Dream about beating dolphins in a parking lot.

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Dream about beating dolphins in a parking lot.

Post by Sladejake » Sat May 30, 2015 12:16 pm

I had a dream that I was in this parking lot and there were these dolphins just everywhere. And me and a group of people, I didn't really know any of them, but we all started stomping and trying to kill the dolphins for fun. The one I was beating started bleeding from it eye and blow hole.

My next dream was when I was in some sort of movie theater themed restaurant. And I was eating. And there was this very ugly, old, creature looking thing. That kept grabbing at my arm. And he wouldn't stop. And it was really annoying. Then I told him to stop and that he was annoying me and he did.

My other dream that I remember, is me climbing up this really big tree and deciding to build a tree house at the top. Then a giant monster knocked the tree down. And I feel into this swamp type land. And there were these really tall, slender creatures that would teleport in front of me when I tried to run away.

Really strange dreams lately. Would love to hear your interpretations.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat May 30, 2015 10:40 pm


Unless you had two or more of these dreams in the same night, which would greatly increase the chances of them being related to each other or of them sharing a common theme, it is probably more efficient and less confusing for us to attempt to interpret one of your dreams at a time, per posting.

Sweet dreams,

EoT  :smt015

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jun 01, 2015 2:07 am

To dream that you are in parking lot suggests that you need to slow down, and take some time off from your daily activities.
To see a dolphin in your dream symbolizes spiritual guidance, intellect, mental attributes and emotional trust. Dolphins represent your willingness and ability to explore and navigate through your emotions. To dream that a dolphin is injured or dying indicates feelings of despair. You are feeling disconnected.
You and all the other people (who you do not recognise) in the parking lot are beating and stomping on and attempting to kill these beautiful creatures, who are defenseless (especially with them not being in water).

I believe that you are presently having all of these strange dreams mainly because of your age and your stage of life. And also because you are male.

For many generations there has been an attitude among men in general (which is thankfully disappearing with each passing generation) that intuition, becoming more aware of our true spiritual nature and expressing and dealing with our emotions was and will always be only for women.

There was even the implication that if you listened to and used your intuition, if you explored your spirituality or you admitted in public that you have feelings and you cry, that you are NOT a real man.

While these attitudes are not as common in your generation as they were in mine, there is a theory that as we grow up to hopefully eventually develop into mature and independent adults, that each of us must at some point in his or her life confront these attitudes, and decide whether or not having and applying them would be beneficial to our growth and development as both spiritual and human beings.

Evidently one of the best ways and places for us to examine these attitudes and their most likely consequences in more detail, is when we are dreaming. Which means that these strange and sometimes violent dreams do not mean that something is wrong with you.

Indeed they indicate that you are undergoing a perfectly normal and healthy psychological transition in the direction of becoming an adult. It is better to do this sorting out process in the relatively safe environment of your dreams, where doing this cannot possibly harm anyone, when compared to doing it in your waking life where it might hurt a lot of people.

So in summary your dream as described represents a normal, healthy and primarily male stage of your development towards eventually becoming a man, where you are sorting out and looking at the potential consequences of holding onto negative attitudes towards your own intuition, exploring your spirituality, as well as allowing yourself to experience and express the full range of your human emotions and feelings.

It is probably significant that you are no different or better than any of the other people in the parking lot when it comes to your apparent cruelty and heartlessness towards these highly intelligent and noble creatures, although in the final few words you are beginning to show the dawning of empathy in realizing that by beating the life out of the dolphins, you are in turn symbolically becoming increasingly disconnected from your own inner guidance, spiritual Self, and your feelings.

This should eventually resolve itself without any further intervention by either you or anyone else. Things are already moving in the right direction, and I believe that there is no valid reason why this shift towards greater self love and self understanding should not continue to its almost inevitable conclusion.

I will leave interpreting the other two dreams to someone else.  

EoT  :smt020

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Post by Rook » Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:40 am

Hi Slade

I could possibly draw a connection between the baby-man and the old looking ugly creature grabbing at your arm.  That would be to say this part of your psyche - the inner upset child - is effecting your actions, which annoys you.  You want it to stop, and from the dream implication - it will.

The third dream - all I can think of is minecraft.  Haven't quite got my head around this one in terms of symbols just yet.

Will sleep on it.


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