Reading for yk_srk

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu May 28, 2015 12:58 pm


I am sorry to have to tell you that your chances of being given a Vedic Astrology reading are not looking very good at present, as none of the regular readers are currently available to take your request, and I cannot see this situation improving anytime soon.

You are of course quite welcome to continue to wait patiently for one of the other members to take your request instead, if you really want to.

While you are waiting for an astrologer, would you also be interested in having a psychic reading from myself in order to help you to answer the same question (in the psychic reading forum)?
I will choose the second question, whether to move out or stay with parents.
It is not meant to replace a vedic astrology reading. You can have both.

Please let me know in your response to this message whether or whether not you would like to accept my offer.

I will not be offended if you feel that a psychic reading is against your beliefs, or you simply do not want one. I will leave it entirely up to you.

Once I have your reply (and if it is yes) I will send you a private message with further questions which will need to be answered, before the reading can go ahead on the other board.

I apologise that you have already been waiting so long, and that ultimately I was unsuccessful with the best of intentions to arrange a vedic astrology reading on your behalf.

It was not due to any lack of effort on my part.


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Seeking Answers to Unanswered questions.

Post by yk_srk » Fri May 29, 2015 7:01 am

Dear EoT.

Thanks for your offer.
I will gladly take it.

I would really appreciate if you would continue to knock some more doors on my behalf. Also if you could take the two original questions instead of one, that would be icing on cake.
I know I am being greedy here. Hope its not too much to ask for!


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:02 am

One question that is really troubling me is whether I am in a right marriage or not? Another connected question is Should i move out of my Parental home or wait till dust is settled?
Yes I am OK with answering both questions in the same reading, as they are I feel closely related to and dependent upon each other.

I will now send you that private message, which I said that I would.


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Being assertive vs Being aggressive

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:23 am

Back again!

All my readings come with a warning that you should never base an important decision entirely on what a reading says. And it would be difficult to imagine any decisions more important than those you are about to make. Particularly as you have only been married to each other for three months.

Using numerology on your DOB as provided, your life path number is the master number 11, with the digits adding up to 2. Your life path number is believed by numerologists to be the most accurate and reliable method of determining your major challenges and life lessons.

It gives us a summary of your most likely personality strengths or weaknesses at the moment of your birth. Of course during those 30 years since you were born many factors could have potentially modified your personality profile, so if something in the reading does not seem to apply to you, it is not so much a mistake as it is the consequence of you having already reached your 30th birthday.

Master number 11 means that the lessons and challenges of the life path number 2 are to be learned at a more advanced or greater difficulty level when compared to the average LPN 2 individual. This is both bad and good news. The bad news is that it probably means that your life is going to be more challenging than most, but the good news is that if you learn your lessons well then you will get through them faster and you will possibly therefore not need as many lifetimes to be able to complete the list.

People such as yourself with an LPN of 2 do not cope very well with conflicts and disagreements. LPN 2s often tend to want to try to please everyone and usually end up pleasing nobody, especially themselves. They will do virtually anything in an attempt to keep the peace and  avoid having an argument with those people closest to them.

Sometimes this being the peacemaker approach works OK, but most of the time it only appears to make matters significantly worse than they already are. One main effect of always agreeing with people no matter what you think is the right or best thing to do is that it turns you into a human doormat for people to wipe their feet on and with LPN 2s being extremely sensitive to even the slightest sign that people are interfering with or manipulating them, this frequently leads to them resenting and perhaps hating the well intended opinions and advice of the people whom they love most.

So they will often throw out the baby with the bathwater or immediately throw out any advice given to them simply because it comes from somebody else. Instead of listening to the advice and carefully considering whether it is good advice and if the other person might be right at least this time, before automatically discarding it as worthless. LPN2s do not like to be proven wrong (few people do), but if you never take any calculated risks or never allow yourself to make mistakes, you will never achieve anything which is important to you (such as a reasonably happy and life long marriage).

Living as a married couple within your parent's home is a matter of survival and of financial reality. I am told that this is a fairly common practice in your country, and that therefore your living arrangements are not that unusual. Your marriage is still in a very early stage, which means that it will need whatever help and support is available while you are both getting used to living with each other. Much of that help and support can come from your parents, but when you are living under your parent's roof, you do have to largely follow their rules as much as is humanly possible.

But with your oversensitivity to outside interference and possible manipulation, their rules and what you and your new wife might want could be the complete opposite of each other. Which could in turn cause more marital arguments, as your wife questions why you do not stand up to your parents, and tell them that you have the right to make your own decisions as a couple but that at the same time you still love and respect them.

Firstly you are definitely married to the right person (a soul mate). You are in the best possible marriage for a person who needs to learn to more effectively balance accepting help and advice sometimes with becoming increasingly independent. You are clearly in the right marriage and extended family situation to give yourself the maximum chance of learning your life lessons well, at an advanced level of mastery. So at least for the immediate future (next 6 months) you will need to remain living within your parents home.

Use this time as a golden opportunity, for you and your new wife to both learn to find the right balance for you between on one hand loving and respecting your parent's rules and opinions with it being their home, but on the other hand becoming increasingly independent of them. Stand up for your right to make your own decisions, but learn to recognize that some arguments are not worth having.

Live to fight more important battles and have it out with them on another day. Do not always avoid conflict at the cost of your own self respect and the respect of your wife, but do not go out looking for problems or a fight. Problems or challenges will often find you, without you actively encouraging or attracting them. Be increasingly assertive and independent, without making enemies of your wife and your parents.

This is no easy task which is ahead of you, but fortunately with you being a potential future master of these lessons, you have been given by your Creator whatever inner and outer resources (which includes your parents and their home) you will ever need to eventually rise above and ultimately be victorious over your many life lessons and challenges. Which is the best possible news which you could ever hope for or expect from any psychic reading. IMHO

All the very best of life and love to you, to your wife, and to your entire family.


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Seeking Answers to Unanswered questions.

Post by yk_srk » Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:20 am

Thnaks a Lot EOt!

Much appreciated.

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