin to understand the message contained within them, which is what I am trying to explain to you. Your dreaming mind is using drama and horror as a way of finally getting you to sit up and take notice.

Once you have correctly understood the messages and have applied the knowledge gained from them in your waking life, the nightmares will be no longer needed and they should then quickly disappear by themselves as a result.

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Post by Rook » Fri May 29, 2015 6:20 am

Hey guys

Don't have a lot to add to this post.  Just to highlight what EoT says about the cat turning into the dog, this to me is a key part of the dream and relates to:
to stop any conflict between the male and female part of your personality would be for you to completely suppress or stop the female part from expressing itself
And here in lies why the cat turns into a dog.  By supressing your emotional state you will end up with an unbalanced masculine aspect to your personality.  This may create bigger problems to deal with than handling the masculine/feminine conflict, hence why you go at the dog with the guitar.  Perhaps it will also effect your music?

I guess in the broader scheme of what you guys are discussing regarding the conflict regarding life path - the balanced man will be assertive regarding the path he wishes to take, but his inner-kitten will give him compassion and understanding for his parents point of view, even though this might bite his anger on the nose.  

You know Charles Dicken's mother didn't want him to write books.  She wanted him to get a proper job (same as that zombie in the other dream).  His mother unknowingly tried to rob us of some of the greatest books of all time, but out of love for her son, she didn't want to see him starving in the slums.  Thats not a bad thing.  And I think Charles knew it, even though it presented significant conflict between him and his mother as well.

The future is foggy - you know that.  But you have choices to make.  Will you become a zombie like the rest of us, or walk boldly into the fog, axe in hand, belting out tunes like a horrific baby-man, pouring your soul into our world?

Others may influence you, but ultimately the choice is yours.

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Post by Sladejake » Fri May 29, 2015 8:33 am

Thank you! I'm so very grateful.

I really appreciate these interpretations. Yeah I have been playing music at open mic nights and writing more songs and such. I have almost 40. I wouldn't say they're all good. But it shows I'm writing.Just trying to write as good as possible. And since I have been doing it I have made some friends who have a lot of connections and they're willing to help me and jam out with me and write songs with me. So the future is looking exciting because I decided to push myself.

But I really appreciate the responses.

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