An odd daytime dream...

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An odd daytime dream...

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat May 30, 2015 2:37 am

Had an unusual dream this afternoon! I typically take a short nap (15-20 min) during the day if I feel tired, but today I was feeling weary and did a 150 minute *number* ( = trouble ahead sleeping tonight...:-(  )

I was in a house (mine in the dream, but not similar to any I have lived in or visited) and it was near a street which was visible from a corner window. I could sense and see people moving there. I notice a large man-hole (as opposed to a hole in the ground). At several points I examined the hole from a distance and while curious about it, was not overly curious even though it seemed odd. It was about 100 feet deep and did not have any steps or ladder. Deep below, it seemed fairly large and seemed to have doors (leading to??). Though I could not see any lights or bulbs down there, it was not dark. At a few points I could sense/see people down below in uniforms and apparel similar to those worne by astronauts (although not as bulky).

A sense was there that it was a storage facility of sorts, or perhaps a sub-terranean control-room (electricity-related). More than curiosity there was a concern that the hole was so close to the busy street with no covers, pilons or warning lights etc. Anyone could fall into it!

Then oe day, I see out of the same window a fully grow tree near the hole and lot of activity in the area. I come out and see that the hole is filled with loose dirt and gravel (yellowish-brown as opposed to the usual grey-black kind). Who filled it and when and why? NOW my curiosity had risen way more than while the *empty man-made engineered, uncovered hole was there all this time*!

I see rows and rows (40-60) of cameras on the ground surrounding the filled-up hole. The sense was there that those belonged to the press, but there was no reporter around. Just a few folks who appeared to be workmen in hardhats squatting behind the cameras and drinking coffee or tea. They had no equipment (other than cameras and flashes on the ground) or even shovels or a pile of left-over gravel or soil (filler). They were about a dozen strong and the sense was that they were not adequate to do the massive filling of the hole and seemed like they were waiting for instructions from their supervisors who was/wre not at the scene.

Rather odd dream making no sense to me whatsoever or that I could associate with :-?

I was as weary when I woke up and the sleep did not refresh me at all :-(

Any inputs etc., folks...?

Thanks in advance,


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Post by Rook » Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:35 am

Hi Rohiniranjan

Here is what I see.  According to Jungian psychology what happens underground is generally associated with unconscious processes.  Looking down into this hole you notice that there is some sort of orderly work going on down there, and that it is illuminated, you can see quite clearly down there even though it is underground.

What this says to me is that you are aware of some sort of unconscious process going on behind the scenes.  This could be some sort of automatic response you have developed.  I am not sure what it is in relation to exactly; but you seem concerned it could cause a problem (the open manhole, no ladder in or out).

The dream then skips to this unconscious process becoming fully conscious.  The hole in the ground has become a tree above the ground.  It has changed from a man-made (subconsciously automated) response to a natural conscious response.  This is why there is no hole anymore.  The workers in hard hats who were previously busy underground now sit and wait til you (who has become the supervisor) tell them what to do.

As I said, I am not sure what the previously unconscious response was in relation to, so can't really shed adequate light on exactly what it is referring to.  There may be some clue I am not seeing.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:26 pm

Thanks a bunch, Rook for your time and effort. I shall provide a more detailed feedback soon. :-)



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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:04 pm

Rook wrote:Hi Rohiniranjan

Here is what I see.  According to Jungian psychology what happens underground is generally associated with unconscious processes.  Looking down into this hole you notice that there is some sort of orderly work going on down there, and that it is illuminated, you can see quite clearly down there even though it is underground.

What this says to me is that you are aware of some sort of unconscious process going on behind the scenes.  This could be some sort of automatic response you have developed.  I am not sure what it is in relation to exactly; but you seem concerned it could cause a problem (the open manhole, no ladder in or out).

The dream then skips to this unconscious process becoming fully conscious.  The hole in the ground has become a tree above the ground.  It has changed from a man-made (subconsciously automated) response to a natural conscious response.  This is why there is no hole anymore.  The workers in hard hats who were previously busy underground now sit and wait til you (who has become the supervisor) tell them what to do.

As I said, I am not sure what the previously unconscious response was in relation to, so can't really shed adequate light on exactly what it is referring to.  There may be some clue I am not seeing.


Hi Rook,

Once again thank you very much for your input and the time and effort that you applied to this request. While waiting for response/es to my posting, I had been thinking a bit about this dream that I had. Here are my thoughts, in addition to yours:

A few key points were my sense of detached curiosity (when I saw the hole in the ground) in the dream. Also, the concern about the folks moving about in the street (traffic) who could possibly fall in the deep hole which was there unprotected and without displaying a warning so close to where they were wandering about! Also, I felt it was an important point that the hole was outside my house in the public space.

Although I am a divinator (astrological counsellor), observing and studying human nature, behaviour and attitudes is a close preoccupation of mine. For some time in recent past I had been thinking about these things quite intensely and some of it probably entered my dream reality. The deep hole, as you mentioned, probably represented the subconscious/unconscious framework of the nativities that I counsel. The curiosity represents not simply my personal curiosity but also exploration into these pursuits (curiosity at some level). The hole placed just outside personal space in the public space (street) has an obvious symbolism as you can well appreciate! Though not well lit, the symbolism of my being able to see the bottom of the well is a no-brainer as well. As were the closed doors,? Storage/control areas and a sense of workmen occasionally seen in astronaut suits (symbolism being in their masked appearances. I don't believe this was a futuristic dream about extraterrestrials : –)

The symbolism of the hole at one point getting filled up (with gravel hence still not quite 'finished' indicates resolution of the problems of the nativities (though still requiring more work on their part, as generally is the case).

The workers in the hardhats are not the ones at the bottom of the hole but representative of the nativities who have received the instructions (during the reading) and their "coffee break" symbolizes their procrastination. The cameras signifying reporters who are missing could have some significance or they might just be elements of little consequence and significance but theme – fillers or props consonant to the dream story line. I'll think a bit more about that. Just prior to my siesta in which I saw my dream I was browsing through some hobby sites on photography and some of that might have spilled into my dream : –)

Anyways, thank you very much for interpreting this rather curious dream of mine which arrived a few days ago.

Love and light,


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Post by Rook » Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:15 am

Brilliant! It expresses your concern for others, from the house looking out on the public street / outside world as being others outside yourself. I haven't picked up on that previously.

I am wondering about the procrastination though. The sense I feel from reading the text is the sense is they are not up to the task due to a lack of knowledge, not lack of effort. They are awaiting instruction. The lack of knowledge may be that the information hasn't sunk in due to "hard-headedness" hence the hard hat.

The media could be an expression of your desire to see what happens, but there is no one there to report on progress (symbolic of no means to get information on their progress)?

Thanks Rohiniranjan, your feedback has provided a great learning experience.

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Post by Rook » Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:15 am

Brilliant! It expresses your concern for others, from the house looking out on the public street / outside world as being others outside yourself. I haven't picked up on that previously.

I am wondering about the procrastination though. The sense I feel from reading the text is the sense is they are not up to the task due to a lack of knowledge, not lack of effort. They are awaiting instruction. The lack of knowledge may be that the information hasn't sunk in due to "hard-headedness" hence the hard hat.

The media could be an expression of your desire to see what happens, but there is no one there to report on progress (symbolic of no means to get information on their progress)?

Thanks Rohiniranjan, your feedback has provided a great learning experience.

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